Monday, May 31, 2021


 I reach out to hold you

I call your name


You are not there

For you have chosen another 

I am alone

I cry in sadness

Night sky

 The stary night

The gentle breeze 

I'm so lucky to have you here with me

To hold you close 

To kiss your lips

As the heavens move above us

Graves 2

 Upon their graves the flowers grow

Line on line

Row on row

They fought for freedom 

They gave there all

When the enemy struck

They answered the call

Their lives they gave

Their lives they layed

Once they felt love

Were loved

Saw sunset glow

Once they had families 

Played games

Built crafts

A poet

A songwriter 

A Baker 

The list can go on and on

They fought

They gave

Eternal sleep

Within these graves

Sunday, May 30, 2021


 Jesus is my Lord and King

I praise him over everything 

He sustains my life

From so much strife

Let the anthem ring


God of glory and honor


Peace and love galore 

No matter what comes my way

I will always stand and say


I love you more and more 

When Satan tries to stop my tracks

You dear lord shall hold him back

Evil has no hold

Greatness to behold

My love for you be told


God of glory and honor


Peace and love galore 

No matter what comes my way

I will always stand and say


I love you more and more 

Saturday, May 29, 2021


 Sometimes I feel like I've died

And left to spend eternal damnation 

That is this town.

Friday, May 28, 2021


 The Roses bleed red

To honor the dead

So others could live free

They fought

They died

Giving their lives

For a cause greater than any

They loved and were loved




They felt Joys 

They felt pain

Now beneath the Earth they lie

A reminder that even freedom has price

A toll they gladly gave

Even if it meant a grave

Friday, May 21, 2021


 To cry

To cleanse the soul

To wash clean

To start new



Physical and emotional scars 

To cry

To heal

To move on

Forever home

 A tear escapes my eye

As I realize your gone

Lost forever in that void beyond

Never to hear your voice once more

We lived

We loved

What sweetness there was

We laughed

We cried

We comforted each other

The good

The bad

The happy

The sad

Moments in time

Lost forever when you died

Memories is all I have left

Until my day comes

That I leave this world 

And join you once more

In our forever home 

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Hold out your hand

 Down in the dirt

Life run you down

Can't get up

Due to the weight of it all

Hold out your hand 

Jesus will help you stand 

Let him be your crutch 

When it gets hard to walk




Thought life was grand

Thought nothing would go wrong 

Hold out your hand 

Jesus will help you stand 

Let him be your crutch 

When it gets hard to walk

Loss of friends 

Family desert you

Life is unfair sometimes 

Kicked around

Dreams destroyed 

Nothing worth looking for 

Hold out your hand 

Jesus will help you stand 

Let him be your crutch 

When it gets hard to walk

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Your love

 I got a poisoned heart

The only antidote is your love

IIn the garage

He is just a man in his garage 

Beating on his drum

Then with a rift

A guitar joins in


Horns blasting out the tune

People swaying

Music jamming 

People dancing along

Shouts and cheers

Clinking glasses

Laughter and merriment 

The house rocking 

Music playing 

People enjoying themselves 


All to soon

The vision fades

He is back where he started from

A man in his garage 

Beating on his drum 

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Amazing grace

 Amazing grace I praise your name

Though life sometimes scares me

You are the light in the dark I've found

The hand that reaches out to save me

Amazing grace how true you are

Whenever I call you answer

You are the greatest friend to me

Though I call you Lord and Master

Amazing grace you lead me on

Even when the way's unclear 

You help me smile through life's pain

So I may walk with cheer 

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Passion for life

 Don't let it die

The joy

The passion

Of this thing we call life

Express yourself

 Express yourself 

Explore your true nature

Don't hide who you are

Rejoice in it

Celebrate it

Contribute to the world around you

Express yourself 

Sound your voice

Don't let people stand in your way

Don't let people push you down

Be yourself 

Be proud 


Friday, May 7, 2021

My Heart

 My heart 

Beats in time with your soul

My heart

Bleeds to know you

You are everything to me

My life 

My comfort 

My solid foundation 

Without you I tumble into darkness 

With you there is no light

Shine upon me

Show me that I am not alone

In this world

My heart 

Beats in time with your soul

My heart

Bleeds to know you

Thursday, May 6, 2021


 Rather playing music or writing the words to a song

Like writing a good poem 

It opens a window to your soul

And let's your truest nature come forth

Wednesday, May 5, 2021


 Fully dark




Gone for all eternity 


A spark

A light

Just a pinprick in the darkness 




A choice 

A chance 

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...