Saturday, February 27, 2021

Grandma 3

 Grandma sheds her mortal shell

Off to heaven she flies
The Angels
All waiting there
To welcome her to paradise 

Grandma 2

 Some people see my expression

And thus think this means nothing to me
They don't see the brokenness inside
Or how much I want to scream

Tears from my soul flood heart
While trying to hold on
In the knowledge
My Grandma's almost gone

Though soon in Heaven
With Jesus she shall be
Grandpa once more by her side
Through all eternity

So please don't mistake me
For being uncaring or rude
I just don't morn one's passing
The same way as you


 Death is not the end

But a door
Leading to a brand new dimension
A whole new world
That those living
Can even imagine 


 As I see you lying there

Knowing that the end is near
So many thoughts consume my mind
I want to scream at the air

I want to blame someone
Though there is no one I can
Your time on Earth is ending
Death is at hand

I sit and write these words
To clear my mind and soul
While in bed you lie there
Tlife taking it's final toll

As I sit waiting for the end to come
Heart heavy with pain
I know a better place you'll go
Heaven is it's name


 Death is a doorway into the unknown what we find there

Only those who have gone before know

Friday, February 26, 2021

I speak

 I speak for those who cannot 

Every cry
Every call
To end injustice and cruel
For freedom for the common man

I speak for those who cannot
Every tear
Every pain
The abused
The hurting
They all have a voice
I make sure it gets heard

Rather political
Or life in general
People are kept from speaking out
They need a voice
I am it


 Time is always moving

Faster and faster it goes

Live your life
Before it's to late
Live it to the fullest
Don't wait

Because one day it will all end
So live you life now
While you still can

Fires of life

 Through the fires of life 

I am reborn
Melted down
Into something new
Into something better than I was before

No it wasn't easy
I wanted to give up at times
Put through the heat
I became who I am today


 Fire up the grill

Call friends and family near
Prepare the meat

Play games
Eat food
Sing songs
Have fun

Time for joy today
Memories remembered
Memories made

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Do you know

 Do you know what it's like

Going day after day saying everything is fine
When in truth you're dying inside

Do you know what it's like
To stand at the edge of the abyss
Wanting so much to jump
To end the pain that is eating you alive

Do you know what it's like
To have no answer
When people ask if you're alright
Because you don't know how to describe the feelings

Do you know what it's like
An empty void
A bottomless pit inside
Falling and falling
To never tough bottom
To never see the light

Do you know what it's like
To know something's wrong with yourself
But you don't know what

Ii ask again
Do you know what it's like 

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Homeless child

 She stands in an alley with back to the wall

Feeling all alone
No family
No true friends
Lost and alone
On her way again

He stands in an alley way with back to the wall
Feeling all alone
No family
No true friends
Lost and alone
On his way again

Two homeless children
Among the millions in the world
Society has turned them away
Is all they see

Children upon the street
Have dreams to
They want things to get better
They want to be loved
And accepted to

Be your best

 The heat of passion 

The thrill of the chase
To excel
To push yourself to the breaking point
To push yourself beyond 

Get up

 Get up

Get going
Don't just sit there
Like there's nothing going on

Get up
Get going
Adventure awaits
New paths to follow
New trails to blaze
New things to discover

Get up
Get going
No time to loose
No time like the here and now


 Death is just a part of life

Though it is sad to see loved ones go
But in our hearts they are never lost
As long as are memories flow

Death is just a part of life
Moving out
Moving on
Leaving this world of toil and strife
For a better world beyond

Death is just a part of life
A doorway to a new adventure
What lays ahead
We cannot see
Until we cross that river

Depression is

 Depression is a void

A hollowness within your soul
Eating at you
Devouring you
But never getting full

Depression is like acid
Upon the skin
Melting away the person you truly be
Replacing you with a vacant stare
A brain dead body
A motionless form

Depress is looking in the mirror
Only thinking your not good enough
You never will be
Each day it get harder and harder
To move forward
To move on
You start caring less about yourself
You think no one cares about you
You always feel alone
You think friends and family have turned against you

Depression is
Being lonely
Being scared
You have no one to turn to
Because no one cares

