Monday, January 27, 2025

Chief's Train


The Chief's train rolling down the track

Super bowl bound

They want a fight

And we will bring it to them

With the weight of an 18- wheeler falling on them

The opponent better be ready

because here we come

The Chief's train rolling down the track

Super bowl bound

We won't look back

Our goal set upon winning the game

Let the enemy do their worst

We're ready for the fight

Wednesday, January 22, 2025



The sound soothes the soul

The melody eases the mind

Music is the best treatment for the spirit



In the kitchen is where I belong

Combining food and spices

A true passion of the heart

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Angel Tears


Angel teardrops falling from Heaven

Over a lost soul who won't get in

For all the Angel tried

The lost soul strayed away

Staying lost

Angel teardrops falling from Heaven

Realizing sometimes the lost stay that way

No matter how much of God's grace you show them

The lost sometimes turn away 

Sunday, January 19, 2025



Man of the Earth

Man if the world

One with nature

One with my fellow travelers upon this spaceship we call planet Earth


Good vibes


Spread peace not war



Funky mood 

Hippie man

Space man

Out of this world

Out of sight

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Peace Frog


Peace Frog

Sits on swampy log

Sharing peace and joy all day

Groovy trippy dude

with a mellowed out mood

Smoking swamp mushrooms for that psychedelic hazes

Ghost Hunt


Let's go on a ghost hunt

Let's dive into the supernatural

May we find our worst nightmares ready to gobble us all up 

Leaving nothing but a pile of bones

And puddles of blood

Let's go on a ghost hunt

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...