Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Enter The Candyman

 Sammy Davis Jr. has joined forces with Metallica to bring you a n3w Halloween favorite  " Enter The Candyman "

Friday, September 23, 2022

Heathcliff vs. Garfield

 Heathcliff the cat and Garfield the cat.  Duke it out in a no holds barred, anything goes wrestling match.  To finally decide who is rhe number one orange tabby

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Music fun

 Two new hits from the music world.  You've heard of "Disco Duck". You've heard of "Disco Inferno".  The two songs have joined together to become "Disco Roasted Duck"  

      Vanilla Ice and The Starlight Vocal Barnd, brings you a new hit "Wjite Rapper's Delight"

Shrek Wars

 "Shrek Wars"  watch the "Star Wars" saga unfold in a new way.  As Shrek, Donkey, Fiona, and other fairytale characters try to overthrow the evil empire.  Cameos made by Luke Skywalker and the gang

National Pulp


John Travolta and Nicholas Cage star in "National Pulp"  Travolta and Cage play hit men.  While out on a job for their boss. They discover one of their targets was looking for buried treasure,  left behind by the founding fathers of this country.  Gathering up the info, they decide to hunt for the treasure themselves.   Death to those who stand in their way.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

The Minionator

 While Gru worked in his lab on day.  A minion walks in and drinks a strange liquid sitting on one of the tables.   This started a chain reaction within the minion, of chemical and biological proportions.  In the end the minion had been changed into "The Minionator"  "Craziness will be back"


 As a small fawn, he watched hin mother get killed, and he swore revenge.   Under the guidance of his father and other woodland creatures, he trained and trained.  Now it has become time.  Meet BAMBO, this time he brings the hunt to them



He woke up one morning and found his wife missing.   A note left from her captors demanding ransom.   The captors forgot one thing.  You never piss 9ff the EASTER BUNNY.  They stole his honey bunny, and he's going to get her back.
     Trained in many different fighting styles.   Easter egg grenades and bombs.  Razor sharp swords,  and a bow with some arrows.  This bunny means business.
           This is one bad ass bunny when you piss him off.

Movie fun

 A new movie by Steven Spielberg and George Lucas 

"Michigan slim and the Temple of booze"

Let us not forget the other great works in this series. 

"Raiders of the food pantry "

" The last Keg"

" Curse of the crystal skull mug"

Teenage Mutant Ninja Hamburgers

 I am master Ronald McDonald.  I teach the Teenage Mutant Ninja Hamburgers how to defend themselves,  from the evil Hamburgler and the dreaded Frykids clan

Star wars fun

The evil Darth Hamster.   Who under the guidance of the empire Darth Fishy Fish.  Who are trying to take over the galaxy.  It is up to Jedi masters Llama and Obi Won Coyote to stop them
            Elsewhere in the galaxy,  the Jedi Fluke Earthcrawler rescues princess Lioness from the dreaded Moonstar where she has been held captive.   Along with Fawn Dow and his faithful chimp cookie.  They make a daring escape aboard the Aluminum Felon.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Jesus our Lord

 Let's praise Jesus our Lord

He went to the cross for our salvation 

Let's praise Jesus our lord

Spread his name throughout the nation 

Let's praise Jesus our Lord

For he redeemed your soul

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Ringing Ears

 My ears ring all the time


Everyday all day

It is like someone constantly yelling at me

Accusing of many evil rings

Accusing me of crimes against humanity 

I know these are not true

But the ringing in my ear gets so intense 

That the truth seems to mix with the fabricated 

I'm not even sure what exactly is true anymore

I wish the ringing would stop

I wish the yelling would stop

I just want to live my life in peace

Strong enough

 Are you strong enough to handle the pain

To let it transform you

In to something better 

In to something stronger 

Are you ready to face life head on

To meet each challenge 

To defeat each challenge 

To grow

Diamonds form under pressure 

Will you let the pressure of life

Form you into something better

Will you shine


Will you remain a lump of coal

Are you strong enough to handle the pain


Will you crumble Into dust

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Wings like a dove

 Drug pushers

Alcohol abusers

Come at me like a wolf

Try this

Drink that

Soon you will be hooked

Home violence 

Stay silent 

Or another blackeye comes your way

Life can be scary

Things can get harry

You just need to get away 

On wings like a dove

I'll fly so far above

The troubles of this world

Saturday, September 3, 2022

The Ride

 Riding my bike

Going down the road 

Wind in my hair

Wind in my face

Miles upon miles ahead

No plans

Just ride

Sights pass by

As I ride along

My engine singing it's song

Adventure everywhere 

New things to see

New people to meet


Just me, my bike, and the open road

Love's flower

 Love blossoms like a flower within your heart

Sow the seed

Fertilize it with kindness 

Watch it grow

Spread the joy to all around

For with love comes joy

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...