Monday, June 4, 2018

Leap of Faith (Holy Teaching)

You decide to go bungee jumping.   While waiting your turn.   You look over the edge of the bridge into to deep gorge below.  Finally your turn comes, the cord is attached, you walk to the edge of the bridge.  Now the moment of truth.  Do you jump?  To feel the awesomeness of the free fall, and the joy of the rebound.   Or, do you turn around and walk away?
         Now let's look at that a little differently.   You have been sitting in Church.  You have been contemplating the whole time about asking Jesus to be your Lord and Savior.  Finally the time comes.  The pastor asks if anyone would like to come to the altar to pray, and accept Jesus and the Holy Spirit into their lives.   People are getting up and moving to the front.  Will you be one of them?
         Are you ready for the free fall of faith?  Just opening up your heart and letting it all go.  Are you ready to feel all your sins and past mistakes rush past as you fall in his Grace and mercy.

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