Sunday, July 31, 2022

Frightful Night

 Turn out the lights

Start the frlights

With the nightmare screams in your head

Blood runs thin

With the vortex spin

Makes you dizzy again

Blood stained pillows 




You try to sleep

But you hear The creak

Coming from down the hall

Your heart beats fast 

You may not last

As visions of ghosts come through the wall

Blood stained pillows 




They fight

 They fight to keep us free

They fight to keep us safe





Coast guard 




I salute you and thank you for all you do

Truck driving

 The highways and byways 

Hills and mountain passes

Small towns and big cities 

My truck and I have seen it all

The freedom of the road

As I haul my load

To the next stop

America passes by

One mile at a time

As I ride along


Deep forests

Covered bridges 

Roadside sculptures of all types 

Traveling down the road

Talking on my cb. radio

Making friends everywhere I go

Drop off my load

Pick up another 

On the road once more

I live in my truck

My home on wheels

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

While the building burns

 We dance

The roof falls

we dance

Fire everywhere

Smoke rising high

People running away from the flames

We dance

To share this moment in each other's arms

gliding across the floor

The building falling around us

We dance on

Then when the fire consumes us both

For eternity we dance

News from the front

 A war oversea

The military called

My husband answered 

Leaving our children and myself behind 

Fighting for freedom 

I hope he's alright 

Waiting for news is the hard part

Is he alive

Is he dead 

Each day I dread

I don't know until I hear  something 

I hope each day that he's safe

The kids do to

Still we wait for news






Slowly going crazy 

Waiting for news

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The time is near

 Trick or treat 

Costumes and candy


Haunted houses


One of my favorite times of the year

Ghost stories

Jack o lanterns

Haunted Hayrides, some even through graveyards 

Haunted corn mazes

Haunted pumpkin patch

The fun

The joy

I want to go

 I want to go to the land of 

Tropical drinks


Ocean wave

Catch the surf

Walk the turf

Be out in the sun all day


 A field of sunflowers blowing in the breeze 


  A little spice here

A little flavor there

I love to cook

Being in the kitchen 

Creating delicious food

Smells throughout the house

Testing so good

The sizzling of the pan

The clinking of glasses 

The stirring of the pot

Music to my ears

Monday, July 25, 2022

Roses are Red

 Roses are red

Violets are blue

With a face like yours you belong in a zoo 

Don't worry I'll be there to

I'll be your cellmate 

Hi my name is Sue

Twisted Jack and Jill

 Jill let Jack go up the hill

Jack gave Jill a little thrill


 Rainbow in the sky 

I'm going to find the pot of gold, on the other side 

Sunday, July 24, 2022


 We shared our lives together 

Both the good and the bad

You chose another 

Leaving me alone and sad 

Take a walk

 Get out

Enjoy the world around you

Hike through the woods

Enjoy nature 




Wild animals 

Just a few of the sights


Wild flowers

Wild berries 


The woods are a great place to be

Hike around town 



Local art

Street preformers 

Hike along the seashore 

Let the waves wash upon your feet

Hear the sound of the waves

Crashing on to the shore

Find seashells 

Get out

Enjoy the world around you

Friday, July 22, 2022


 I smile 

When I want to die

I laugh

When I want to cry

So the world around me

Don't see that I'm hurting inside 

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Brothers in Arms

 We come from different backgrounds and upbringings

We come from different walks of life

But trained together we have

Friends, Amigos, Compadres we have become

Sharing life's journey with each other

Now here we are

The battlefield and the enemy waits

Let's give them all we got

Then give them more

Some of us may not make it back

I will not lie and say otherwise

But you shall never be forgotten

Soldiers we are

This is what we trained for

We knew the cost

We may not share the same blood

But brothers we all are

Now let's go out there and kick some ass

The Dragon

 50 feet tall

200 feet long

Wingspan of 400 feet

Covered with scales

Skin as thick as armor

Breathing fire at it's foes

Claws as sharp as razor blades

A massive monster

Burning towns and steeling livestock

Knights have fought with it

Knights have died

An unstoppable creature it seems

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

The leaf

 I am the leaf

Floating downstream 

Without a care in the world

Tuesday, July 19, 2022


 Good music is therapy for the soul

I am a

 I am a....


How do I describe myself

I know I am something

But what

I have shape

I have structure

But of which I have never seen

What am I

Really where to start

I know I belong

Just not sure where

I am a...


