Friday, August 30, 2024

Thank you


For being there when all others left

For knowing I have someone to count on

For being a light of hope in the darkness of this world

For feeding my soul and refreshing my spirit

For giving me the energy to move on when times got tough

For just being the awesomeness that is you

Open Mic Night


Open mic night

Poetry at it's finest

No rules

Just you and your words

Long poems

Short poems

They wear both heard

With a resounding of clapping and praise

For each entry upon the stage

Love poems

Political poems

Adventure and fantasy 

Poems of the super natural

Poems that make you laugh

Some that just left you scratching your head

You could find it all at open mic night

Thursday, August 29, 2024





Give me a show

With wanders and feats never seen before 

Excitement at every turn

Spellbinding magic

Animals galore 


High-wire acts

the flying trapeze 

those acts are sure to please 

Bring on the unknown 

the exotic and rare

the kind of acts you don't see just anywhere




Give me a show

With wanders and feats never seen before 

Let it rain


Let it Rain

Let it pour

I don't care anymore 

The Earth needs the rain

To grow the plants we need

So let it rain all over me

I was walking home

Got caught in this down pour 

So I don't care if I get wet

There are worse things to be 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024



Let it be honeybee let it be

Let it be honeybee Let it be

Honey in the honeycomb 

Honey in the Honeycomb 

Let it be honeybee Let it be



Lost stuffed bear

Lost childhood 

The loss of innocence 

Childhood gone

Grown up and moved on

Put away the things of the past

Even the lost past



Peaceful vibe

Groovy rhymes 

Dance untill the break of dawn

March in line

Hold up your signs

Let's make peace instead of war

We all live on this planet 

Let's get along 

It can happen I know it

Peacefully living as one

Tuesday, August 27, 2024



Lost their jobs

Evicted from their homes

Sleeping on the street 

The homeless 

Our problem 

Society's problem 

The ever rising cost of the most essential of goods

Society put them here

Society took away all they had

And it doesn't matter if you're rich or poor

It could happen to you

It doesn't matter the color of your skin or your ethnic group

It could happen to you 

It doesn't matter if you have children 

It could happen to you 

In the blink of an eye

Everything could change

Sailing ship


Ship sailing upon the sea

What sights have you seen

The great adventures you have encountered 

The stories of which 

Could entertain me for hours

Ship sailing upon the sea

Though I spy you from the sandy shore

What treasures you must have

That lies in store

Monday, August 26, 2024

Get a grip


Slow down


Breathe in 

Breathe out 

Don't try to do it all at once

You're just running yourself thin

When you feel overwhelmed 

Get a grip

Breathe in good vibes

Breathe out negative vibes

Not Today


Not today world

Not today

Your foot won't stump me away

I am only be a bug 

In the grand scheme of things

But I am alive

I am empowered

I am ready

Not today world

Not today

Leave me alone

Go away

I got things to do

So get out of my way

World you don't stand a chance

Getting in my way

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Charlie Brown

 Sang to the tune of The Ghostbusters theme song

Charlie Brown in your neighborhood who you gonna call

Snoopy and Woodstock




Chilling to the core

It follows you

It taunts you

It is your worst nightmare  come true

Just the sight of it makes your blood freeze 

What is it you may ask

That's just it

It is never the same for any two people

A shape shifting demon from the depths of Hell 

It will find you

Yet you will never know

For it look like anyone or anything It chooses 

From the hobo on the street

Or the owner of the most successful company 

Even becoming simple everyday objects 

Nothing is safe


For the next object you pickup

The next person you speak to

Could be more than they seem

The dream


She started playing when she was a kid

Local Fairs is where she got her start

Practicing day and night

School concerts started popping up

Soon she got so good

Her parents drove her to other towns

For more festivals 

Playing her heart out

To ever increasing crowds

When she got old enough 

She started playing in bars and pubs

Entertaining with her musical style 

Working with local bands or on her own

Thrilling the crowd wherever she'd go

All this paid off

For a record deal came her way

Now a worldwide celebrity 

But still remembers the old days

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Family picnic

 At a family picnic nice and fair

While my brother was unaware 

For he was looking at a tree

I stole his pizza away from thee

Yes, I stole the pizza away from thee

Now I eat it in the tree

My brother's mad as he can get

Thankfully he hasn't found me yet

Voices in my head


In school you taunt me, laugh, and make fun

