Approach life with a fire
Burning in your soul
A will and desire
To overcome whatever life throws at you
Writing poetry and short stories to let people take a peek inside my mind. I also do videos, take pictures, and like to cook and share tips on cooking
Approach life with a fire
Burning in your soul
A will and desire
To overcome whatever life throws at you
May peace be with you
May your troubles be light
Life is about the journey
Enjoy the ride
Little bo-peep has lost her sheep and doesn't know where to find them.
Sounds like a metaphor for a pastor who has lost their church
Yes zombies
That is what are society has made us
Mindlessly doing as we're told
Following strict rules
Following strict regulations
Losing our individualism
Become lost in the collective
Two life-sized corn cobs were dancing on stage. They got so hot from the stage lights, they started to pop
Kevin Bacon should join a band with a guy with the last name of lettuce and a guy with the last name of Tomato, and call themselves "The BLT experience"
Yesterday I know I was well fed. For tonight visions of cooked turkeys dance in my head. When finished dancing, they all lean back in chairs, pull on cords and buckets of gravy splash down upon them
It seems like life wants to destroy the individual
We are born truly free and pure
Pure thoughts
Pure feelings
Pure expression
But as we grow older
They start mopding us
Changing us
Into what society thinks is right
Into what society think is proper
The media
All wanting to strip us of our individualism
And replace it with mindless drones
Who think a like
Act a like
Dress a like
And so on
The ones who try to stand out
Who try to remain an individual
Are classified as crazy nutcases
To be locked away in some hospital
All in an effort to hide their light
To keep the world in a dull haze
To squash the true spirit of who we are
Live life to the fullest
Live life free
Don't be burdened by the past
It is dead and gone
Strive for the future
One step at a time
there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...