Depression is
A slow death

Monday, February 22, 2021

Tell me

 Tell me a little about yourself 

The hardest sentence to answer

What do you want to know
My Joy's
My interests
My life story
Please specify
My fears
My pain
My troubled youth
Do you want to know what's in my head

Tell me a little about yourself
What do you want to know
My childhood
My opinion about the world
My likes
My dislikes

Tell me a little about yourself
The hardest sentence to answer 

When I look into your eyes

 When I look into your eyes

A galaxy worth of knowledge I see
Even emotions I can not name

When I look into your eyes
Into the depth of your soul
Beauty behold

When I look into your eyes
The truth I see
The love
The kindness
You have for me

When I look into your eyes
The fire
The passion
Life unfiltered
Burning brightly deep inside thee
Waiting for the right moment
To be set free

When I look into your eyes
You reveal so much more
Your not just a pretty face
But beautiful to the core


 In the darkness 

Where the shadows grow
A heart of deep sadness
A heart all alone

In the darkness
Where the shadows grow
I feel choked off
From the world I know
The warmth and laughter
From family and friends
Replaced with a cold chill

Praise God


Praise God from whom all life began

Praise God from whom all blessings flow

Praise God from the dawn of the morning

To the setting of the sun

In all things

In all ways

Praise be to God forever

Jesus King


Jesus Savior God and King

All my praises to you I bring

I will love you all my day

I will worship in every way

Friday, February 19, 2021

Two hearts

 Two hearts frozen in time

A moments pause 

A shared glance 

Their lips close

Close as can be

But a moments wait

Be ecstacy 

Just a moment lingers there

Deep into each others eyes the stare

The promise of forever

Hanging upon right now

They move in closer

Their lips connect 

Bliss in a moment 

Eternal feelings reflect 

Forever now they shall be

Helping each other throughout eternity 

Love's Journey

 Love is a very blissful thing 

It makes you laugh 

It makes you sing

Love is a very blissful thing 

It keeps your strong

When life goes wrong 

Love is a very blissful thing 

With you by my side

I cannot deny 

The beauty that life brings

Even when all seems dark and gray

Here beside me you've stayed 

Showing kindness

Helping me through my worst moments 

Shining a light in the darkness 

I hope I have done for you the same

May we travel life's road

Wherever it goes

Relying upon each other as needed

Trusting each other through the good and the bad

Walking hand in hand 

Together may we forever stand

Until life's journey is done

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Youthful love

 The heart bubbles up with youthful bliss

Two hearts that can not miss

True feelings for both to adore

May they walk through marriage's great door

Living a life of bliss and joy

Raising kids surprises galore 


Now they just be

Sweethearts for love to see

May they walk down love's grand road

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Charlies (The best bar and grill in the galaxy) (Spaced Out)


Hello my name is Jeff, and I am the lead singer of the group “Spaced Out”. We are from the planet Zork. we all look about the same, the only difference is our skin color. We look like someone blew up a balloon to it’s fullest, then tied the ends and stuck them between the shoulders of very thin bodies. Each member of the band and crew will talk about 3 songs the wrote as well as memories of playing gigs at charlies,

Stan is my name. I have reddish-purple skin. I play lead guitar as well as other string instruments. Jeff is a great guy, he knows that without the band, there would be nothing. Everyone in the band is family, and Jeff lets us know it.

We were playing a gig at Charlie’s one time. I don’t know if the waitress tripped of if someone tripped her. The next thing I know, a bowl of soup lands on the head of the president of the Galaxy, soup running down the side of his head, all over his sport coat, and into his lap. Everything stopped and a deep silence fell upon the place. The president however just laughed, and paid not only for his meal, but also for the soup that fell on him. One other thing I remember we were eating our meal after playing one time. I made a small comment about the food I was served. Somehow the cook learned about what I had said, comes out of the kitchen yelling. I stand up and explained myself telling him that where we come from, what I had said was the highest praise a customer could give a cook.. The cook calmed down and we all laughed about the whole thing.

I wrote a song called “My forever Home''. When I was a kid I was in and out of foster homes until the age of 14, when I landed with foster parents who decided to adopt me and make me a part of their family. Another song I wrote is “Lightspeed Racing Queen” A song about how I met my wife. We are both huge racing fans. We met standing in linet at a concession stand at one of those races. “Heavenly shades of love” I wrote during our courtship.

