Friday, April 30, 2021

The Candle

 A candle shines for the fallen

The candle is placed on a piece of wood

The little 'boat" floats downstreem

The candle still glows bright

As it is carried along

Finally the piece of wood goes over the falls

The candle is extinguished in the mist below

The flame of the candle may be gone

But the meaning behind that flame never will 

Human Race

 Life is like a jigsaw puzzle 

And all the people of the world 

Are pieces in that puzzle 

When we join as one human race

What a colorful picture we make

Monday, April 26, 2021

Truly Free


Life unfiltered 

Life unhindered 

Life free

That is truth

The ultimate truth


Many want to bind you

Hold you down

Try to control you



Things that keep you from being free

Truly free

The tight iron fist

Wrapped around your neck 

Choking off the air

Life is ment to be lived

So why are so many telling you otherwise 

Saying "unless you believe a certain way, your life is worthless."

Saying "Unless you act a certain way your life means nothing."

It is all bullshit to try and control you

Trying to get you in the grip of what is considered normal 

Guess what

Who cares

Be yourself 

Don't listen to what they say

Be silly

Be joyful 

Have fun

Live life

Live your life

Be happy with it

Life's to short

Enjoy it while you can

Enjoy it your way

Be free

Be truly free

Two Nightmares

 I am sitting in church listening to the sermon    when suddenly blood starts trickling out of my ears and down my cheeks.  I look around, it seems no one else has noticed.   I try to get out of the pew, but it seems I am stuck somehow.   By this time however it has turned into rivers of blood gushing out of my ears.  Still no one has noticed.   When all the blood has flowed out. I slump forward hitting my forehead on the pew in front of me.

I am helping may dad gather up some stray cows.  When I have a heart attack and roll down the hill I'm on, landing face down in the creek below.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Three Kisses

 I kiss you three times with great passion. 

The first kiss represents our past together.   The path we have traveled together. Seeing us through both the good and the bad of life's long journey. 

The second kiss represents our present.   Taking the lessons we have learned along the way. To form a better stronger union between our hearts and souls.

The third and longest kiss represents our future.   Our Hope's and dream as we continue to walk hand in hand down life's path.  Sure there will still be bumps in that path at times, as there always have.  We will come through those times stronger in love and faith for each other.  We shall continue life's journey together until there is no journey left upon this Earth.

Football idea

 Here's an idea I had.  Since they have the NFL.  I think they should have a NBYFL (National Backyard Football league).  No helmets, no uniforms,  no rules or regulations.  Just people playing football in their backyards.  Families could compete against each other.   Neighbor hoods could hold tournaments.   The winners of those could go for city champs, then statewide,  and national.  Sounds like an awesome idea to me.  What do you all think?

Music and Poetry

 Music like poetry

Is the voice of the soul

A yearning for freedom

A cry for the purest form of self

Music like poetry

Identifies us as individuals

A true expression

Of who we are

Of what we feel

A true emotional release

Music like poetry 

Opens flood gates

Of emotion waters

Every note

Every line

Every cord

Every stanza,  verse, and chorus 

A true out pouring of






Music like poetry 

Has the power to transcend time and space

It transfers us to another time and place

Simpler times

Quite times

Times of upheaval and rebellion 

The memories flow

With each note bestowed upon our listening ear

Music like poetry 

Defines us

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Be who you are

 Be who you are

Don't let others stand in your way 

Let your creativity shine 

Express yourself 

Let people hear your voice

Hold nothing back

Go head let it out

Your creativity 

Your work

Your voice 


Be who you are

Let your creativity shine

Written word

Spoken word

Preference arts


Be who you are 




Everyone has a voice

Let it be heard 

I Want To Be Friends

 I want to be friends 

To share in each other's lives 

To celebrate the Joys 

To help you overcome life's pain

I want to be friends 

To walk life's journey together 

To witness life's wonders 

To enjoy life in all it's  glory

To cause a little trouble at times

But mostly

To let each other know

You are not alone

You have someone to talk with

You have someone to confide with

We are there

For each other

Sunday, April 18, 2021

The Man

 Does it make you feel more like a man

To push me down

To put me down

No matter how many times I get up

No matter how many times I pick myself up

You are always there

To throw me down

To beat me down

Back into the mud

Does it make you feel more like a man

To belittle me

To squash 

My dreams

My hopes 

My very existence 

Does it not matter yo you

That we are both human

We both make mistakes 

No you just see the ones I make

And forget your own

Three Nightmares

 In the first one.  I wake up and go into the bathroom feeling normal.   However when I look in the mirror.   A skull looks back at me.  I look down to see that I have last all skin and organs.  I find myself nothing but a skeleton. 

In the second one .  I have my shon and organs , I go into the bathroom to take a shower.  However when I turn it on nothing but blood pours from the showerhead.  I turn on the bathroom sink, again nothing but blood pours forth,  the same with the Kitchen sink.  

