Tuesday, September 26, 2023


 Dear little one I have a treat

Pancakes. Yes Pancakes nice and sweet 

Golden brown 

Syrup and butter on top

Or maybe

Fruit and whip topping is your thing

Pile them high

Stack them tall

We will eat them all

Chocolate chip

Or walnut

Or maybe pecan

To name a few flavors 

Let's pile them in layers

Breakfast over

We've filled our tum

Let us rest

Before today's fun

Hickory Dickory Clock

 Hickory Dickory Clock

The mouse ran up the dock


Looks like he forgot to stop

Saturday, September 23, 2023


 I am a pirate as mean as can be

Yo ho

Yo ho

With the best crew to ever sail the sea

They'll swab the deck

Raise the sail

Load the cannon 

Cook the meals

Yo ho 

Yo ho

The only time they ever did fail

Didn't untie the boat before we set sail

That put a hole in our ship

It did sink and very quick 

Yo ho

Oh no

Through shark infested waters we had to swim

Yo ho

Yo ho

We have a new boat so we're sailing again

Yo ho

Yo ho

We have a look out a man in the nest

He fell over quick grab the net

However the sea carried him abroad

Yo ho

Oh no

One day my crew was mad at me

Yo ho

Yo ho

They Snuck in while I was asleep

Yo ho 

Yo ho 

They bound me with chains to throw me out to sea

I spoke my piece with my crew now we're friends again

Causing trouble as only pirates can

Yo ho

Yo ho 

Yo ho 

Yo ho 

Giant Frog

 Said Sam to Hue "I have a frog bigger than you"

Said Hue to Sam "This I nood to see"

Hue and Sam were both lads of six

Sam lived in a house way out in the styx

Sam's house set next to a bog

And in Sam's room

Sat a 10 foot tall frog

Alive and well croaking away

Eating flies in a merry way

Hue said to Sam " Well Sam, I can surly see.  Yes you do have a frog bigger than me."

Friday, September 22, 2023

Twinkle Twinkle

 Twinkle Twinkle Little car

I know you'll get me very far

But please, oh please 

Don't get a flat

At home is where I left my jack

The band

 Tommy Rum played drum

William star played guitar 

Jennifer mellow played piano 

Lisa black played sax

Were they famous 

Maybe someday 

For now just a garage band

With big plans in their heads

They dream away

As they play

Just a garage band

Birthday parties


And Fairs

They play wherever they can

Will they break through

Will they break free

Maybe someday it shall be

Baby Bumpkin


Baby bumpkin  asleep in my arms

Snug and safe from the world's harm

I fear for your future 

And all that will bring

But now a baby in my arms safe as can be

Baby bumpkin I hold you tight

Just holding you close

Means so much to me

When the world gets overwhelming 

You bring a smile to me

Baby bumpkin I love you so

I hope we will be good parents 

And teach you which way to go

For there will much learning

For child and adults 

So please judge us kindly we pray

Baby bumpkin asleep in my arms 

Snug a safe from the world's harm 

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Hot wings

 Star light

Star bright

The flaming chicken I eat tonight

To much hot sauce

Mouth on fire

This is the last food bet

I am letting you talk me into

Pussy cat

 Pussy cat

Pussy cat

Where have you been

To get a pizza

It said with a grin

Pussy cat

Pussy cat

What is upon it

Anchovies,  hot peppers,  and a fieldmouse 




Flying high

Majesticly soaring through the sky

Hickory Dickory Doc

 Hickory Dickory Doc 

The mouse choked on a rock

He thought it was cheese

So said "Yes please"

Sadly however it was not

Wrong Name



Is so hairy

He looks like a wild beast

Excuse me


My name's not Larry, it's Steve

They told me it was Larry

Well, they were wrong weren't they

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Color by number


Blast off

 Zippy zippy

Zoom, zoom, zoom


Blast off

For the moon

Past the moon, past the sun

To other galaxies and beyond



Stranger stuff to

An outer space Cafe

An outer space mall

Aliens need a way to spend their day

An amusement park 

Upon an asteroid 

A mini golf course on another 

Head back home

What sights I've seen

I'd tell someone about my trip

But I know they wouldn't believe me

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Run Run Run

 Coffee in the morning 

Then soda all day long

Buzzed up

Jazzed up

Run, Run, run

Wiggly Giggly Sue

 Wiggly giggly Sue

You dancing prancing fool

You happy hop

And smile alot

Don't let anyone change you

Land Of Happy Loo

 In the land of Happy Loo

There is a man who plays a golden Kazoo

He plays beautiful music 

To you, you, and you

In the land of Happy Loo 

You go to a different type of zoo

There are no cages as you will see

Humans and animals all run free

Laughing, joking, and playing games

Picnics and being friends everyday 

In the land ot Happy Loo

The most popular music

Is played by a band of baboons 

In the land of Happy Loo 

The sun is always shining 

Because it rarely rains

In the land of Happy Loo 

The most wonderful thing happens each day at noon

A volcano erupts with candy and such

A special treat to view 

Little Mrs Muffet

 Little Mrs Muffet 

Likes to play with puppets 

Putting on shows all day

Monday, September 18, 2023

Hickory Dickory Doc

 Hickory Dickory Doc 

We rock around the clock

Hippies chant

Give peace a chance 

Hickory Dickory Doc 

Little Mrs Muffet

 Little Mrs Muffet 

Sat on a tuffet 

Eating her curds and whey

Along came a hippie 

Who got kind of trippy 

And scared Mrs Muffet away

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Star light star bright

 Star light

Star bright 

The lord's light shine upon me I pray 

When the sun comes up

Fill my cup

And send me on my way

Star light

Star bright 

The lord's light shine upon me I pray

When the world grows drear

I draw you near

So my spirit doesn't break 

Wilipee wolipee woo

 Wilipee wolipee woo

I'm going to make stew

With onion and beef

Carrots and peas

Wilipee wolipee woo

Wilipee wolipee woo

We're going to the zoo

Lions and bears

Tigers and hares

Wilipee Wolipee woo

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Hickory Dickory Doc

 Hickory Dickory Doc 

The mouse is Mr. Spock

Captain Kirk's in a skirt

Hickory Dickory Doc 

Twinkle Twinkle



Little star

May your light reach so far

Like a peace sign showing bright 

And a hippie doing right



Little star

Peace that shines ever more

No more dying

No more war

Hippie dancing Peace galore 



Spaced out man

Stary vibe and psychedelic plans

Little star hippie be

Spreading Peace to you and me



Hippie man

Spreading peace throughout the land

Color by number


Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...