I don't know

Stars in the sky

 Stars in the night sky.  Like a giant blanket covering the Earth

Monday, July 18, 2022

Beach Stroll

 I want to stoll along the shoreline together

Sharing our hearts, minds and souls

Getting to know each other 

To the very core of who

We are, to each other 

Where we are in our lives

and decide where the

future is leading us

As we plan our

Forever Together 

Sunday, July 17, 2022

My Guitar

  My guitar bleeds

With every note that I play

Weeping with the sadness 

Of the song I play

My guitar feels my pain

More closely than any human

I have cried with it

And I have bled with it

My guitar is my constant friend 

My constant companion 

Together we have traveled many miles

Together we have shared life

The Dark Tower

 Follow the path of the turtle

Follow the beam

The Dark Tower looms before me

A place where

All realities 

All worlds

All galaxies 

And all universes 

Come together 

The tower rises high 

Into tha heavens

And beyond 

They say there is a winding staircase 

Going ever upward

On each floor is a portal 

Each one leads to a different 




This is only what I have heard

For I have not been to the tower myself 


With ever step forward 

The closer it gets

Saturday, July 16, 2022

The Pond by Renee Moore and Tony Anderson


Once upon a time, two frogs were sitting on a log in the pond.  Talking with each other about their next meal.  so discussing the possibility of leaving the pond one day.  They were wondering what they would find if it would be hard to find food.  when a baby turtle it's head up out of the water in front of them.  They turtle had been listening to them and agreed to carry them on the back of his shell.  They were scared to leave the place they had known all their lives  However the smile on the baby turtle's face gave them the courage to face their fears.  So the frogs climbed onto the turtle's back, and they set off.   

          The first thing they saw was an Alpaca.  What is this strange creature the Frogs thought.  The Alpaca lowed it's head and in a deep voice introduced itself, and the other animals on the farm.  They all agreed that the cows sounded like quite a sight.  So they went to the fields to find them.  On the way, they passed the farmhouse.  The little farm boy was spooked because he had never seen such creatures before.  The mother joined her son.  Just when the frogs spoke.  Hello, we did not mean to spook you.  then told the child and his mother, that they should visit the pond sometime,  It's such a lovely place.  The mother and child agreed to visit the pond.  The trio found the cows.  You have very nice leaves to eat here.  said the turtle as he began to snack.  The cows agreed and after a small snack, the cows told their guests all about their part of the farm. 

          They thanked the cows for the tour, and went back to the pond. Just as a camera-crew started seting up.  They gave a tour of the pond for the camera-crew.  A fish jumped in the background.  That's flash he likes to show off, one of the frogs said.  At that time some wolves showed up.  The camera-crew knew what to do, and sent thhose wolves running.  All the creatures in the pond settled in for the night.  Now the most famous and protected pond in the world.  They had a good sleep.  In the morning they were surprised at all the people who had come to visit them.  What a difference a little visit to the farm has made!  They thought, and greeted their new visitors.  Some bears came out of the woods, but they were friendly, and just wanted hugs.  It took some convincing, but eventually the scared camera-crew came back and hugged them to.  Everyone had snacks and chatted.  The camera-crew got to learn all about life in the woods and meet the cows and Alpaca.  The pond animals, farm animals, and human visitors have a weekly get together

What's love got to do with it

 What's love got to do with it?


If there is not love in a friendship 

Why be friends

If you don't love life

Why live

If you don't love you partner 

Why be in a relationship 

Love is all around us

In every aspect of our lives

It runs threw our veins 

It keeps us alive

Thursday, July 14, 2022

All I can do

 All I can do is tell you I love you, and try to show you how much I care.

   The next step is up to you.