In the third and final one.  I get up to take a shower, not suspecting anything.   As soon as I step into the shower.   I start feeling heat.  As I look down my feet had melted to the floor of the shower.   Then the rest of my body starts melting and sliding toward the floor.  At the end I am nothing more than a gooey glop upon the floor of my shower.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

I wish

 I wish I could tell you

How much I love you

Maybe that's my problem 

Trying to say in words

What I should be saying with my heart

Friday, April 16, 2021

The light

 A light shines in the darkness 

Just a spec

But it shines all the same

Never loose sight of that light

May it guide you through life's worst moments

Keep sight of the light

May it be a beacon through life's fog

May you reach the light

May you conquer this world

May you fear no more

Thursday, April 15, 2021


 When I was 13, someone asked me what I want to do in the future.   I told them I wanted to be alive.  They laughed, but I wasn't kidding.   I had just gotten over a brain tumor a few months before that.  I  knew life would throw something else at me at some point, and knew I would end up in the hospital again.   I had no idea when this would happen,  but knew that it would.

    I am 40 years old now.  In that time I have been hit by a car, while trying to cross the street in Springfield,  plus have had two seizures.   So if I am ever asked the above question again.  My answer shall remain the same. Because I know life will hit me again


 Love is like a flower of great beauty and value

The petals open so you can view it in all it's splendor and majesty

Cherish what love has for you

For it can be taken away in the blink of the eye


 Music opens doors 

To the heart and soul 

The mind speaks

The soul speaks

When the voice can not

I may be a Christian

 I may be a Christian 

But I'm not perfect

I have shortcomings 

I have failings 

I have a darkside and a temper

I may be a Christian 

But I'm not perfect 

I get angry

I have a bad mood sometimes 

I may be a Christian 

But I'm not perfect 

And you know what

That's alright

That's ok 

God's not done with me yet

I still have a long way to go

Before I get to Heaven 

So I may be a Christian 

But don't accept perfection 

It ain't going to happen 

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Stubborn Love

 I won't change for your love

You refuse to  change for mine

Two stubborn souls

Hand in hand we go

Putting our differences aside

To share this moment 

To share this time

As eternity stretches out before us

Hand in hand

Step by step

The moment is now

We both say I do

We both kiss

To the cheering of the crowd

The waitress

 She is beautiful 

As she waltzes across the floor

Delivering trays, wiping tables, and more

Here and there she moves

Taking orders

Handing out food

Like an Angel 

Full of grace

Weary on her feet

But a smile on her face

An Angel she is

No wings

Yet she flies

Yet she soars

An Angel 

In human form

Friday, April 2, 2021

Charlie’s (The best bar and grill in the Galaxy) (Janine’s Story)


Hello Janine here. Many of you have asked for me to tell you about the accident that cost me the use of my legs. I have decided to tell you now.

The planet Kubota is 90% water. It only has one land mass, an island named Kubo. . Kubo stretches out 100 miles long, 200 miles wide, and has a horseshoe shaped cove in the middle on its west side. The inhabitants of Kubo have pointed ears, razor sharp pointed teeth. and could both live on the land and in the water when needed to. Normally a peace loving, gentle planet. With plants and wildlife of great beauty and majesty, Then the invasion happened.

An alien race of greater power and technology forced its way into the peaceful lives of the inhabitants. We found out later that the invaders had made deals with space pirates and the space mafia to keep them supplied with weapons. The attack was brutal and intense and fast, taking the peace loving people by storm.

Now the inhabitants do know how to defend themselves, and have a militia for times such as this, but they knew they were out matched as well as outgunned. So they sent out a distress signal for the help of the galactic army. When we arrived on the planet much had already fallen due to the fight.

A few months after joining the fight, and shortly before the end of the war. We got word that there was a bomb in the Elementary school. It was a one story building made of brick. Two of my fellow soldiers and myself entered the school. While they went in search of the bomb, I went throughout the school sounding the alarm, and getting people out. Just as I was bring a little one out I tripped and fell in the entrance tossing the child into the air. The small child was caught by a fellow soldier and thus was safe
I on the other hand got buried beneath a pile of rubble because the bomb had gone off and the entire entrance way came down around me. I was buried and knocked out cold. When I woke up again I was in a medical hospital. The Dr. on staff told me I was lucky to be alive, but then said that my legs had been crushed by the weight, and that I would never walk again. A fellow soldier that was at the site said that the two soldiers who went into the school with me. Didn’t make it out before the blast. But did tell me that most of the kids and staff made it out safe

I was awarded the “Infinity badge of Honor'' for my efforts and declared a hero. In my acceptance speech I thanked them for the honor, but stated that I didn’t feel much like a hero. My two fellow soldiers who did not make it out of the school. They were the true heroes. The few students and staff who went back inside the school. Looking for people trapped inside, and thus not getting out before the explosion. They were the real heroes. I was just lucky.

