Thursday, January 2, 2020

Joe (part 3)

Mark having lost everything that matters to him, driven half mad, and very depressed.  Goes down to the docks in a near by seaside town, and requests employment.  Mark is granted a job upon a merchant ship loading and unloading cargo.  Mark soon finds out that his shipmates are all Christians and offers his pastorial services.  Mark even starts giving the message once a week, as well as holding Bible studies.
          One day bad wheather came upon the ship, as it was out at sea.  After being tossed by the waves, the ship hits a rock and a hole is formed in the hull of the ship.  As the ship sinks Mark's shipmates all fling themselves into the waters to try and save themselves, but are soon pulled under by the current caused by the sinking ship.  Mark had found an empty barrel to stash away in.  When the ship shank, the barrel caught the wave the ship caused, carrying itself and Mark out to sea.  After about three days floating upon the water.  Mark and the barrel land on an island.
   Then one day Mark is checking some traps he has set out in the jungle. When all of a sudden the sky turns jet black, a ring of fire glows, and Joe Rises from beneath the Earth.   Joe says"  I told you that those who ask to many questions would pay. “ Mark responds " You've destroyed me, taken away everything.   But no matter how dark things get there is still light."  "There is no light for you Mark.  All is dark."  Joe said. " You prove yourself wrong in that matter.  The lightning flash, the ring of fire.  Both destructive forces, yet both points of light in dark times." Mark replied.  "Plush even though you took all that I had to try and destroy me.  God opened up new doors for my ministry, I got to share God's word and my testemony to my shipmates, we then shared God's word with the people we delivered cargo to.  So you see even though you tried, you failed, I am still alive and my faith in God has never ben stronger." "Bah", Joe exclaims then disappears in a cloud of smoke.  Leaving Mark on the beach by himself.
The End

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