Thursday, August 12, 2021

The witch king

 The shadows grow wherever he goes 

Spreading evil upon his way

Blood flows in mighty rivers

From those who get in his way 

His spell casting has no equal 

The finest it the land

But much prefers fighting 

With a sword in his hand

Death and destruction are his trade

A shadowy figure he is

Lurking unseen until the time is right

Then going in for the kill

He kills those who betray him

He kills just for game

You are definitely a deadman 

If you try to stand in his way

He can throw fireballs hotter than the sun

Just the sight of him makes his enemies run

With a crazy look in his eyes

He can stare at you until you die

Fiery eyes that see to your soul

Your darkest secrets he already knows

He'll use them against you if it gives him an edge 

He'll enter your mind and mess with your head

He spews fire and toxic waste

His heart knows nothing but hate

His mind is twisted his soul corrupt

The hell hound his pup

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