Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Our light

 I will stick with you til the very end

Side by side through thick and thin

Life's good times

Life's bad times

Together we take the ride

Comfort each other when needed

Cry together in pain

Laugh at joyful moments

The stories we share together

The pages our journey shall write

Together forever 

We follow the light

Our hearts will glow

As our love grows stronger With time

The darkness of the world

Can never overshadow it

Our love shines that bright

Monday, February 20, 2023


 Not blood related 

But loved as if you were


But treated as my own blood sibling

We have shared joy

We have shared pain

We have fought

We have laughed

We have shared joy

We have held each other up in rimes of need

Couldn't imagine life without you

You have been a light in my darkness 

I hope I have proven a worthy brother to you

I love you

 I have told you I love you from the very first day

You continue to misunderstand just how much

So I sit on the sidelines 

While you go from bad relationships to bad relationship

Still I wait

Unable to date

Because to me that would mean cheating on my love gor you

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...