Tuesday, September 7, 2021

The dream

 Last night I had a dream.   A young child was possessed by a demon.  Somehow I showed up at the house to preform the exorcism.  The first thing I did was walk up to the child, grabbed them by the collar of the shirt, and pulled them forward until our foreheads are touching,  then I say in a calm, but commanding voice. " Look deep into my heart, look deep into my soul.  You know who I am, and you know who Sent me."  Then laying the child's head back on the pillow.  I command the demon by all the forces in Heaven and by all the power invested in me to depart from the child.  The child's eyes opened as if from a deep sleep, they great their mom and dad.  Then turns to me and asks who I am.  I tell the child that I am nobody, tell the parents all will be safe.  Then walks out the door and down the street

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