I love you
Only me
With all my heart
With all my soul
With the truest part of my humanity
You're on my mind all day
I dream about you all night
You have impacted my life that much
My true love
My one and only
My forever
Writing poetry and short stories to let people take a peek inside my mind. I also do videos, take pictures, and like to cook and share tips on cooking
I love you
Only me
With all my heart
With all my soul
With the truest part of my humanity
You're on my mind all day
I dream about you all night
You have impacted my life that much
My true love
My one and only
My forever
How do you say goodbye
To someone who touched your heart so
With a love of depths untold
How do you say goodbye
What words are worthy enough
To truly express how you feel
How do you say goodbye
How do you say how important they were to you
Is there even such words that exist
How do you say goodbye
When your world is falling apart
You have the world's largest broken heart
A child is born and grows
Experiencing everything life has to offer
Making friends
Playing games
finding oneself
Learning to ride a bike, a skateboard, or scooter
The teenager and young adult
Falling in love
Learning to drive
Taking the first job
Joining school clubs
Graduatind high school
Getting to know the rules of life
Learning the conquences of breaking them
The fall of life
Living and barely getting by
watching your children go through their seasons
Start a family
Raising kids
Getting older
Slowly falling apart
The winter of life
The coming end
The final walk
The eternal sleep
The end
We must speak up
Not keep our mouths shut
It's all around us
Yet we keep quiet
People are calling
Asking for help
We turn a blind eye
Nevermore I say
The time is now
Speak up
Let your voice be heard
Speak for the homeless living on the street
Speak for the hungry with little food to eat
Speak for those with no shoes on their feet
Speak for those who cannot speak
Speak for those to scared to Speak
I cry in the rain
So the falling water can wash away the pain
I cry in the rain
To cleanse my soul
We are stardust
We are golden
Dreaming our dreams
Reaching for our goals
Never backing down
Standing in the face of disappointment
Moving forward
Never looking back
We are stardust
We are golden
Standing up for what we believe in
Fighting for what is right
Taking on oppression
Protecting those who need it
Defending our rights
Not letting anyone not even the Government
Take them away
We are stardust
We are golden
We are dreamers
We are warriors
Flower child
Tree huggers
Call us what you will
We fight for humanity
Against the oppressive nature of this world
Life is a journey
Nobody walks the same path
No matter what some people may tell you
Find that path ment for you
Once you find your path
Follow it
Stay on it
No matter how the world tries to pull you off that path
No matter how much the world tries to tell you that you are following the wrong path
No matter how much the world tries to tell you that the only way to be truly happy is to follow it's path
Stay on your path
Follow it
Leave the world behind
Your path
Your dreams
Your life
Don't let the world get involved
As I look at the stars above
As I look at space in all it's infinite glory
I realize someone whose mind was bent
Came along and stole my tent
Buy they left everything else
I am lying in the gutter once more
From a love that will be no more
She left me for another guy
Man, I feel I want to die
Instead I drown my sorrows with each drink
Now lying here in the gutter drunk and asleep
When I share with you my love
Please don't think it trivial
I mean it for all eternity
Even if we part
My love for you never will
Early morning fog rises
As I stand in this river fishing pole in hand
The water is cool as it passes around my knees
The water sparkling like diamonds in the Early morning sun
A slight breaze blows through my hair
The morning is quiet except for the sound of my casting
A deer wanders by on the far bank
Birds fly far above
It is a good time
Even if I catch nothing
Just time to think
Time to be one with nature
Time to relax and just let the busy world go by
Once a year they haunt the streets
Dressed in costumes looking for treats
All for fun
All for games
Once a year they haunt the streets
Trick or treat is their cry
You can hear their voices far and wide
Soft and low
Boisterous and loud
One by one
Or part of a crowd
They come bag in hand
Little tykes in a happy band
Comicbook heroes
And so much more
Candy to be had
Who gets the biggest score
Once a year they haunt the streets
Little kids
Seeking treats
Across the rainbow and on through the woods
A magical land there is
And many more come out to play
They sing and dance
They eat and drink
Laughing and joking all the while
Among the
And streams
They go about their merry ways
The animals of the forest don't mind
To come and play to
Food and drink
The magical creatures play
I want to dance with you
Just to share a few moments in time
Two step
Line dance
What ever you want
Just a few moments in time
A lifetime of memories
The hounds of hell are
What do you do when all the bullies from your past come to haunt you in your dreams?