Fun with Stephen King Books

 Pennywise came after Carrie in Salem's Lot

Carrie used The Shinning to call her dog Cujo

Cujo entered through The Rear Window, and destroyed Pennywise

Carrie left with Cujo in Christine, toward the Dark Tower

Where they met Randal Flag and the man in black

Carrie Met Roland and together with Cujo

Saved the Dark Tower

Mean while in the city of Atlantis

A never ending game of hearts is being played on the collage campus

And a young man named Pete Riley falls in love with a

Young woman named Carol Gerber

Their relationship dosen't last

Carol moves back home to take care of her sick mother

Pete gets arrested at a protest rally and ends up in Shawshank prision

Pete meets Andy and Red, together they uncover Corruption and Conspiracies

Later Pete helps Andy and Red escape

Pete, Andy, and Red wind up in Mexico where they live the rest of their days


 Butterfly lands on

top of the flower softly

Many colored wings

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Spin the bottle

 Spin the bottle 

Who will it be

Spin the bottle 

Who will kiss me

Priestess of the Dragons

 She was known as The Priestess of the Dragons

For she could control them at will

And that she did

Long black hair

Red fire blazing eyes

She stood tall and slim

Long finger nails that came to a point

She used dragons as she saw fit

Here are a few of her deeds

Used them to destroy villages and towns

Used them to wipe out whole armies

Used them to kidnap people

She was evil

She was nasty

She was mean


 Blood flows red

Buises are black and blue

If you hurt my wife

That's what I'll give you


 What did I do

I can see you're annoyed 

What did I do

To make you feel this way

Did I do something wrong 

Did I make to much noise like a gong

I tried to help

I tried to reach out

You shut me away 

What did I do

I can see you're annoyed 

What did I do

To make you feel this way

Since the sun came up

You have seemed pissed at me

Drop me a clue please

What did I do 


Was it something I didn't do

Was it something I forgot 

Please tell me

So I can correct it 

What did I do

I can see you're annoyed 

What did I do

To make you feel this way

This silent treatment is driving me mad

That's your plan

You won't tell me what I did 

So you're just going to shut me out

And let the silence slowly eat away at me

What did I do

I can see you're annoyed 

What did I do

To make you feel this way

Monday, July 11, 2022

Poetry sharing

 You asked me over to your house

You shared with me Your poetry

You shared with me Your heart and soul

So enlightening and passionate 

Each word floats into my ears

Planting itself upon my soul

Your wards opened Heaven's door

Your words brought me straight to Hell's gate

Truth in your poetry 

Pure and simple 

When I shared with you my poetry 

I could see you were just as captivated 

My words like yours

Opened doors and pathways for you

When we were done

We rest

Exhausted but energized 

So happy to share with each other

Mind, heart, and soul

Mother Earth

 Mother Earth weeps 

For what we have done to here

This world

Once beautiful and lush

Now a wreckage

Or building, highways, junkyards, and chemicals

This world 

Once full of life

Now stinks of decay

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Wash me

 Let the rain come down

Wash out my soul

Clear away the brokenness 

Make me whole

Saturday, July 9, 2022


 Fireworks in the air

Bursts into pretty colors

Sparks fill up the sky

Does she love me

 She loves me

She loves me not

I took a chance

Told her how I felt

She didn't reply 

We just sit in silence 

Staring at each other

She loves me

She loves me not

This waiting for a reply is driving me crazy

Did I say something wrong 

Did I hurt her feelings

Does she even have feelings for me

Does she love me

Does she love me not

I poured out my heart and soul

Thought I was clear


A gleam In her eyes

A smile 

Then in surprise 

She kisses me

Full, long, and with passion

I guess this means she loves me


 Dreamers dream the dreams, that someday may become a reality. 