The next few months after leaving the hospital I fell into a deep depression. I stayed with my friend Brenda and her husband. Brenda and I talked a lot. I kept telling her that I know I am engaged to be married to Charlie, but that was when I could walk. I really started to doubt if Charlie would want to marry someone in a wheelchair. Brenda kept encouraging me and told me that Charlie loved me and always would no matter what.
Despite all her good talk, my emotions spun out of control.

Then one day there came a knock on Brenda’s front door. Brenda answered the door then told me I had a visitor. Charlie walked into the living room, I was shocked to see him. He sat down in the chair next to me, took my hand, looked me in the eyes, and told me that he loved me, and that he missed me, and he had been counting the days till my return. He also said that he could understand the doubts I had about him accepting me, but told me that those thoughts were fruitless and that he still wanted to get married to me. I told Charlie that I was ready to go home.

Charlie and I went back to my dad’s Restaurant together. Planning for the wedding went into full swing. Mom and dad were shocked to see me in the wheelchair, and had a million questions for me, but I asked them to respect the fact that I did not wish to talk about it at the time.

Finally the day of the wedding came, dad pushed me down the aisle, and gave his little girl to be married. Charlie even sat in a chair during the service so he didn’t have to bend down to kiss me. story)

Hello Janine here. Many of you have asked for me to tell you about the accident that cost me the use of my legs. I have decided to tell you now.

The planet Kubota is 90% water. It only has one land mass, an island named Kubo. . Kubo stretches out 100 miles long, 200 miles wide, and has a horseshoe shaped cove in the middle on its west side. The inhabitants of Kubo have pointed ears, razor sharp pointed teeth. and could both live on the land and in the water when needed to. Normally a peace loving, gentle planet. With plants and wildlife of great beauty and majesty, Then the invasion happened.

An alien race of greater power and technology forced its way into the peaceful lives of the inhabitants. We found out later that the invaders had made deals with space pirates and the space mafia to keep them supplied with weapons. The attack was brutal and intense and fast, taking the peace loving people by storm.

Now the inhabitants do know how to defend themselves, and have a militia for times such as this, but they knew they were out matched as well as outgunned. So they sent out a distress signal for the help of the galactic army. When we arrived on the planet much had already fallen due to the fight.

A few months after joining the fight, and shortly before the end of the war. We got word that there was a bomb in the Elementary school. It was a one story building made of brick. Two of my fellow soldiers and myself entered the school. While they went in search of the bomb, I went throughout the school sounding the alarm, and getting people out. Just as I was bring a little one out I tripped and fell in the entrance tossing the child into the air. The small child was caught by a fellow soldier and thus was safe
I on the other hand got buried beneath a pile of rubble because the bomb had gone off and the entire entrance way came down around me. I was buried and knocked out cold. When I woke up again I was in a medical hospital. The Dr. on staff told me I was lucky to be alive, but then said that my legs had been crushed by the weight, and that I would never walk again. A fellow soldier that was at the site said that the two soldiers who went into the school with me. Didn’t make it out before the blast. But did tell me that most of the kids and staff made it out safe

I was awarded the “Infinity badge of Honor'' for my efforts and declared a hero. In my acceptance speech I thanked them for the honor, but stated that I didn’t feel much like a hero. My two fellow soldiers who did not make it out of the school. They were the true heroes. The few students and staff who went back inside the school. Looking for people trapped inside, and thus not getting out before the explosion. They were the real heroes. I was just lucky.

The next few months after leaving the hospital I fell into a deep depression. I stayed with my friend Brenda and her husband. Brenda and I talked a lot. I kept telling her that I know I am engaged to be married to Charlie, but that was when I could walk. I really started to doubt if Charlie would want to marry someone in a wheelchair. Brenda kept encouraging me and told me that Charlie loved me and always would no matter what.
Despite all her good talk, my emotions spun out of control.

Then one day there came a knock on Brenda’s front door. Brenda answered the door then told me I had a visitor. Charlie walked into the living room, I was shocked to see him. He sat down in the chair next to me, took my hand, looked me in the eyes, and told me that he loved me, and that he missed me, and he had been counting the days till my return. He also said that he could understand the doubts I had about him accepting me, but told me that those thoughts were fruitless and that he still wanted to get married to me. I told Charlie that I was ready to go home.

Charlie and I went back to my dad’s Restaurant together. Planning for the wedding went into full swing. Mom and dad were shocked to see me in the wheelchair, and had a million questions for me, but I asked them to respect the fact that I did not wish to talk about it at the time.

Finally the day of the wedding came, dad pushed me down the aisle, and gave his little girl to be married. Charlie even sat in a chair during the service so he didn’t have to bend down to kiss me.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Color by number