Monday, August 30, 2021


 I will stand up for you

When all others turn their backs

I will be your voice

When you are unable to speak for yourself

I will never leave you or desert you

Through the good and bad

I shall remain 

To the very end

You shall always count on me

Life's journey is long

Life's journey is winding

Over the hills

Over the bumps

Hand in hand we shall go together 

Two people 

One unit

Love everlasting 

Friday, August 27, 2021

Paper airplane

 Paper airplane flying through the air

Where it will land I know not where

Through the park.

High in the sky

Through the clouds

Paper airplane flying through the air

Between two friends 

Back and forth

Paper airplane flying through the air 

Caught on the breeze 

It fly's with ease 

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Dust to dust

 Ashes to ashes

Dust to dust

Our lives are a circle 

Started when we are born

The circle will be completed when we leave this world 

Ashes to ashes 

Dust to dust

From the dust of the Earth we were created

To that dust we shall return

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

I dream

 I dream of a world

Where all people from ever


Religious affiliation 

Ethnic group

Skin color

Social status 

And sexual preference 

Can all live in peace and harmony 

I dream of a world

Where you can share

Thoughts and ideas 

Tell jokes

Without someone getting offended 

I dream of a world 

Where you can feel safe in your hometown 

Without fear of




One can live in peace and comfort

I dream of a world

Where health care was available to all who need it

Not just those who can afford it

I dream of a world 

I dreams of a world 

My guitar

 My guitar 

My best friend

Having major surgery 

To have its strings replaced

For the time being 

While you are gone

I will have to carry on

I wept with you

My heart bled with you

Emotionally charged jam sessions 

But I know when I pick you back up

You will be better

You will sound better

And we shall jam once more

And we shall jam like never before

Monday, August 23, 2021


 As I watch your ashes blow upon the wind

The past returns to my mind

Good times

Sad times



A life well lived my friend 


Like our high school graduation 

Watching each other get married 

Being each other's Best Man

Watching our families grow up together 

Sharing memories of their own

Now your life has come to the end of the road

As your best friend 

I stan at the top of this hill

As requested by your will

My final act as your best friend 

Is to release your ashes upon the wind

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Wednesday, August 18, 2021


 Break my bones

Make me bleed

My spirit shall not be broken by thee

Spit on me

Slam me against the wall

My spirit shall not fall

Monday, August 16, 2021

No one does it like you Lord

 No one does it like you Lord

Saving my soul every day

I may wonder 

I may stray

But you keep calling me back anyway 

No one does it like you Lord

You mercy and your grace

Washing over my sin

Taking me in

That ever warming embrace

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Our house

 This is our house

Our memories 

Our story

Over there is where we marked off the kids height 

Over in the corner we had our fist Christmas tree

And over there the puppies were born

The backyard football games and BBQs

Just sitting on the deck enjoying the day

Having friends over

Or meeting new neighbors 

This is our home

Our memories 

Our story

The neighborhood wide snowball fight

The neighborhood wide water balloon fight

Street hockey 


Basketball on the concrete courts

Baseball games in the sandlot

This is our home

Our memories 

Our story


 When something hurts me

And hurts me bad

Playing music makes things better 

The guitar weeps

As I pour out my heart and soul in every note

Pour out




As I reforge and regain ma soul

My drum a pounding Rythm attune to my heart

Each beat



More complex than the last

Cleansing the spirit

By driving out the demon within 

Thursday, August 12, 2021

The witch king

 The shadows grow wherever he goes 

Spreading evil upon his way

Blood flows in mighty rivers

From those who get in his way 

His spell casting has no equal 

The finest it the land

But much prefers fighting 

With a sword in his hand

Death and destruction are his trade

A shadowy figure he is

Lurking unseen until the time is right

Then going in for the kill

He kills those who betray him

He kills just for game

You are definitely a deadman 

If you try to stand in his way

He can throw fireballs hotter than the sun

Just the sight of him makes his enemies run

With a crazy look in his eyes

He can stare at you until you die

Fiery eyes that see to your soul

Your darkest secrets he already knows

He'll use them against you if it gives him an edge 

He'll enter your mind and mess with your head

He spews fire and toxic waste

His heart knows nothing but hate

His mind is twisted his soul corrupt

The hell hound his pup

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Summer is

 Summer is


Swimming at the lake

Ice cream

Watermelon juice running down your face

Summer is 


Water sports


Or being with friends 

Summer is 



Camping out at night

So many ways to make summer great

Make it the best you can

The Bitch goddess

 The bitch goddess is after my soul

Tearing at my heart

Let the blood flow

Let the blood flow

The bitch goddess wants my life

her evil spells cut like a knife

Through my heart

Let the blood flow

The blood pours out it spills forth

like a mighty river my sins atone

The blood is the price paid the moment I laid

with the bitch goddess once more

The bitch goddess eats your flesh

Rright off your bones

Life juices flow

Life juices flow

The bitch goddess an evil one

Cast a spell and you're done

Eat you alive to the bone

Life juices flow

The blood pours out it spills forth

like a mighty river my sins atone

The blood is the price paid the moment I laid

with the bitch goddess once more

