Monday, November 20, 2017

I'm not going to take it anymore

I'm not going to take it anymore
You have pushed me to my limit
I am ready to explode
With a mighty force
That is awesome to behold

I'm not going to take it anymore
You've called me names
Laughed in my face
You push me down
You've spit in my face

My fists are tight
My anger high
I will start throwing blows
As soon as you come into sight

Blood will fly
Blood will be spilt
As I beat you and beat you
And never quit

I will give you a taste
Of the rage that's been brewing
I will give you a taste
Then keep feeding

My fists will come fast
My fists will hit hard
Let's see you laugh

When you're cover in scars

Homemade Ice Cream

Homemade ice cream on a hot summer day
So mouth watering creamy goodness
Enjoying it while on the porch
Best way to enjoy the
Summer heat outside
Homemade ice cream
Shared with all

Lots of fun

Christmas time

Christmas time
Christmas time
Fun and happy time

Sing for joy
Let it ring
From the mountains
To the spings

Christmas time
Christmas time
Fun and happy time

Snowball fights
Snowman building
Food and presents
Games and more
Fun by the score

Christmas time
Christmas time
Fun and happy time

Family and friends gathered round
Joyious music
Christmas sounds
Fun as can be
To make the house
Look nice and merry

Christmas time
Christmas time
Fun and happy time

Sleigh rides
Sled rides
Skating on the pond
Snow angels
Snow forts
Catching snowflakes on your toung

Christmas time
Christmas time
Fun and happy time

Hot coca
Sitting by the fire
Wrapped in a blanket

Christmas time
Christmas time

Fun and happy time


Strong and true
Wide smiling face
Shining eyes of joy
So much like your
Father you


Writing is
A release
Of great stress


To love
Without holding back
Giving all of yourself
No matter the cost

To love
To be free with one’s emotions
To truly open up to one’s own being
To simply give in to that, that truly is

To love
To truly love
Is to acknowledge something greater than ourselves
To let go of our own selfish greed
To start caring for others

Love in it’s purest form is not about yourself
It is about giving to others
It is about seeing the needs of others
It is about filling that need

True love has no race
True love has no requirements
True love is open to all people
No matter their nationality
No mater the color of their skin
No matter their past
For love keeps no record of wrong doings

Love just is

The Road

The road goes on forever
Where it goes I know not where
I will take each challenge without the slightest care.  I will walk the valleys
low and climb the mountains high
In the middle of the field at night is where I lie
This road will last my whole life through

The journey however won’t seem as long with a friend like you


They sit at windowsills
Listening to the conversation within
No one notices them
They wear rags for cloths
They are dirty
To most people the are just bums

They are more
Yes they are bums
But they are spies
A network
Working together to bring change
Hoping to better their lot
To overthrow the tyrant

They listen at windowsills
For information
Then they report to those in charge
They are just common people
Wearing rags

No one suspects
When they are seen
Outside buildings
No one suspects

Their true nature


Ooutporing of
Your soul


Give peace a chance within this dark world
Do not add more to the hatred
Live in the light of true joy
Spread peace around not hurt
Spread joy don't spread pain
Peace to all my
Brothers and


Can't Hide

You can run
You can't hide
I will find you


You Trash up the Earth
You trash the only home we have

 We will run out of a place to live
The Earth will be one giant trash heap
All in the name of doing what's easy
All in the name of carelessness

One day
We will wake up
To find that there is no more place for us
The trash has taken over
The trash has taken on a life of it's own
To become gigantic monster sized  piles
In which we can not see the tops

For the trash is piled to high


To believe in oneself is to say “yes”
When the world tells you “no”
To believe in oneself is to stand up
When the world pushes you down

To believe in oneself
Is to believe all things are possible
No matter what others say
No matter what others do
No matter what
All things can be done
If you truly believe


There is a fire
That burns in my heart so true
It is the fire
Of your love so dear to me

May it continue to grow

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to
The most wonderful person

I have ever met

I'm alright

I'm alright
The world just knocked me down
I'm alright

I get back up and keep fighting

Lean On Me

On me
I will hold
You steady in

Good times as well as in bad times


The sun beats down
As I fix more fence
The sun beats down
As I dig a drainage ditch

Farm work is hard work
Farm work is busy work

Cows get out
Chase them down
You start to sway
As the sun beats down

Farm work is good work
For body, mind, and soul

A man of the land

Because You Love Me

You are my bread when I need to eat
You are my rest when I need to sleep
You are my voice when I need to speak
You are the very soul of me
When I fall you lift me up
When I’m thirsty you fill my cup
I’m everything I am because Lord you love me

You are my friend when I’m all alone
You are my shelter when I need a home
I have seen them all and you are the best
You have turned my sin as white as snow
I will let everybody know
I’m everything I am because Lord you love me.

I lift my voice to sing your praise
With tons of joy my hands I raise
You have found this lonely sheep
You have kept and guided me
I’m everything I am because Lord you love me

Yes Lord I’m everything I am because you love me


An emotional tornado
Spins out of control
Leaving destruction

Upon it's path

Good Times

Hot dogs on a stick

Good friends gathered round

Having fun

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...