Sunday, February 7, 2021

Charlies (The best bar and grill in the galaxy) (Spaced Out)


Hello my name is Jeff, and I am the lead singer of the group “Spaced Out”. We are from the planet Zork. we all look about the same, the only difference is our skin color. We look like someone blew up a balloon to it’s fullest, then tied the ends and stuck them between the shoulders of very thin bodies. Each member of the band and crew will talk about 3 songs the wrote as well as memories of playing gigs at charlies,

Stan is my name. I have reddish-purple skin. I play lead guitar as well as other string instruments. Jeff is a great guy, he knows that without the band, there would be nothing. Everyone in the band is family, and Jeff lets us know it.

We were playing a gig at Charlie’s one time. I don’t know if the waitress tripped of if someone tripped her. The next thing I know, a bowl of soup lands on the head of the president of the Galaxy, soup running down the side of his head, all over his sport coat, and into his lap. Everything stopped and a deep silence fell upon the place. The president however just laughed, and paid not only for his meal, but also for the soup that fell on him. One other thing I remember we were eating our meal after playing one time. I made a small comment about the food I was served. Somehow the cook learned about what I had said, comes out of the kitchen yelling. I stand up and explained myself telling him that where we come from, what I had said was the highest praise a customer could give a cook.. The cook calmed down and we all laughed about the whole thing.

I wrote a song called “My forever Home''. When I was a kid I was in and out of foster homes until the age of 14, when I landed with foster parents who decided to adopt me and make me a part of their family. Another song I wrote is “Lightspeed Racing Queen” A song about how I met my wife. We are both huge racing fans. We met standing in linet at a concession stand at one of those races. “Heavenly shades of love” I wrote during our courtship.

Hi my name is John. Master of keyboards and pianos. I can also play wind and brass instruments when needed. I also sing backup. I have skin the color of sunset orange.
Playing in this band is awesome. We treat each other as family. We carry each other through life’s problems as well as celebrate life’s joy.

Jeff is great at giving us time to deal with family matters at home. Like My son was sick and in the hospital. Jeff told me to go home and be with my family until my son was better. In fact at we held a special concert for my son and let him sing with us. The money raised that night went to help pay for my son's treatment. Not the first nore the last benefit we ever did. Not just for the families of the members of the band. We’ve done benefit concerts for many different causes that affect everyone around the galaxy.

We were playing at Charlies one time, and we were really rocking the house. People dancing and singing along. All of a sudden I notice smoke coming from the kitchen, i leave my keyboard to find Charlie. I found him in the kitchen when I hear the cook say “See Charlie this is why I don’t let you use the grill, you burn everything.'' Then I hear Charlie say “ What are you complaining about. It was my lunch, but you’re right, I will stay away from the grill, from now on” Then Charlie added “ Remember, I started out as a cook using this very grill.” Then I heard the cook say “ That may be so,but I hate to say it boss, you don’t have it any more, now leave my grill alone” When I got back out front and rejoined the band. Nobody had any idea that there was anything else going on.

One of the songs I wrote is called “ Ocean Waves” which is a song comparing time to sand being drug out to the ocean by each wave that comes to shore. Another song I wrote called “Cat’s got your tongue” is a song about how at times you want to say something, but when you open your mouth no sound comes forth.

Hi my name is darin I play drums as well as other percussion instruments for the band. My skin is dark blue with yellow patches here and there. I love this band, and everyone in it. We are one big family.

One day while playing a gig at Charlie’s someone set off a long string of firecrackers. Which sent everyone in an uproar. Those responsible for doing this were taken away by the space police. Another time was at the party we were playing for at Charlie’s. Above where we were playing was a big net with balloons in it. At the appointed time the string was pulled and balloons tumbled all around us, as well as the rest of the place.

Jeff here our the last member of our group is unable to be a part of the right now. When we finished our last gig, our craft broke down and we had to make an emergency crash landing on a nearby planet. Everyone survived, however Mike was left in a coma.

Mike has red skin. He played brass and woodwind instruments. I know that he loves every member of the band as well as the “high” that comes with playing music before a live audience.

I can’t tell you any of the memories he has of playing at Charlie’s. But a few of the songs he wrote are as follows. “All Creatures Great and Small” a song about accepting each other for who they are. So we can find unity within the galaxy. “Trouble Tonight” which talks about a late night party gone wrong. “Peaceful Vibes” Just a laid back song about peace, love, and joy.

Like I said earlier I am the lead singer of the band. My skin is Reddish orange with a little purple thrown in. one of my favorite times playing at Charlie’s was when we were asked to play at the birthday party for the President of the Galaxy. Not only did Charlie ask us to do ir, but later found out the President asked for us to play personally. To say the least we were nervous, but we played like we never played before, and the President loved it. So even with the stress it was worth it

I wrote the song “Space Mountain High” which is a song about achieving the goals you set for your life. “Give It All You Got” a song about never giving up. No matter how hard life may seam at the time. “Space High Joyride” a song about my younger days spent with my friends.

Well that’s our group. Not long after writing this. I got word from the hospital. Mike is awake and starting upon that long path to recovery.

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