Hi my name is John. Master of keyboards and pianos. I can also play wind and brass instruments when needed. I also sing backup. I have skin the color of sunset orange.
Playing in this band is awesome. We treat each other as family. We carry each other through life’s problems as well as celebrate life’s joy.

Jeff is great at giving us time to deal with family matters at home. Like My son was sick and in the hospital. Jeff told me to go home and be with my family until my son was better. In fact at we held a special concert for my son and let him sing with us. The money raised that night went to help pay for my son's treatment. Not the first nore the last benefit we ever did. Not just for the families of the members of the band. We’ve done benefit concerts for many different causes that affect everyone around the galaxy.

We were playing at Charlies one time, and we were really rocking the house. People dancing and singing along. All of a sudden I notice smoke coming from the kitchen, i leave my keyboard to find Charlie. I found him in the kitchen when I hear the cook say “See Charlie this is why I don’t let you use the grill, you burn everything.'' Then I hear Charlie say “ What are you complaining about. It was my lunch, but you’re right, I will stay away from the grill, from now on” Then Charlie added “ Remember, I started out as a cook using this very grill.” Then I heard the cook say “ That may be so,but I hate to say it boss, you don’t have it any more, now leave my grill alone” When I got back out front and rejoined the band. Nobody had any idea that there was anything else going on.

One of the songs I wrote is called “ Ocean Waves” which is a song comparing time to sand being drug out to the ocean by each wave that comes to shore. Another song I wrote called “Cat’s got your tongue” is a song about how at times you want to say something, but when you open your mouth no sound comes forth.

Hi my name is darin I play drums as well as other percussion instruments for the band. My skin is dark blue with yellow patches here and there. I love this band, and everyone in it. We are one big family.

One day while playing a gig at Charlie’s someone set off a long string of firecrackers. Which sent everyone in an uproar. Those responsible for doing this were taken away by the space police. Another time was at the party we were playing for at Charlie’s. Above where we were playing was a big net with balloons in it. At the appointed time the string was pulled and balloons tumbled all around us, as well as the rest of the place.

Jeff here our the last member of our group is unable to be a part of the right now. When we finished our last gig, our craft broke down and we had to make an emergency crash landing on a nearby planet. Everyone survived, however Mike was left in a coma.

Mike has red skin. He played brass and woodwind instruments. I know that he loves every member of the band as well as the “high” that comes with playing music before a live audience.

I can’t tell you any of the memories he has of playing at Charlie’s. But a few of the songs he wrote are as follows. “All Creatures Great and Small” a song about accepting each other for who they are. So we can find unity within the galaxy. “Trouble Tonight” which talks about a late night party gone wrong. “Peaceful Vibes” Just a laid back song about peace, love, and joy.

Like I said earlier I am the lead singer of the band. My skin is Reddish orange with a little purple thrown in. one of my favorite times playing at Charlie’s was when we were asked to play at the birthday party for the President of the Galaxy. Not only did Charlie ask us to do ir, but later found out the President asked for us to play personally. To say the least we were nervous, but we played like we never played before, and the President loved it. So even with the stress it was worth it

I wrote the song “Space Mountain High” which is a song about achieving the goals you set for your life. “Give It All You Got” a song about never giving up. No matter how hard life may seam at the time. “Space High Joyride” a song about my younger days spent with my friends.

Well that’s our group. Not long after writing this. I got word from the hospital. Mike is awake and starting upon that long path to recovery.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Praise God


Praise God in every

Way you can sing and dance

He is our fathe much love

Comes from him daily

So we praise his name ever

More until our dying day

Jesus King of Kings


I remember the stories they told of old

About a man who came from heaven and the love that he bestowed

He died on a cross then went up to his home

Now everyone is waiting for him to come once more.


Jesus king of kings

When you return, all the people will be shouting

Jesus king of kings

Then all the saints will gather round and we’ll be heaven bound

Mom's Deli


Mom's deli

1913 W Broadway St A, Bolivar, MO 65613

Good food

Good service

Good Atmosphere



Pictures of the Goats


Pictures taken around the farm


Pictures of the cows


Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...