Friday, July 8, 2022

Hold me

 Hold me

Squeeze me

So that all my sadness departs from me

These Old Shoes

 These old shoes

Have walked many miles

Down country roads as well as paved

Down sidewalks

Explored many trails and paths in the woods

Explored old buildings and junkyards

Parks both state and National

These old shoes

I have worked cattle in them

Have built houses

Moved Rubble

Cut wood

These shoes have seen a lot

They are old and worn out

Falling apart

Time to put them away

Time to make memories with a new pair

I am going to miss them

Thursday, July 7, 2022

The Hunter

 Early morning 

Cool, crisp air

The moon is still out

Fog from my breathing 

Here I sit with my back to a tree

Been stalking deer all morning 

Have not seen any

Following tracks on the ground

Just as the sun was coming up

I hear something in the bushes behind me 

I turn

First a rabbit 

Then another

At last a deer appears 

10 no 15 point rack

Massive build

I aim

I fire

The deer limps away

I follow the trail of blood

About 20 yards from where it was shot

I find it dead 

I go back to the edge of the woods

And grab my ATV 

I drive it to where the deer lies

I load the deer on the ATV and drive home


 Working on a farm in early morning

Has a sight to see

Heading out to check the cows

I look at the pond and see geese

Sometimes I see geese walking up the field

all in a row

Mother in front

her children in tow

The old barn

 The old Barn up on the hill

They say that it's haunted

There have been many stories

The Barn was built in the 1700s

By a cattle rancher

Him and his family had great success 

With their set up

But after his wife died

Things started falling apart

The cattle  were sold

But fires soon raged

Nothing left but the Barn

They say the rancher's ghost can be seen there

Lurking among the dust and farm equipment 

The Surfer

 The waves are a wild beast

Ready to throw you

Ready to kill

As I ride

I hope to tame that beast

To use my board

To sooth and comfort

The wild ways of the ocean

Wednesday, July 6, 2022



Down the path of life I go

Wondering where it takes me

Gathering a heavey load

Lord don't let it breake me

Praise his Name


I love Jesus

With all my heart

I pray that

We will never part

I praise

His name forever


He lifts me up

When I am feeling down

Even when I'm

Dragging upon the ground

I praise

His name Forever


Even when

I don't love myself

He pick my heart

From upon the shelf

I praise his name forever


Even when

I feel no one cares

I  know that

He is always there

I praise

His name forever

Pictures of the cows



 I was not born like many others on that day

I will not go into detail


I have been laughed at

I have been teased

All because of my disabilities

In school

Bullies would beat me up

Bullies would humiliate me in front of the whole school

Even in the restroom

I could not be left alone

I will not go into detail about this

All because they thought it was all fun

As I grew older

My bosses and co-workers became my bullies

As I tried to lead a simi-normal life

My disabilities were a thing to laugh at

Even while I tried to do my job

I have Fired from many jobs

Not because I failed to do my job

But because of my disabilities

Life goes on

I still fight with people over my disabilities


I keep fighting to prove myself

Elf on a Shelf

 Elf on a shelf

Demonic little beast from hell

As you sit there smiling

I know you're plotting my death

You may fool some people with your cuteness 

But I know better

I know the truth

Demonic beast

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

The Beanstalk

 I woke up this morning

To find a giant beanstalk in my backyard 

Reaching high into the sky

Upon investigation 

I noticed it had an elevator 

I went in and pressed up

As the elevator rose

Sweet music played 

Made me happy to listen to it

Made me relaxed and at ease 

At the top I see a giant castle 

At the castle I am greeted by a cat

A human sized cat

Wearing a cape and tophat 

In his paw he had a cane

He told me he was about to do a magic show

At the children's hospital and invited me

I went and had a good time

At the hospital

 There were children of every shape and size 

Both human and animals alike

During the show I watched him

Pull a puppy from his hat

Make things disappear and reappear 

Make a nurse float in the air

And many other tricks

At the end of the show

I said I had to go

He said he was glad I'd come

And was welcome back anytime

I left

Took the elevator back down the beanstalk 

And went home

Monday, July 4, 2022

The wedding

 As I watch you walk down the isle 

Toward me with your dad

So many thoughts consume my head

Thoughts of worry

Thoughts of dread

But none of them matter

Our future stands before us

May they be the best years of our lives

Sharing Joys

Dealing with pains

Raising a family 

Dealing with loses and gains

At the front of the Church

You stand by my side

We exchange vows

While looking in each other's eyes

Finally presented as man and wife

For all the world to see

Once more I kiss thee


 I love a good book

Easy to escape the world 

That is around me

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Wish upon a star

 I make a wish upon a star

To give to you my heart

To love you all my life

And to protect you at any price

The abandoned School

 Once a place of laughter and joy

Once a place of learning

Now roting in decay

Now falling apart

There was my math class room

There was my english class 

learned spanish there

Learned home ec there

The sairs have cracks in them

Some steps gone completely

The walls have started caving in

Part of the second floor is now part of the first

Dodgeball in the gym

Laps around the court

Basketball was played

Lockers destroyed with doors hanging open

You can see some stuff students left behind

Most however had rotted way

Desks scattered everywhere

Chalkboards fallen over

Windows cracked or missing completely

Once a place of laughter and joy

Once a place of learning

Now sad 

Touch me

 Touch me tender

Touch me true

Make me feel the love from you

Let me have no doubt that I am yours

Let me know I can always count on you

Through the good times

Through the bad times

And everything in between

Touch me with the fire that burns within

Warm my heart

Warm my soul

Prove to me you are honest and true

Help me trust again

I am so tired of being left out in the cold

Show me that you will not do that

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Dance with me

 Dance with me

Hand in hand we waltz across the floor

Step in step

Our hearts beat as one

Dance with me

Share with me this one moment in time

Together, heart to heart

Your heart beating with mine

Friday, July 1, 2022

Country star

 Twinkle Twinkle County star

It was here within this bar

That your career first came to be

Among the crowds and many drinks

Twinkle Twinkle

 Twinkle Twinkle chocolate cake

Time for you to meet your fate

You helped make my Birthday merry

Now you rest within my belly

Stand up

 Stand up for what you believe in

Fight for you rights

Don't back down

People will call you crazy

People will call you many things

Some people may turn their backs on you

Even those you have known for years

You stand anyway 

Believe in yourself 

Believe in what you stand for

Even if you must stand alone

You never know

One little light

Could start a fire

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...