Hug your teddy bear, roll over, and go back to sleep.
Night after night
Bad dreams and nightmares
Waking me up
Sometimes it is just a matter of remembering where I am
Before I can go back to sleep
Sometimes I need to write down that dream to get it out of my mind
Then I go back to bed and wait fo sleep once more
Sometimes it feels like I am awake for hours just lying in bed
Before sleep returns
Fire rises from the eternal pit
A hand reaches for
Draggs me under the Earth
Fiery shadows all around
Heat so hot my skin melts
Painful and dry
Dark laughter is heard all around me
Put I see nothing
Everything is hiding in the shadows
Then I see him
Satan himself
Full of hated and evil
Full of greed and pain
I can't make out any detail
Because he is always in a deep shadow
He starts yelling at me and whipping me with a mighty big whip
He tells me that I get personal torture from him for eternity
He states that such an arrangement was made just for him
He beats me and tortures me in every way imaginable
And also in ways the human mind can not even dream of in its worst nightmares
Where he expects me to cry out in pain
I sing praise songs to God
Where he toys to break my spirit
He fails
On and on for eternity
Satan tortures me
I praise God
After awhile Satan asks why I sing
I look at him and with a smirk on my face I tell him
I'm going to make sure we both suffer for eternity
Orders given to me from God himself
Before one of your demons dragged me here
The bell tolls
For the lost soul
A creature from hell
Comes to collect what belongs to it
A rotten skeleton
Covered in a black cloak
Fire in its eye sockets
Breathing fire through it's mouth and nose
Carrying two things
In one hand a glowing glass jar
Big and massive
For the souls it collects
In the other hand a deep sounding bell
It's tone heared throughout eternity
For those who are about to leave the land of the living
They want to control you
The Government
All wanting to destroy
Your spirit
Your soul
Your life
They try to control you through fear
Telling you to believe this and you will be saved
Telling you to do this and you will be spared
Using fear to get you to do what they want
They control you
You don't think so but they do
They will stop at nothing to destroy the individual within
To turn us all into mindless drones to do their biding
Come my friends and sit a spell
Goblins, gouls, stories to tell
Blood and girl witchcraft to
Wizards, dragons, headless horsemen
Fog mornings and stormy days
Stay awhile
I got stories for the whole day
Pirates and seamonsters
Mysterious islands and sunken ships
Treasure and the open sea
Spaceships, adventure, aliens, and more. Black holes, laser fight, light swords. Imagination at its best
The mind races as I think of it all
Listen to my tales
Sit awhile
Come one, Come all
Jesus is a friend of mine
To know this is not hard
For we have been friends for a while and
never plan to part
loves to see me smile and helps me when I am sad
and he knows just what to say to make me
glad again
He is a friend so faithful everything in
him I trust
He never will forsake me so I love him
all the more
After hearing all these things all of
which are true
know he is a friend to me, but is he a friend to you
Two hearts aflame with the passion of love
Forbidden to be together
Due to family dispute
Two hearts aflame with a fire
But stuck between waring families
Together they must fight all odds
To bring their families together
For now
They meet in secret
For now
They have each other
They have hope
Two hearts
That wish for an eternity together
Two hearts
Yearning to be one
Two hearts
Reaching out for each other
Two hearts
In a forbidden love
The heart is a mighty warrior
Able to handle whatever comes it's way
The heart is also a gentle poet
Ready to pour out and reveal it's truest self
Beaten by her husband
Abandoned by the one she loves
Broken hearted
Half crazy from being betrayed
She runs out to the shoreline
Throws herself into the ocean
And drowns
For thousands of years after
She roams the shoreline at night
Never resting
Always moving
Until the sun comes up
The next night
She walks again
there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...