Monday, January 31, 2022


 I would go to the end of the Earth for you

Face any danger 

To prove my love is true

I would travel life's s roughest journey 

To be with you

My every thought is to be with you

Not for a short time


For all eternity 

To the end of our lives here on Earth

And beyond 


 Peace is a calm feeling

A feeling of freedom

A feeling of joy

A feeling of trust 

Peace is believing on the future 

Without the knowledge of what that might be

Peace is taking that leap and believing you Cam fly.

Following your dreams

Reaching out and touching the stars 

Saturday, January 29, 2022



The light in your eyes

Shine bright and pure

Like the brightest star in heaven above


The fire in your soul

Warms my cold heart

Let's me know that someone cares

In a world so cold and bare


So sweet

So kind

So loving

Pure of heart

Pure of mind

Pure of soul


I loved you then


I still love you now



That's all wee are to the Government 

We have no personality 

We have no worth

Numbers is all that we are

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Two hearts

 Two hearts beat as one

As we join in the dance of romance 

Passion and fire

Heat and joy

Your hurts beating as one

Together we go

Down life's road

Hand in hand

Meeting life's challenges 

Together we take on each one

Together we grow stronger that way

The passion of our love is strong 

Nothing can tear us apart

Our hearts beat as one

Keeping us connected by that eternal cord 

Wednesday, January 26, 2022


 I'm with you

Hand in hand

I'm with you

As we cross this land

Together we go

Down life's endless road

Leaning on each other 

For strength and support 

Through life's trials 

Through life's joy

Whatever comes our way

We'll wake it Through that door

Young lovers we may be

But with you next to me

We shall grow old

Traveling life's road

So hand in hand let it be

Us, now Through eternity 

Another question

 I wonder if you take a child and lock them in a room, away from the world's brain washing.   Would that child learn to teach themself,  letting them grow up 100% unfiltered by the world around them.


 I wonder what would happen if you taught a child all the necessary skills for leading a successful life.  But during all that time, they were kept away from politics,  religion,  peer pressure,  and any other form of brain washing.  

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

You left

 Without you

My life is a wreck

Drowning up to my neck

In sorrow and pain

Without you

Tears flow like a stream

Forceful and mean

Rivers from my eyes

You left me

Told me goodbye

Left with that other guy

Now I sit all alone

You left me

Tore me in two

My emotions run blue

Freezing cold to my heart

Saturday, January 22, 2022


 Are there any true individuals out there

100% themselves 



Are we all just products 

Of what everyone  has poured into us over the years


Peer pressure 


The Government 


Just to name a few

Telling us

Who we are

What to believe 

How to act

What to wear

Instead of letting us explore the roads of life

And letting us find the answers to these questions ourselves 

Because that is not what they want

They don't want free thinkers

They just want 


Mindless workers



Void of pure thought

Programed to do their will

Friday, January 21, 2022

Love life

 Valentine's day is drawing near

For some

A time of joy

A time of cheer

But for me the holiday will be spent

Wandering where my love life went

I love you

 I love you

That fire burns through my soul

You warm my heart

When the blood runs cold

I love you

There are no truer words

From my heart flows fo you

With a passion I wish to share

To you and you alone


 Stand up to be you

Don't let others tell you how to live your life

You are an individual 

Stand up

Stand out

Let your voice be heard

Stand true to who you are

Fight for your rights to individual thought

You are not a robot

You are not a machine 

You are human

And as such you have rights 

Don't let society tell you otherwise 

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Mindless Drones

 We are born



Individuals with our own

Thoughts and personality 

Then we start preschool 

And they start to change us

From free thinkers 

To obedient drones for them to control

From 1-12

They continue their brain washing

Telling us to 

Think alike 

Act alike

Dress alike

Removing all Individual thought

Slowly through the years Telling us

What to think


What to say




Trying to control us

Leaving the Individual behind

Just making us

Another face in the crowd

Wednesday, January 19, 2022


 The Government 

This culture 

May cancel Religion


They shall never cancel me

Tuesday, January 18, 2022



Sleep tight

Drift away in your dreams

Upon the night


Sleep tight

A world of your own making

In your dreams tonight

Taco Tuesday

 Taco Tuesday 

Taco Tuesday 

Soft shell, hard shell, wrap

Meat and spices

Onion and sour cream on top



Seafood to

Tomatoes, lettuce,  shredded cheese

Taco Tuesday 

Spicey heat

Mild and tangy

Or maybe sweet

Taco Tuesday 

Build your own

Just the way you like

Human Tails

 I wish humans had tails

Mine would wag everytime you were near

Always happy to see you

You make me happy

Saturday, January 15, 2022

False Gods

 Will you follow the one true God


The false God that is the US. Government 

Sunday, January 9, 2022


 Two hamsters sword fight with French fries.  To see who will become the number one household pet

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Zippy the pothead

 Zippy the pothead

Smoking some hay

My oh my what a wonderful day

Plenty of weirdness coming my way

Zippy the pothead

Smoking some hay

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

40 days of

 Not to long from now the church will be celebrating the 40 days of Lent.  But what else is there to celebrate.

The 40 days of Rent.  Celebrating the freedom and joy of living in an apartment. 

The 40 days of bent.  Celebrating the wild and off the wall sense of humor.

The 40 days of tent.  Celebrate by spending 40 days and nights out in the wilderness.

The 40 days of flint,  like the 40 days of tent but you must light your campfire by banging two rocks together 

The 40 days of lint.  40 days of celebration towards pocket fuzz

Sunday, January 2, 2022


 Being put under during surgery is like, sitting in a waiting room,  waiting to see if death calls your number

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...