Writing poetry and short stories to let people take a peek inside my mind. I also do videos, take pictures, and like to cook and share tips on cooking
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Friday, August 14, 2020
Set Me Free
I've been heading down
Life's winding road
I've been bearing
This heavy Load
My Sins
Have bound me
O please Lord
Come set me free
I feel so weak
I can't go on
I am trapped in my bounds
For my past
Caught up with me
O please Lord
Come set me free
Set me free
Like the birds on the wind
Set me free
Like the tide
Set me free
So I may praise your name again
Set me free
Set me free
God for
The good in
Your life honor
Him with song and dance
Follow his ways
They are straight
Lord of Heaven
Sang to the tune of "The Gambler" by Kenny Rogers
While riding on a train headed for
I was thinking about my wife’s death and
hurting from the pain
A preacher came up to me and sat down
beside me
He said son I know you’re hurting, but I can heal your pain
He said, Jesus is lord of heaven
Lord over all the earth
He picks you up when you’ve fallen down
He helps you when you’re hurt
He is the lord almighty
The alpha and the omega
He is the way, the truth, and the light
and God’s only son
The preacher told me of redemption of
God’s love and mercy
He mentioned salvation’s awesome plan
He told me he was crucified to save me
from my sin
How he was buried in a tomb but now lives
He said, Jesus is lord of heaven
Lord over all the earth
He picks you up when you’ve fallen down
He helps you when you’re hurt
He is the lord almighty
The alpha and the omega
He is the way, the truth, and the light
and God’s only son
When he lift me I wandered what he had
been drinking
Until I picked up the Bible he left
behind and I began to read
What I read was exactly what the preacher
told me
When I finished reading I began to
That truly.........
Jesus is lord of heaven
Lord over all the earth
He picks you up when you’ve fallen down
He helps you when you’re hurt
He is the lord almighty
The alpha and the omega
He is the way, the truth, and the light
and God’s only son
Sang to the tune of "When The Sun Goes Down" by Kenny Chesney
Israel was looking for a Savior
Someone to come and take these strangers
They had listened to the prophets
They knew someday their Savior would come
When our Savior comes we’ll be grooving
When our Savior comes we’ll be feeling
When our Savior comes in all of his glory
Everything will be better when our savior
The Savior came as a baby in a manger in
Shepherds left their flocks to see him
Wise men came to worship him
.Now that our Savior’s come we’ll be
When our Savior comes we’ll be feeling
When our Savior comes in all of his glory
Everything will be better when our savior
33 years later the sene was different
They wanted Jesus to die
They hung him on a cross at Calvary.
They put him in a tomb and there he would
Three days later there came an earthquake
angles came and shook Jesus awake
Then he ascended into Heaven but said he
would be back one day.
When our Savior comes we’ll be grooving
When our Savior comes we’ll be feeling
When our Savior comes in all of his glory
Everything will be better when our savior
Still today we long to see him
We long to see our savior come
Through the clouds with all his angles
ready to take his children home
When Savior comes we’ll be grooving
When our Savior comes we’ll be feeling
When our Savior comes in all of his glory
Everything will be better when our savior
Space cat
there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...

The evils of this World hold you by a leash to Stay in controll
They were fools to interrupt this day My day Where I was to be wed to the man I love Did they not think I would be armed Did they not thin...
Sons of night Wicked deeds Doomed they are