Tuesday, January 14, 2020


The people of God are moving
Into every corner of the world and beyond
Nothing can hold us back
Nothing can slow us down

Satan get ready to run
We’re coming after you
God and all his army
Waiting for the command

Once the command is given
Satan you will be washed up
Satan you and your kind are through
God and his army
Will waste all of you

The battle will be mighty
The battle will be fierce
There will be some bloodshed
There will be some tears

The people of God are moving
Into every corner of the world and beyond
Nothing can hold us back
Nothing can slow us down


Jesus is my Lord
I will praise his name
For he has shown me mercy
In my greatest pain

Love Me

I stand in awe just thinking about it
After all I've said and done
You still love me this much

Jesus Christ

In darkness and despair
When I feel alone and scared
You will reach out to me
So I can know that someone cares

Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
I'll praise you day and night
For all you have done for me
To gather me in your light

Jesus is my friend
Until the very end
He will never leave my side
A friend I can depend

Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
I'll praise you day and night
For all you have done for me
To gather me in your light

Fear Not

Fear not 
For the Lord is great
He strikes down evil with great wrath

Fear not
For God is great
Mercy and glory he bestows upon his people


Joy in the morning for a brand new day
Joy at noon 
Joy at night times for a place to stay
Joy for someone like you


Rest upon a friend like you
Who cares my burdens away with a smile

Monday, January 13, 2020

Take Me Higher

Jesus take me higher
Away from all my sins
Jesus take me higher
To a place where joy never ends

Up in Heaven
Up in Heaven above
Up in Heaven
To your awesome love

The Humble Preacher

I am the humble preacher
I preach through out the land
Wherever Satan shows his face I make my Christian stand
I don’t do it for the glory
I don’t do it for my pride
I praise the name of the lord above who died to give me life

I am the humble preacher
I come to preach the truth
So Jesus can be born again in me and you
He died upon a cross to save us from our sin
In a cave they put him away, but now he lives again

I am the humble preacher
Giving of my talent and time
Not for my glory, but for thine
Using the power of the word to heal body, soul, and mind


Satan you can’t hold me
Sure, your thugs can beat me and drag me through the mud
You can’t hold me
They can call me every name they can ever think of
You can’t hold me

For I am a child of GOD
I listen to him and him alone
My spirit belongs to GOD
He is the one I must obey

You can not break my will
You can not crush my spirit
It is therefor useless to try
For I am GOD’s and GOD’s only

Yes, my spirit belongs to GOD
Therefor I am free
By his power
By his might
So Remember
You can’t chain me with the strongest chain
You can’t bind me with any rope


I seek refuge with the Lord of Heaven
The true king of the nations
The God of all ceation
From the evil of this world

party with Jesus

If you want to party with Jesus
Lift his name on high
Sing his praise forever
Both day and night

If you want to party with Jesus
You have got to move
Dancing with the Spirit
In that special groove


My faith burns with a bright light
A light from Heaven
A light from within the human soul
A light that reaches through time and space
A light that never dims
This light is so bright it blinds me
Even with the best sunglasses it is still bright

My faith sparks within my soul
It rages into a great fire
That fire burns with a great passion
I want to share it with all
I do not wish to keep it to myself
For if I did so
The heat of the fire would surly kill me


Lord of my life
You have brought me through strife
I wont leave your way
In your path is where I’ll stay

You are Lord
You are king
You are lord over everything
I will follow all your ways
I will praise you all my days

Lord on the cross
Your life was not a loss
With your blood you’ve washed my sin
With your blood you’ve let me in

Lord you have washed me clean
When I feel faint on you I lean
I will praise you when I sing
I will praise you for everything


Christ is Lord
Over all the

Pictures taken at the Humansville Fall Festival over the years (Humansville Missouri

Pictures of the cows

Pictures taken around the farm

Pictures of the Sky

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...