Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Good Morning


Good morning 

Shine your light

For someone might need it to

Guide them out of the darkness 

They're trapped in

Good morning 

Shine your light

Don't let the darkness win

This world is dark enough

Good morning 

Spread peace not hate

Let peace vibrate through the land

Waking up these asleep to the truth

We're all human 

We all matter

Good morning 

Peace out

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Sweet dreams


Sweet dreams

Peace out

Night has come

Time to Slumber

Dthe night wind plows

Crickets chirp

Lighting bugs shine

Mother natuer at her finest

Off in the distance a wolf howls in the night

Sweet dreams 

Peace out

Night has come

Time to slumber

Storms of Life


Life is not always easy

Life has it's storms

When those winds start to blow

When the waves of Life

Toss you to and fro

Remember that is what life's about

Taking on the challenge

Learning as you go

Becoming a stronger person

Which Way


Which way to go

The light easy path

Or the dark gloomy path

The light path 

looks safe and easy

But that may just be a coverup

Hiding the doom at the end

The dark Gloomy path

Looks dark and scary

But may lead to Wealth untold

Which way to go

The easy path

Or the dark path

It's your choice

Choose wisely 

Good morning


Wake up

Take on the challenge 

That come your way

Life is not all fun and games

Though there is light

Even in the darkest times

Wake up

Enjoy your day

Make every moment count

Don't just lie around

Do something 

Wake up

Your soul

Your heart

Your mind

Wake up

Again Wake up

Monday, June 24, 2024



Good night 

Peace be with you

Rest upon the balcony of the moon 

Good night 

Sleep tight

Rest your head

Upon the pillow of the clouds 

Good night

Wrapped up in the blanket of the night 

The stars show their light all around

Nature Walk


Upon my walk through the woods

A little spring fed stream

Rushing along 

Over rocks letting nothing get in its way 

Farther upon my walk

I vote to a little glen

Deer and birds

Raccoons. Squirrels. Rabbits, as well

The joy of a nature walk

Discovering the forest community 

All the animals 

Put a smile on my face

American Wolf


American wolf out on the hunt

The enemy look out

It's coming for you

To stand tall

In the wake of your attacks

The American Wolf

No courage lacked

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Beam Me Up


Beam me up

To your starship in the heavens

Let's explore the unknown 

Beam me up

Take me away

From this place I have known

Star light


Star light

Star bright

May you dream In peace tonight

Star light

Star bright

May you sleep well tonight

Wrapped up in your blanket so

Comfy cozy in your bed

With a soft pillow beneath your head

Live together grow together


We are all human

Let's build each other up

And stop tearing each other down

We all live upon this world together 

Let's try to get along



Ufo man

Take me away in you ship

On an Outerspace trip through the cosmos 

Spinning planets 

Shooting stars



Just to name a few of the wonders

Lifeforms like I've never imagined 

Planets full of great mysterious things

Foods from out of this world 

I want to experience it all


Ufo man

Take me away in you ship

On an Outerspace trip through the cosmos


Lettuce Leaf

 Sang to the tune of " Let it be " by The Beatles 

When you bite into your sandwich and find an iceberg waiting there for thee.  Remember these words of wisdom " Lettuce Leaf "