20 years later

Your hate-filled word still ring inside my mind

20 years later

You still hunt me

20 years later

You're still the bully

Splash of Color


Splashing color here and there

Splashing color everywhere 

Cover the grey, dull, and lifeless 


Stunning vivid hues of life's great brightness

Friday, August 23, 2024





here with you tonight

Campfire glow

Friendship grows

Into a true relationship

Passion climbs

Stare into the others eyes

We are about to dedicate our lives to each other

Husband and wife we shall be

Throughout all eternity

Even past the end of time

Listen to the music


Listen to the music

Keep the world at bay



Go on an adventure

Travel to lands unknown

Put yourself to the test

Grow beyond what you know



Sing your heart out

Sing with joy

Pure emotion pours forth

Life is streams from every note

Sing loud and strong

Let your voice be heard

Pure of heart

Pure of soul

Melodious beauty 

No matter what others may say

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Lost at the supermarket


Lost at the supermarket 

Going up and down the isles 

Round and round the store 

Lost at the supermarket 

I can't remember what I came here for

I had a list

I wrote it down

I put it in my pocket 

Bofe I left for town

But when I got here

I found out

My list was nowhere about

Lost at the supermarket 

Going up and down the isles 

Round and round the store 

Lost at the supermarket 

I can't remember what I came here for

Someone help me

Turning stir crazy 

Feels Ike I haven't seen sunlight for hours

Someone help me

Why can't you all see

Because, I've even started talking to the flowers

Lost at the supermarket 

Going up and down the isles 

Round and round the store 

Lost at the supermarket 

I can't remember what I came here for

Can't Sleep


Middle of the night

Moon up so high

I can't sleep

It is not that I don't want to sleep

I just can't

My mind keeps racing with every this and that

What ifs or Whys 

Keep me up all night

My eyes are tired

My head needs to rest

I need to sleep upon my bed

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Country Lane


Down the country lane

Over the creak

Through the woods

Past the cornfield

Left at the windmill

Past the fishing hole

And cross the river

Country roads are so neat

An adventure

A real treat

You never know what you'll find or what you'll see



People look down upon them

As they pass them on the street

People with no home and barely enough to eat

Rising taxes, food costs, and rent

To many lose their homes

Just trying to stay fed

Follow Me


Take my hand

Follow me

To wherever the tracks lead

You never know what you will find

Adventure runs high

Come with me

You will see

A world you never thought existed 

No rules

No boundaries 

No limits 

Just you and your strength to survive 

Sunday, August 18, 2024



Peace be with you

Peaceful vibes radiate from you

Bring light to those lost in the dark

Peace a song heard from the heartstrings of the human race

A desire for freedom 

A desire for acceptance 

A desire to live without fear




Awesome in every way




Heaven in each slice


The perfect food

All food groups represented

A delicious dream


Fully customizable 

Make it your way

Your toppings

Your cheese

Your sauce 

Your choice 

How it is made 

Is completely up to you

Colors of life


The colors of life vibrant and true

Swirling and spinning 

In the Cosmic order of the universe 

Set in motion before recorded time

To build a world

For us to live our lives

The colors of life

That palette that started it all

Millions of years ago

By Almighty God

A word from his mouth

A swish of his hand

With the colors of life

The world's journey began 






Good vibes

Good times with good friends

Dance to the sound of freedom 

Freedom through fellowship 

Freedom through Peace

Dance to the Cosmic rhythm of life



Fireworks to celebrate our country's freedom

Fireworks  to ring in the New Year

Fireworks for a birthday celebration 

Fireworks for Christmas time

Shoot some off at Halloween 

Some screaming loud as a banshee 

Shoot some off to celebrate a wedding 

I could go on and on

Fireworks ain't just of a single time of the year

Friday, August 16, 2024

Spirit dance




To the musical beat

The rhythm of the Earth

Moving mother Nature's feet

Dance of the Dandelion


Blown upon the breeze 

Twirling and spinning through the air

A Ballet dance for all to see

Spam Wars

 From the people who brought you "Monty Pythons Flying Circus" In conjunction with Lucas films comes a new epic adventure  "Spam Wars"



Pick a flower

Any flower

All sizes and shapes

All colors as well

Smells sweet

Give your loved one a treat

Pick a flower or 12

Lone Journey


Morning hike at dawn

Beautiful sunrise

As the world awakens once more

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Monty Python

 Pythons are taking over the world.  And they're all named Monty and have a fascination with spam



