The truth of God is ever starring you in
the face, Most people still do not see.For they are still looking through the eyes of the world and not using
the eye of the soul.God can only be
seen by those who choose to see him, by those who are devoted to the truth God
has placed in the world.As Christians
it is our job to help people understand the glory of God and realize his
awesome power.We need to help them open
the eyes of the soul so they may see things as they really are, and begin to
truly start upon the path of salvation.
To often people say they
want to do something for the service for God, and are disappointed when they
are asked to do something simple and small.They have their mind set on the big picture, instead of concentrating on the step by step process of getting their.Sometimes we are asked to do the small stuff, and little by little the
bigger stuff will get done
12 Blessed is the man who
remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive
the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.
Jesus said "Are
you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion?Come with me.Get away with me
and you'll recover your life.I'll show you
how to take a real rest.Walk with me
and work with me.Watch how I do
it.Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.I wont lay anything heavey or ill fitting on
you.Keep company with me and you will
learn to live freely and lightly