Brain washing


Brain washing  that's all that it is

The media 

Peer pressure 


The list can go on and on

All trying to remove your individual personality 

And replace it with a mindless drone

All trying to remove your individual personality 

And replace it with what they wish

Turning you into a part of the collective 

Trying to turn you into somebody else 

Instead of celebrating who you are

Morning Music


Morning has woken

The sun rises on a brand new day

The rhythm of the Earth plays on

Will you hear that rhythm and dance To the beat

Letting it vibrate through your veins 

Overtaking your soul

And driving you forward throughout the day 

Will you breathe in 6he melody 

The good vibes that make up life

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Good night


Good night 

Sleep and dream

Escape into the fantasy of your own making 

Have grand adventures

Solve the world's greatest problems 

Explore the unknown 

the choice is yours to make

rest your head Upon your pillow

Wrap your blanket tight around you

Peaceful sleep

Peaceful dreams 

Good night 




A strong emotion 

The whole of humanity 

Coming together as brothers and sisters 

No race

No ethnic groups 

Nothing to separate us at all

Just humanity living in harmony and peace


A very strong emotion 

Breaking down walls

Breaking and crossing boundaries 

Bringing us closer together 

Friday, June 21, 2024

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep


Now I lay me down to sleep

I pray the Lord my soul to keep 

Now I lay my head to rest

Upon the pillow on my bed

In the morning the sun shall rise

And with it to so shall I

Now I lay me down

To sleep the clock around

Wrapped up in my blanket tight 

I know it shall be a good night 

Climbing to the top


Climbing my way to the top

One step at a time I go

Self Respect


How others see you

Is not as important 

As how you see yourself 

Peace can last


Peace cam last

If we truly give it a chance 

Put down the toys of war

Join in one accord 

Peace can last

If we truly give it a chance

Open our hearts

Open our souls

We are all human 

No matter what part of the world you come from

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Peaceful Sleep


Sleep at peace

Rest your weary head

Dream of far off places

In the safety of your bed

Let the night slip by silently 

The stars shine down from above

Dream the night through

May those dreams bring you joy

Sleep Peacefully 

Good night

Happy birthday


Happy birthday 

Party all day



Your favorite food

Happy birthday 





Live it up on your special day

Wrong class


In the setting sun and the rising of the stars

My heart longs for thee

Someday it will be true

I am sure it is you

That for eternity I am meant to be

A Boy in my class

In love with this lass

But his parents keep us apart 

Upper class they are

So I wish upon the stars

They see beyond my lower class brass

And accept me for who I am



Dance around the bonfire 

Hand in hand as we go

Going in circles dancing to the beat

Amongst the bonfire glow

Brothers and sisters are we

Peaceful vibes flow free

As we laugh and spin around 

Soon to soon

The fun ends

We Slumber

While the coals burn out






Make your day meaningful 

Don't rush around 

Slow down

Enjoy the small things in life

Wednesday, June 19, 2024




The moon is bright

Wrap yourself up in the blanket of the night 

Sleep well

Dream big

Peacefully snuggled in your bed

Sitting by the lake


Sitting by the lake

Early morning hours




After a night camping

To wake up with the sun

To sit and watch nature for hours



Sometimes you feel trapped 

An emotional prison 

Of self -doubt and worthlessness 

You try to break free

However, every attempt is no use

You keep trying 

One day you shall be free once more

Up hill battle


Sometimes it seems like life is an up hill battle 

You tryand you try

But it seems you're not getting anywhere 

Keep pushing forward 

One step at a time

You shall achieve your goals



Pain hunts us all

Every Human knows this is true

There's nowhere to hide

It will find you

A good cry washes out the pain

Poetry writing can do the same

To open the heart

To let the light in

So you may begin again

The Old House


Once a beautiful property

A fine house

Well kept yard

A friendly loving family

Much Joy had at that house

Hosted the yearly neighborhood cookouts

They Got along with everyone

Now those days have passed

As such things always do

The house sits and rots away

No grass grows

It is said the family who lived there moved away

With the husband in the Army that could be true

However other rumors get passed around

the next stranger than the last

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Sweetest of dreams


Sweetest of dreams to you

Drift away on the beams of the moon

Wrap yourself in a blanket of the stars

Dream pleasant joyful dreams

As the night passes by outside your room

Sweetest of dreams to you

