Writing poetry and short stories to let people take a peek inside my mind. I also do videos, take pictures, and like to cook and share tips on cooking
Sunday, March 31, 2024
Easter bunny
Easter happy
Bunny ear flapping
Egg hunting fun
Happy Easter
Chocolate and candy
Sweet and dandy
Run bunny run
Saturday, March 30, 2024
Crime scene
Sirens heard down the street
Getting closer with every beat
What happened
What went down
Was someone shot
Did the criminal get found
Spinning lights and sirens approach
The house across the street
Crime scene tape soon surrounds the place
I walk outside
I hear the word gunshot
I hear the words dead man
A broken window
Is all I see
Soon My neighbor is wheeled out on a stretcher
He was the dead man
Wife and children nowhere to be found
Investigation moves on
I don't know
I don't understand
This was such a nice place to live
Now this happens
Everyone standing there is questioned by the cops
I tell them what I know
The cops thank us and move on
Detectives search for clues
Then back up and leave
I go back to bed
And wait
Goodnight my darling
Goodnight my love
Rest upon the moon beam
Stay warm wrapped up in my love
May the blanket of stars comfort you
As you sleep upon the balcony of the moon
Friday, March 29, 2024
When the sun goes down
When the sun goes down
The campfire comes out
Cooking over an open flame
Hot dogs on a stick
Marshmallows m, Graham Crakers, and chocolate
Smores for desert
After the meal
We gather round
One by one
We lay our tales down
Ghost stories , weird stories, or just spaced out stories
Entertainment for the night
The fire burns
The stories told
We sleep
We dream
Soon enough morning breaks
Thursday, March 28, 2024
Soak up mother earth's vibes
Dance to the rhythm of mother Nature's song
Spread the vibes
Spread the psychedelic groovyness
Brothers and Sisters We are
Peace and joy
Togetherness and friendship
One with ourselves
One with each other
One with creation
Get hay from the loft for the cows
Open the stall, let the goats out
Check the fence
Fix what needs fixed
Look for some cows that went missing
Found the strays got them back with the others
Cut string off the bails and feed cows
Check water in the tank
Make sure they have enough to drink
Farm work is not simple
Farm work is not always fun
But you have a job
Best get it done
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
A Thousand Lanterns
A thousand lanterns in the sky
Lighting the night as they float
A single light to remember
Those that have passed on
One lantern for each family
To remember loved ones gone on
A thousand lanterns take to the sky
Like millions of stars
Looking for the light
The way is dark
Stumble along the way
My life of bad choices
Now I must pay
The way is twisted
Not sure which way to go
A dark figure
Standing at a crossroads
Looking for the light
But dark is all I see
Which way to go
One road leads into a dark scary forest
One road Covered in bones and skulls
One road is constantly on fire
One road leads high into the mountains
Still I search for the light
Through pain and suffering I go
The bones and skull path I chose
May it lead out of the gloom
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
Rise from the fires
Rise from the fires of brokenness
Rise from the hurt and the pain
Be reborn
Be renewed
Be whole once more
Let the fires strengthen you
Let the fires fuel your ambition
Refuel your dreams
Don't burn in hurt and pain
Rise from the ashes
Than ever
Dark night
Dark night in the woods
Hardly any light from the moon
Each sound sends a chill up your spine
The sound of a breaking twig
The howling of a wolf
The blowing of leavs
The sound of something in the bush
What was that
Who's there
Did something just touch me
On and on though the night
With every sound
Your nerves are tight
Real fries
Sang to the tune of Bohemian Rhapsody
Song by Queen
Are these your real fries
Or McDonald's fantasy
Do me a favor
Stop screwing with the recipe
Monday, March 25, 2024
Lay me down to sleep
Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray you Lord my soul to keep
If I should die before I wake
My soul Lord I hope you take
Now I Slumber upon my bed
My sheets are pulled over my head
Lord your comfort throughout the night
Guide me please till morning light
Sleeping and snoring upon my pillow
The stars shine bright above
Lord watch me as I sleep
Hold me close to your love
You're you
You're beautiful never forget that
You're loved never forget that
You're empowered with inner strength
Now go out there and kick ass tiger
Sunday, March 24, 2024
Sleep upon a bed of clouds
Wrap yourself in a blanket of stars
Dream in the moonlight
Sleep until morning light
Bucee's is not just a gas station
Not just a store
It is an entire experience
'Fresh Brisket on the Board"
They call out throughout the day
Bucee waveing hi brings a smile to your face
The bakery had great snack
On a road trip you'd never lack
The BBQ is tangy and sweet
Tacos and burritos that can't be beat
Just walking into the store
You can’t help but smile
The magic hit isle after isle
There is so much more I could say
You'd have to experience it yourself
It's just better that way
Saturday, March 23, 2024
I dream of peace
I dream of peace
I fall short
I get back up and dream once more
Peace is not a dream
If we all work together
It can be a reality
To much crime
To much hate
To much corruption
Let's make this a peaceful place
A place for all to
And survive
A place to thrive as a
If we all work together
For the betterment of all
True peace
Lasting peace
Can go from dream to reality
I dream of peace
I fall short
I get back up and dream once more
Space cat
there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...

The evils of this World hold you by a leash to Stay in controll
They were fools to interrupt this day My day Where I was to be wed to the man I love Did they not think I would be armed Did they not thin...
Sons of night Wicked deeds Doomed they are