Monday, September 10, 2018

Salt and Light (Bible Study)

Matthew 5:13-16

 “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet.
 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.  Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house.  In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

Children (Bible Study)

Provers 13:1

Intelligent children listen to their parents
Foolish children do their own thing
Children hold tight to your parent's teachings.  For they will become useful as you grow up, and travel the road of life

Fun on the water

Waves boat
Bobs up and
Down while floating
Fun on the water
Jetski on waves
Plowing through
The surf


A mighty down pour
Rivers overflow thier banks
Much flooding happens

The Gardener

The Hay dances in the breeze
Theground is rough
Hurtting my knees
As I plant another garden in the ground

The sun is hot
It makes me sweat
The flies are annoying
I haven't swayyed one yet

I plant these seeds
All in a row
I plant them well
Hope they grow


Along life's path
For you will become a better person


Love is a strong emotion
Love can conquer all of life's ills
So strong is it's ways


Life is a rose
Don’t let death destroy
It’s blooms

Life is a journey
Take a walk
Enjoy the view

Life is a challenge
Take it on

Life is a lesson
Learn something new

Life is a test
Take it
Pass it


I’ll praise my lord
Until the very end
No matter the strife
Life has put me in
He is Lord and Master forever

He’s the truth
He’s the way
It is in him
I will forever stay
Never will I back down

He is my Lord forever
He always makes me better
He’s my savior

His light shines bright
Deep within the dark
Shining straight to my heart
He’s my friend
I’m glad to know him
He saved my life
From major strife
I have no fear
Whenever he is near
He has captured
My heart

I worship a savior
Who is honest and pure
I have no doubt
My life is secure

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

River of the mind

On the river of the mind
I am floating down a stream of memories
Good times with friends
Good times with family

The waters grow rough
I get turned
I get tossed
Memories of hurt
Memories of hate
Enter my mind

Why can't they all be good
Why can't the river stay calm
We cherish the good memories
We must learn from the bad ones

Faith (Holy Teaching)

“The tree which fills the arms grew from the tiniest sprout; the tower of nine stories rose from a (small) heap of earth; the journey of a thousand steps commenced with a single step.”
Jesus said that if we have the faith even the size of a mustard seed, we can do great things

Caring (Holy Teaching)

Christ taught for the individual to care for their neighbor, we have been endowed with a responsibility for our fellow man, not for the sake of a celestial reward but out of pure benevolence

Living With Purpose (Bible Study)

Romans 12:2 
Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, however be transformed by the renewing of your mind, then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is.
It is so easy to get all caught up in the world around us.  With all the technology it is easy to want to put your Bible on the shelf and forget about God.  However God calls us to not conform for there is a reason for your life (and it is not to have the latest electronic toy.)  God gave each and everyone of us a job to do while on Earth.  For some it is as simple as being a friend to someone who needs one.  To others it could be to be a pastor.  Still others are called to help those in other countries.  God has given us a job, and I know life seems like a long enough journey to get it down.  Don’t just sit around half your life doing nothing, Because life is shorter than you realize.  Get up start filling your purpose.

Holy Water (Bible Study)

John 7 :37-38
Jesus said "If anyone thirsts let them come to me and drink, Whoever believes in me as the scripture has said out of their heart will flow rivers of living water."
Jesus water comes through the Holy Spirit and it never dries up


The pain
The blood
The physicality of it
Wasn't enough to bring feeling back
But this incessant hunger
Finally set the wheels in motion
And emotion came rushing back
First a trickle,
Then a flood
And though
I know
Some will disapprove
I can't go back to that


Raindrops fall from sky
The plants drink up the water
Refreshes the land

Like the wind blowing

Like the wind blowing
The soul travels just has free
ignoring all else

Go on a Quest

Go on a quest
A quest of self discovery
Go to your limits
Go even further


I love you so much I can't see staight
I love you so much it hurts me
The power you have on me
Wont let go of it's grip

Life Exists

Life exists gleefully
Upon the human mind
Thoughts that exist only as branches
Of emotion and feeling
That are only an expansion
Of one’s
True self
True spirit
A peak into one’s
Eternal soul

Life is an expansion
Of oneself
One’s own existence within the world
Creates life

Life’s joy
Life’s pain
Life’s lessons
Are all a big exploration
In who you are
Why you exist

Explore your existence
Expand your mind
Express yourself


God does not care about the color of your skin
God does not care about your gender
God does not care about social status
God cares about your soul

God does not care how tall or short you are
God does not care about your past
God does not care if you are young or old
God cares about your soul

Christ Is Lord

Jesus Christ you are my king
I will honor you over everything
You saved my life
From sin and strife
So my praises
To you I rise
Jesus Christ is lord
Jesus Christ is Lord


Life is to short enjoy it while you can
Life slips by very quickly
Make the most of it

I'm Sorry

Damn the answering machine again

Hi Sara
I know I'm the last person
You want to hear from
Eaven though we broke up
I know it was my fault
You don't have to say it
I think I should be able to say I'm sorry
To you
Your answering machine

I screwed up
I let you down
I know saying I'm sorry
Won't change anything
But I should be allowed to say it anyway

So if you are willing to talk
You have my number
Call me

Step into a new adventure

Step into a new adventure
Journey into the unknown
Discover new
And strengths

Step into a new adventure
Challenge yourself
Stretch your limits
Break down bounderies

Step into a new adventure
Hold nothing back
Go full force
Go to new hieghts

Step into a new adventure
Follow your heart
Follow the path
Find where it leads

Step into a new adventure
Believe in yourself

The Song

There is a song in the air
Where it comes from I know not where
 It’s as nice as fresh fallen rain drops and as sweet as soda pop
The words I do not know, but the tune is old and yet some what new
Like something shared between me and you
In a time so long ago and a land of fallen snow
The voices sing as the wind picks up
 Now joins in a chorus of ducks
 The song sound as sweet as honey dew
 The leaves dance in chorus as if they had been strewn
 The song lifts up to a higher place, but leaves me with
 a smile on my face
Then I leave to go on my way.
 Down the path to a glorious day


Let the rain fall on me
Re-energize me
Wake me up
So that I am productive

Re-juvenate my spirit
Open my soul
Let pure energy pour forth

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...