As you sleep the whole night through

The river of thoughts flow through your mind

As you float down it and unwind 

Sweetest of dreams to you

Morning will arrive soon

Make your dreams count

Whatever they may be about

That is completely up to you

Take off the mask


Remove the mask that you hide behind

Show the world the true you






All surge in like a mighty flood

Vexing the soul

Tormenting the mind

Into thinking you're not good enough and never will be




Feelings of not fitting in

Feelings of being left out

Feelings being invisible to the world around you

Peace be with you


Peace be with you 

Upon your journey today

May you find your inner strength to carry on

Peace be with you 

Upon your journey today 

May you Tap into life's great song

May the tune energize and refresh 

When life seems a great big mess

Peace be with you 

Upon your journey today 

May the weather be fair

And the skies not gray 

Monday, June 17, 2024

A rose at night


A rose at night to say I love you

A rose at night because I care

May it's sweet fragrance remind you of the time we shared

Until I can return to you

Damn this war that keeps us apart 

Country called

Had to do my part

Your love carries me through this strife

Until I return to love you writ

Come fly with me


Jump on my back

We'll take off

High above the clouds 

To the highest loft

Adventure awaits 

Can't be late

Much to explore 

Great Treasure scores

Movie title spoof


The Great Dragon getting high

Coming to a movie theater near you

Young Love


Young love so sweet

County Church


The country church seeded in tradition

The country church

Home to the lost

Food for the hungry

Comfort for the soul

Fire and Brimstone sermons

Preacher behind the pulpit

Services with meaning and truth

The country church

In the town where I was born and raised

Went to school

Graduated Highschool

Married my Highschool sweetheart

Started my own family

The folks of the church

There when we need them

Through thick and thin

We know we can count on the

The country church


Speak to me


Speak to me 

Don't mumble 

Don't stutter

Speak to me 

Clearly and strong

Make every word you say

Resonate with power and love

Make every word you say

Audible to the ear

Far away


On an alien planet far away

An alien dreams of visiting Earth

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Waffle wars

 A long long time ago, in a Waffle House far far away.  

We bring you Waffle Wars.  A thrilling adventure to save princess waffle from the evil fortress Iron Maiden run by the dark lord cheese grater.  Will the heroic lukewarm syrup and his mentor butterscotch rum and their faithful companion Chocolate Chip the Cookie make it in time.



Death is going to happen 

There is no escape 

Live while you can

Before it's to late

The couple


Thrown out

Turned out upon the street

They do what they must to survive 

They have each other

The comfort of the love They share

Will help them through this hardship 

A family someday They will start

But first

Back on their feet They must

One thing at a time

Saturday, June 15, 2024



Preach the Gospel 

Preach it loud

Preach it proud 

Just don't point fingers 

Thar's not allowed 

For we all have a history in God's eye

Things to which only from humans we hide

Making ourselves look holier than thou

When in truth been wallowing in the mud like a pig

God knows what we day and do

Nothing is hidden from him

So don't kid yourself 

Preach the Gospel 

Preach it loud

Preach it proud 

Just don't point fingers 

Thar's not allowed 

Roll the Dice


Roll the dice

Take a chance

Big stakes ahead

Money in the pot

Let the dice drop

And see what number they land

Good morning


Good morning 

Rise and shine

Time to meet the challenge of the day

Good morning 

Climb that mountain life put in your way

Cross the river

Cross the deep valley 

Your goals can be achieved 

DO NOT let anyone tell you otherwise 

Friday, June 14, 2024

Pirate's Treasure

 I had a treasure a sum of great score

They sank my ship

I ain't got it no more

That's the way pirate life be

Now my treasure's at the bottom of the sea

Animal Party at the Library

 A monkey 

Two Tigers

A giraffe

A Camel

Stuffed animals at the library

When the lights go out

When the door is locked

The fun begins

What goes on 

I do not know

But a guess I give

Jigsaw puzzle fun

Internet surfing

Chasing each other around the room

Book reading and discussion 

Telling stories of their own

Pizza party


A mystical world 

Is the library at night

When the lights are off

And the stuffed animals come to life

Good morning

A brand new day
A brand new way
Reach out to those in need

A brand new day 
A brand new way
To see you dreams succeed 

Broken morning

 Morning has broken.  Somebody please fix it, before it spills over into the afternoon

Good Morning

  Good morning  Shine your light For someone might need it to Guide them out of the darkness  They're trapped in Good morning  Shine you...