Tony with the four hubcaps and the car of doom
The car keeps breaking down
Leaving Tony in a state of gloom
Writing poetry and short stories to let people take a peek inside my mind. I also do videos, take pictures, and like to cook and share tips on cooking
Tony with the four hubcaps and the car of doom
The car keeps breaking down
Leaving Tony in a state of gloom
Little star
Why am I still single
Thus this far
Tell me now you Son Of A Bitch
Why I'm the only one in the family
Still not hitched
Poetry doesn't have to be pretty words
Poetry is pure human emotion
It can be mean
It can be hateful
It can shed tears
And be painful
Poetry is life
Let your words express that
I love you
Though I can not say so
I'm afraid of rejection
I'm afraid you'll laugh in my face
I'm afraid of being broken once more
I have tried to show you my intrest
I have tried to show you my true feelings
I can never say how I feel
Everytime I try
My thought tightens up
I break out in a sweat
I stutter
I love you
I wish the words came easy
I love you
I may not say it
But it's true
We lay together
Side by side
Exasperated by the
Passionate love making
Exasperated but full of energy
Our bodies were one
Our heartbeats were one
Everything clicked
Everything work
Passionate love making like no other
The rhythmic movement of our bodies
The fire burning in our soul
Higher and higher we climbed
Tighter and tighter we held each other
Like we were afraid of losing each other For all eternity
Finally the deed done
We lie back against the pillows
We sleep
Friends around a campfire telling stories.
Some scary
Some funny
Some just strange
Soon they will sleep
The next day a new adventure
Now They are just friends
With stories to tell
Many times my memories float toward you
And what we shared together
Since we part
I've been lost upon the waves
The fire of love had turned cold
Chilling me to the bone
The spirit of love has departed from me
No mass
No mass at all
Just a hollow shell
Love has gone
Love has gone
I sit by my phone
Waiting for your call
You said you'd call back
So here I've sat
For the past two days
No Foo has passed my lips
No drink down my throat
Here I sit
Here I hope
You said you need so.e time to think
Think about us
Think about what we mean
Soul searching Is what you've done
Where do I stand
In your life anymore
You said once you've figured things out you'd call
That was two days ago
My hair grows long
Still I wait for some sort of news
Let the cobwebs grow around me
By the phone I continue to wait
Until I hear from you
Tangy sweet
Spicy hot
Alway a treat
And more
Eat, eat, and eat some more
Wiping sauce off your chin
The smell off charcoal
Makes you grin
Backed beans
And other sides
Eating in
Stand up for peace
Stand up against injustice
let your voice be heard
Stand up
Question those in charge
Don't follow
Just because they tell you to
Ever lasting peace
Is not just a dream
It can be a reality
We just have to want it
Have I given up on love
Why should I continue to put myself out there
Just to have my heart ground into the dirt
My heart's in search of love
My heart's in search of peace
My heart's in search of you
Please be in search for me
Snowball fights
Snow angels
Snow forts
So many ways
To have fun on snow days
Take your pick
Have a blast
You are a soul
Searching for your place in life
Trust in yourself
Let nothing stand in your way
You shall soon find your place
Look inside yourself
Believe in yourself
Strive for your dreams
Don't let anything hold you back
Take your pick
We gather around the table and play
Soda to
Friends all the way
The shuffle
The slap of the cards
Laughing and joking as we play
Chating along
While the cards play their song
Sometimes the emotions run high
Sometimes the emotions run low
But with friends like you
Memories are made
White blanket upon the ground
Quite and calm
Time to play
Build snowman in the yard
Snowball fights
Imagination takes flight
Of kingdoms and long lost worlds
Believing in the doubters and the haters
Being dragged down to their level
Don't Stop Believing in yourself
There is nothing
And I repat NOTHING
You can’t do if you believe in yourself
Reach deep down inside
Find that fire within
That drive forward
Go for it
Reach for the stars
Don't throw me away with the trash
Don't discard me
My lovevis forever
My love is true
Give me time
I'll prove it to you
The rainbow of peace hangs high in the sky
It's not that difficult
Let's give peace a try
Laying down our weapons
Walking hand in hand
Spreading peace and love
Throughout the land
Respecting each other
Getting along
No fights
No wars
Singing peace's song
You light up my life like never before
Opened the closed door
That was My heart
Your light shines so bright within me
There is no shadow
The darkness has been banished
Never allowed to return
They say
Only death can tear us apart
I say
There is nothing
Not even death
can separate a love as strong as ours
Our love will last throughout eternity
and beyond
If we are allowed
Walk with me
Talk with me
Share with me
Your hopes and dreams
Your Joys and your pain
Your laughter and your tears
Share with me
Your heart and soul
Give me a glimpse at the person within
I am a captive to your love
Hold me in the prison of your heart
And throw away the key
I am yours now and forever
Through the good times
As well as the bad
To travel life's road hand in hand
Greeting life's Joy's together
As well as
Meeting life's challenges together
Together as one
From now
And throughout
there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...