Her spot like acid upon your skin

As it spews from her mouth again and again 

Life drained away

Life drained away 

A bastard prince her only child

Her looks handsome but very vile

Evil man born

Evil man born 

The blood pours out it spills forth

like a mighty river my sins atone

The blood is the price paid the moment I laid

with the bitch goddess once more

Bleeding guitar

 My guitar lies bleeding in my arms

As a sad song I start to play

Only in my dreams

 Only in my dreams can we be together

For you left me for another 

I tried to let you see

How much you mean to me

But it wasn't enough

So only in my dreams can we be together 

Snuggling close in each other's arms

Sitting on the couch watching movies

Kissing passionately 

Only in my dreams 

Are you still there when I need you

To comfort me in my time of need 

Forever we'll be together 

If only in my dreams

Monday, August 9, 2021

Farming ways

 Climbing trees

Skipping rocks

Riding on the tailgate 

Of an old pickup truck 

Fishing in the pond

Hunting walnuts 

Raking leaves

Hunting mushrooms 

Just a few memories 

Of bygone days

Youthful joy

Farming ways

Bottle feeding calves

Plucking chickens

Shucking ears of corn

Gathering eggs

Riding on hay

Gathering Blackberries 

Gathering mulberries 

Just a few memories 

Of bygone days

Youthful joy

Farming ways


 Blood running down his cheek 

Left in a heap upon the ground




Finally he gets up

Hurting from his wounds 

The salt of his tears sting as they cross over them

Slowly he




Until he finds help

The bully had left him in bad shape

That much he could tell

The laughter of the bully

Ringing in his ears

The physical wounds will heal one day

The mental and emotional ones never will 

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Party all night

 Party all night

Party all night

great friends fun times

It started at the crack pf dawn

The party lasted all day long

Now into the night it seems

the party music continues to ring

As we loudly sing

Party all night

Party all night

great friends fun times

The drinks flow, the laughter's high

Good food on the grill

Jokes and dancing, what a wonderful night

A fist fight or two, oh well

Party all night

Party all night

great friends fun times

The pool is full

People swimming around

Dunking people under

Skinny dipping allowed 

Party all night

Party all night

great friends fun times

The cops show up, they party along

We joke and laugh and carry on




And so much more

All in good humor 

Party all night

Party all night

great friends fun times

Tiki torches and a fire pit

Exotic dancers, erotic dancers 

Wild craziness, not wanting it to end

Party all night

Party all night

great friends fun times

Fireworks and bonfires 

Costumes and more

Pop ups

Pin ups


Inflatable toys

Party all night

Party all night

great friends fun times



Who cares what day it is

Some leave and then come back

Work or fun, it's all good

Party all night

Party all night

great friends fun times


 Teacher:  Tony, would you'd please read your essay in front of the class

Instantly all eyes are on me



Waiting for me to take my place in front of everyone and read aloud my words

Sweat pours down my face

Slowly ever so slowly

 I rise from my desk

Every step forward in slow and painful 

Every step forward is hell

Why has the teacher condemned me so

I feel like I've been handed a death sentence 

Still the eyes stare

As I work my way to the front

Still I sweat

Finally I stand before the blackboard and begin

My mouth dry as a desert

My legs fill like Jello and I fear a fall

Yet I continue to read

When I have finished reading my essay 

I return to my seat

Glad that that hell's over

Saturday, August 7, 2021


 Come with me my friend 

As we spin webs in the stories we tell

Fantastic and wonderful 




And more

There is magic 

Yes magic in the written word


As it transports you to other worlds 

Strange creatures 

Fantastic landscapes

Adventure at every turn

Listen to my tale

And come with me

Enchantment awaits

Friday, August 6, 2021

Grill and bar

 The place maybe crowded and full of smoke 

But the people are friendly and the beer always flows

The music is loud

We're dancing around

At the local grill and bar

The food is is great the locals say 5 star

The women are pretty done up like move stars

Jokes and laughter 

Pick ups or cars

At the local grill and bar 

You can have a good time 

Come as you are

Everyone's family 

At the local grill and bar 

There's a pool table in back

Card games and darts

Betting's allowed 

But there will be a charge 

At the local grill and bar 

Rather you're local or come from afar

We treat you right no matter who you are

We'll buy you a drink

Or help you to your car

At the local grill and bar 

You can have a good time 

Come as you are

Everyone's family 

At the local grill and bar

There is no dress code we accept all kinds

Blue jeans and work boots

Or a suit and a tie

Everything is fair

At the local grill and bar 

Cars, trucks, or motorbikes 

Biker gangs and local barflies 

T-shirts or no shirts

We really don't mind 

At the local grill and bar 

You can have a good time 

Come as you are

Everyone's family 

At the local grill and bar

Mechanical bull, dance floors, and live bands

The place always rockin with sound

Drinks always welcome

The waitress making her rounds

At the local grill and bar 

Mixed drinks,  straight drinks, we got them all

Wings, burgers,  hotdogs,  and fries  from wall to wall

If you want it we got it

The hottest joint in town

At the local grill and bar 

You can have a good time 

Come as you are

Everyone's family 

At the local grill and bar

Wednesday, August 4, 2021


 Floating in a tube on the lake

Letting the current drift me away

Floating in a tube on the lake

Wasting time 

don't want to let you go

 I don't want to let you go

I'm afraid I'll lose you forever

I don't want to let you go

You mean everything to me

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...