Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Country night

 Sun goes down 

Stars come up

The moon big and bright 

Reflecting off the pond

What a beautiful sight

Frogs croaking at the pond's edge

Lighting bugs fly by

Twinkle Twinkle in the sky

Here we sit upon the bank

In our land chairs

Holding hands

Gazing at the stars

What perfection 

Monday, August 29, 2022

Ride and Die

 Most people say Ride or Die

When talking about friendship 

I am a Ride and Die kind of friend




Through life's highs

We will celebrate each other

Through life's lows

We will comfort each other 

Through life's flat lands

We travel together 

Through thick and thin

Til the very end

We have each other 


 A star streaks across the night sky

As I look you in the eyes

And ask you to be my forever

Sunday, August 28, 2022

I Am The Evil

 I am the evil Lurking in the shadows 

Waiting to strike

I am that voice in head 

That slowly drives you insane

I am the faceless one

The Walking dude

The man with no name

He with no soul

Torment and chaos 

Disorder and pain

The tools of my trade

As I tear down society 

And turn it into my own personal playground 


 After every storm

There is a rainbow 

The same for the storms of life

When the storm ends

Let your rainbow shine


 Depression is smiling when you really want to cry

Depression is pushing yourself to hard trying to forget the pain inside 

Depression is living when you really want to die

I could got on and on

Depression is sinking sand

Don't get sucked in

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Along the beach


I want to walk along the beach

With the waves washing upon my bare feet

Holding hands with my love


A kite in the sky

A tugboat passes by

Surfers ride the waves


A perfect day

For a perfect stroll

Hand in hand

Down the beach we go

How do I love


How do I love

Not even the stars in the night sky

Could compare with the love I have for you


How do I love

Not even the Deepest of valleys

Could compare with the love I have for you


Yes those are great numbers

But my love has been since the beginning of time itself

Long before the stars in the sky

Long before the valleys and mountains

My love was

My love is

My love forever will be


Nothing can break us apart


Once I start loving you

I never quit

We could be miles apart

My heart still beats for you

I Long For A Faith


I long for a faith not taught from a book

But rather

From the spirit

From the soul


I long for a faith not grounded in words

But Rather

In deeds and in example



Kiss me today

With all the passion in your heart

Kiss me today

With all the passion of your soul

Kiss me today

With the great knowledge of the universe

Kiss me today

And for all eternity

Only in my dreams


I love you

I hope you know that

I can hug you for eternity

Never letting you go

And this just a dream

The Cost Of Freedom


The casket is carried with an American flag draped over it

During the service they mention his bravery and honor

Both on and off the combat zone

His humor and leadership skills


After the service

He is given a 21 gun salute the honor guard

While someone plays taps on the horn

The American flag is removed from the casket

Folded into a triangle

And handed to the next of kin

Monday, August 8, 2022


 She runs at him across the field

Samurai sword ready to strike

From the other end of the feild

He runs at her

Samurai sword ready to strike

She is a hired killer

She has found her prey


It is not a normal job

This is revenge 

20 years ago

When she was But a little girl 

He slaughtered her whole family

She vowed revenge 

She trained

She practiced 

She trained some more

Honing her skills as a killer for hire

But never forgetting her promise 

Never forgetting him

Now 20 years later

The time has  ome

The meet in the middle of the field

Swords clash

A battle rages

Blood flies

Soon However

She strikes the death blow

He falls dead

Revenge has been granted

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Bobby Megee

 Every Fall the town held a race

To see who could get through the corn mazes the fastest

Bobby Megee was the winner every year

Since his first maze at age 7

Every year the mazes got bigger and more complex 

Still every year Bobby Megee won 

That is untill his the Fall after his 15th Birthday 

Everyone saw him go in the maze

But no one saw him exist it

For many days afterwards

There were many searches

But never was he found

Nor any clues as to where he might be

When the corn maze was to be torn down

They found one word scratched into the scarcrows post

It read "PEACE" 

What it ment for the young man no one knew

Did he find a way out

Was he captured by aliens 

What happened to Bobby Megee 

Still remains a mystery even to this day

Saturday, August 6, 2022


 Sit Down

Shut up

Stay in line

And on and on and on

They don't want you to think for yourself

They don't want you to stand for your rights

They want obedient  people 

Mindless drones

To do their bidding 

Smart enough to do the job

But dumb enough to be easily controlled 

They Tell You who to hang out with

They choose every aspect of your life

You mean nothing to them

Just another slave

The music group

 Little Boy Blue was blowing his horn

Jamming with The Three Little Pigs 

Grooving along

To their merry song

The place was Hopping Untill half past ten

Little Bo Peep

 Liitle Bo Peep and her sheep

Played at the jazz club one day

Peep singing her song

The sheep playing along

Groovy vibes all the way

Friday, August 5, 2022


 Rose is a beautiful flower

Rise is my beautiful daughter 

I love you both

The End Result

 She stands ready

Eyes on the sight

She pulls the trigger 

Her victim lies dead

He stands ready

Eyes on the sight

He pulls the trigger

His victim lies dead

Two people who suffered in their youth

Now cold hearted killers

Because the world has shown them no other way

They kill

They get paid

They move on

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Winters of life

 Winter has come upon my life




All gray and grim

Seems no warmth around me

How I long for the spring of life




However until that time comes

If ever

I must tred life's paths  alone

I must bear the cold

I must press on

Wednesday, August 3, 2022




I pray

In the name

Of your son my

Lord Jesus to guide

Me upon the path you

Set before me to travel

I know that sometimes will be hard

But with your guidence I can make it

In the name of Jesus I say Amen

Praise The Lord


Lord I love to praise you

For you died to set me free

I’ll gladly stand up

With those who have gone before

There is no doubt

That this is true

You know I love you Lord


Down the Mississippi

Down to Rio-Grande

I must praise you

All across this land

Though life will throw it’s punches

I shall not back away

For here along your pathways

I shall forever stay



Jesus Lord and Savior

I pray to you this day

Forgive me of my sinning

When My steps have gone and strayed

I try to walk your pathways

I try to walk your way

Please forgive my Lord and Savior

In Jesus Name I pray

Praise Jesus


I praise the Lord

For all he’s done for my life

Helped me calm my fears

Helped bring me through strife

I love you Lord

I will always sing your praise

I will sing until the end


You are my Lord

You are my King

I will raise my voice

Lord you gave me sight

When I’ve fallen blind

You’ve rescued me

When my life was in a bind

You have waken my spirit

When it fell asleep

I sing a song of joy

Tuesday, August 2, 2022


 Tears fall like acid rain

For you have left me on this day

I know you're in a world of bliss

But you my love, I'll always miss

Monday, August 1, 2022


 A good book can transport you to whole new worlds

A good book can introduce you to some great friends. 

A good book is a treasure 

Never lose it

Praise Party

 Praise music




Time for a party

Rock the church 

Praise God

The church gets to serious som 

Time to let loose 

And enjoy being a Christian 

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...