An escape 

A world at your fingertips





Whatever you like

Books both big and small

Books both fat and thin

Books of all shapes and colors

Let's read them all my friend

Heart aflame


Heart inflamed with passion

Passion like the world has known in eons

The heat almost to much to stand

Two hearts

Two souls

Meld together as one 

Beauty forever intertwined

Passion growing

Heat rising

Together forever

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Give Me A Burger


Give me a burger

A big juicy beast between two buns

Bacon and cheese on top

tomato, pickles, Mushrooms, and onion, as well

BBQ sauce to top it of

I patty

2patties or more

It don't matter pile them high

Don't forget the side of fries

Color Twister


Color twister spread color throughout the grey and dull world



Love is a gift share it

Spread it to everyone you meet

Let the world find love once more

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

In My Garden


In my garden 

My little haven from life's storms




The butterflies swirl around dancing from flower to flower 

Bees buzz collecting honey

Wolf in a Sheep's Mask


Beware the wolf

He where's a mask to look like a friend

Sometimes a costume as well

But he is no friend and just leading you to destruction and chaos

Beware the wolf

Sneaky and sly

Telling you lies to earn your trust

Making you think he is on your side

But only playing you as a fool

A pawn in his games

Monday, August 12, 2024


 Welcome to the other side of reality 

Where up is down and down is up

Where left is right and right is left

There is no rhyme or reason 

Things just happen

You wear your shoes on your hands

Your mittens on your feet

You wear your shirt like a pair of jeans

Your jeans are worn on top of your head like a hat

Welcome to the other side of reality 

You go everywhere nearby on pogo sticks

Cars fly

Boats own that highway 

Plains fly on the ocean 

Frito pie


Frito pie

Piled high

With seasoned meat and spice

Melted cheese

Onions and hot peppers please

A gastrointestinal delight

Frito pie

A staple at parties past

Friends gathered round 

As we scarfed it down

Telling jokes 

Drinking beer

Good times had by all

And that Frito pie at the center of everything 

Sunday, August 11, 2024

The night sky


Look at the stars above

Worlds upon worlds

Galaxies upon Galaxies 

Solar systems upon solar systems 

Are we alone

I doubt it

Will we ever meet one from another planet 

Maybe someday 

When the human race is found worthy of such an encounter 

Saturday, August 10, 2024

The day is done


The day is done

The sun goes down

It's golden color fills the sky

Red, purple, yellow, orange, blue

Everyone a colorful hue 

As the sun sets 

It puts on a show

Even when the sun has gone below the horizon 

The colors are still seen beautifully 

In It's afterglow 

A bit of silliness

 What's you gonna do when Alpaca deliver pizza to you?  No, that's not right.  When goats start playing Kazoos?  No, that's not quite right either.   

Well whatever I was trying to say, I forgot.  Hope this puts a smile on your face

Take a Chance


Break from the normal 


Redefine yourself 

Try new things

Follow roads less traveled 

Strike out on your own

don't follow the sheep

be a trail blazer and bring the sheep along



Welcome to my mind

Welcome to my insanity 

Blurring the lines of reality 

Cosmic, funky soul

Weird, madness taking its toll

The Cracked, warped, insane laughing 

Echoes in your head

As you enter in

The reality of my making

Welcome to my mind

Welcome to my insanity 

Blurring the lines of reality 

Cosmic, funky soul

Weird, madness taking its toll



Laugh loud and strong

Laugh joyfully 

Jolly jiggly with the tummy

Laugh fully 

There is nothing like a good Laugh

It helps when times get rough

Friday, August 9, 2024


 Picture this if you will

You're lost at sea, floating on a life raft completely made out of OREO cookies,  and no matter how many you eat, your raft keeps replacing them.

My Guitar


My guitar

My stronghold

My comfort along the harsh journey called life

I have rejoiced with it in the good

I have wept with it in the bad

I have expressed everything in between

My guitar

My friend

My constant companion

Who never leaves my side no matter how dark life gets

The one I can truly count on

Thursday, August 8, 2024



Sunflowers at dawn

Waking from their night's sleep

Sunflowers at dawn

Singing their song 

To rejoice the warmth of the sunbeam 

Road Trip


Take a trip with me

The wonders we'll see

As we go down the highway 

Small towns and big cities

Farm land and villages 

The high mountains

To the flat plains

Highways and byways 

Rest areas

Unique shop 

Where you'll never know what you'll find

Exotic foods from all over the world

So much more

I could be here all day talking about it

Why talk

Let's go and find out together 



Alone in the woods

Miles from the city

Calm and peaceful it is

Nature all around me

A river flows near by

Wild animals can always be seen

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...