Monday, February 4, 2019


Grant me
Peace when my
World goes off the
Deep end and out of control


Hit the ball
Run the base


When that ship comes in
Let the party begin


Ready to go
Undying fire burns inside
Nothing to hold you back
Nothing to slow you down
Into peace with mind and soul
Negrive thoughts disappear
Great day

Rise above

Life is full of problems
Sometimes they can really beat you down
You must rise above
For to fail to do so
Is the greatest insult to the human spirit
The need to move on


The day you left me my world fell apart
The cancer that stole your life
Stole a piece of my heart


I love you
With all my
Heart and soul


Thank You
For all you
Have done for me


Strength and reviving
The soul


In the stillness of the night
My imagination takes flight
To worlds unknown
Full of stories untold
Stories of heroes
Who save the day
Stories of enemies and their ways
Stories of Elves and Fairies
Stories of an troll  named Mary

Adventures bound within this land
Adventures for the brave
With sword in hand
Adventures for the true
Running here
Running there
Then fighting some more

Soon I awake with the dawn
I stretch my arms
I let out a big yawn
Time to get up
Time to start my day
Wish I could go back to sleep
To just dream away

The Help

Step by step I walk the Earth
Person by person I get a look
They all wonder about my aim
I however come to town just the same
I bring joy to those who need it
If there is bondage I will free it
I am friends with the homeless and poor
I bring healing to the sore
I help out where I can
Working on a house or fixing a van
I help people by the score
Then on to the next town to do some more


Stand out from the crowd
Be your own person
Don't let them tell you who you are
Find out for yourself


I am
Challenge before
Me, like a raging bull to run it down

How are you ever going to know

How are you ever going to know
What you can do
If you never try

How are you going to know
What you can do
If you never stretch your limits

Push yourself to the limits
Push yourself beyong
Reach fhighest
Achieve your goals


The stars shine into your eyes
As I gaze into those deep wells
As I gaze into your soul

The Breakup

As I look up at the stary sky
I let out a great be shy
She left my world
I don't know why
She has left me all alone

I thought what we had was bliss
Something however was amiss
For now she's gone
While I drown in tears

Our last date was fine
We went out to dine
When she broke the news
The seat almost fell out of my chair

Now how I do miss her
How much I would love to kiss her
Alas it shall never be again


Two friends
Laugh, joke, play
Together as


With praise to GOD my heart over flows 
Every fiber of my body rejoices
One sees His Blessings wherever one goes
We praise with three billion voices 

He hears my prayer forgives my sin
He touches my pain with healing
He fulfills my desire to be clean within
With joy the bells of Heaven are ringing 

We rejoice with the Angels of Heaven 
We rejoice with the peoples of Earth
GOD has given us His Salvation
And loved us since the Day of our Birth


Jesus is my Lord
Jesus is my king
I will praise him all my life
I will praise him for everything
Jesus is my Lord
I will praise him forever more
Jesus died to give me life
He gave his life as a sacrifice


Great is
Our Lord in Heaven who
Demonstrates his love for us

Right Path (Holy Teaching)

The only path that leads to the end of pain and suffering.  Enter into the right path and the full realization of God

The truth of God is ever starring you in the face, Most people still do not see.  For they are still looking through the eyes of the world and not using the eye of the soul.  God can only be seen by those who choose to see him, by those who are devoted to the truth God has placed in the world.  As Christians it is our job to help people understand the glory of God and realize his awesome power.  We need to help them open the eyes of the soul so they may see things as they really are, and begin to truly start upon the path of salvation.

Small Stuff (Holy Teaching)

We must be ready to do the little things for God.

            To often people say they want to do something for the service for God, and are disappointed when they are asked to do something simple and small.  They have their mind set on the big picture, instead of concentrating on the step by step process of getting their.  Sometimes we are asked to do the small stuff, and little by little the bigger stuff will get done

Steadfast (Bible Study)

James 1:12

12 Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him. 
The Lord has promised good to those who love him.

Company (Bible Study)

Matthew 11:28-30

Jesus said "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion?  Come with me.  Get away with me and you'll recover your life.  I'll show you how to take a real rest.  Walk with me and work with me.  Watch how I do it.  Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.  I wont lay anything heavey or ill fitting on you.  Keep company with me and you will learn to live freely and lightly

Jesus is our rock and you comfort.  we need not worry or fear for the Lord is always with us and never will leave us 


Stress is all around me
There is no escape
Though I look
I see no way out
Stress flows
Through my body and blood
Lonely is the path
Stress has put me on

The landslide

The landslide has happened
Life has shifted
Nothing will never be the same

The landslide has happened
Mental chaos

The landslide has happened
Surely someone cares
Someone will reach out
Someone will say "Take my hand"

The landslide has happened

The Past

The sins of the past
Have caught up at last
The mistakes of my life
Cut through like a knife
Life’s mysterious ways
Leave me in dismay

Strong Enough

Take the challenge
Stretch yourself farther
Are you strong enough?

Recycle your dreams

Don't throw your hopes and ambitions
Into the wastebasket of your youth

Remake and reborn them
Take those dreams
Shape them
Make them new

Then follow them
Reach new heights
Go for the goal
your very best

Never Give Up

Never give up on
The goals you have set in life
Follow the path in
Front of you no matter how
Hard it may seem
Life may throw things in your way
Overcome struggles
Move forward and achive

Love is such a sweet emotion

Love is such a sweet emotion
Two hearts pounding as one
Love is such a sweet emotion
I'm glad I found someone

The joy
The bliss
There is nothing better than this
Each moment is better than the last
My blood is rushing so fast

Love can build a bridge

Love can build a bridge
Between your heart and mine
Let's make that bridge strong
Let's not let it crumble
Let's not let it fall


Love is an
That is strong


I love you Lord
I praise your name
I will follow
In all your ways


Lord, the fool praises you with their lips
But the deeds are far from you

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...