My heart still burns for thee
Though I know it can never be
Why can't my heart see that
Why can't my heart feel that
Why can't my heart just let me be
Writing poetry and short stories to let people take a peek inside my mind. I also do videos, take pictures, and like to cook and share tips on cooking
My heart still burns for thee
Though I know it can never be
Why can't my heart see that
Why can't my heart feel that
Why can't my heart just let me be
The throne of the dead is rising
Chaos is everywhere
Skeletons thought long gone
Are living once more
The world is not safe
Beasts from hell are roaming free
They nip at you
They nip at me
They want your blood
They want your soul
Your life They want to control
Demons from the underworld
Living among us today
Trying to turn us to zombies
Trying to turn us their way
Went 1 round with Jose Cuervo
Smashed the glass upon the floor
Went 2 rounds with Captain Morgan
Heck I'll go one more
Went 3 rounds with Jack Daniel
A little dizzy in the head
Went 4 rounds with Bud
I think it's time for bed
My blood flows like a river
As I cut myself again
Upon the barbed fence that I fix
For the cows got out again
I chased them down
I put them back
Now the fence I fix
The sun is hot
My sweat flows
Like waves on the ocean
The sweat rolls
Still the fence I fix
Because a farmer I be
Even if the barbed wire makes me bleed
Emotional wounds run deep
As deep as a gorge
A river of sorrow and pain
Flows like a mighty wave
Destroying everything in its path
There is light
Though far away and dim
I must live each day one at a time
Fighting my wars
Destroying my enemies
Until the battle's won
Little by little
Inch by inch
I fight
Every getting closer
To the light
I laugh though sometimes I want to die
I smile so no one sees my tears
I joke so no one knows how much pain I'm in
I am human
I want to be your moon and shine in your darkness
Sitting upon the beach in the middle of the night
My tears wash away with the waves
The moon shines bright
Shining upon the water
10 years have passed since my child drowned
I have returned to this beach
To honor the loss
It was a family trip
We took a boat out onto the water
A big wave hit
Rocking the boat upon the choppy waves
You fell overboard and was washed away
Before anyone of us realized what had happened
We drove the boat around for hours
But no sign of you could be found
Reluctantly we went back to the hotel for the night
When we got there
We were greeted by the coast guard
They had found you life vest
But not You
We were told that you had drowned
And somehow the vest came lose while you sank to the bottom
We thank them for looking
Then went to our room for a sleepless night
The next day we searched the beach before packing up and heading home
Every year since we come back to honor you
Your mom can sleep
I walk the beach in the middle of the night
After all these years
Still struggling to hold on
Still struggling to move on
Your loss hurt me that much
These yearly trips help
These midnight strolls upon the beach help
I miss you
I love you
No matter where you are
Never forget that
Thees words plus many others I have heard throughout my shcool life
Over the years
I have tried to lose them
Brush off such hateful words
Get on with my life
After all thees years the words still stick
Like static that wont come off
they build in my thoughts
Ghosts from my past
I wish they'ed leave me alone
It's getting warm ti.e to go fishing
A big bass is what I'm wishing
Eat it at home that'd be fine
Or cook it up at a church fish fry
I was headed down a dead end street
Jesus came and rescued me
Yes, he came to save my life
He took what was wrong and made it right
I was about to take my own life
I couldn’t handle all this strife
Then Jesus came and brought relief
He saves my life and now I believe
My life had been a hurried mess
I had no chance to find some rest
Jesus came and turned things around
Now my life is safe and sound
When still a sinner be
You went to the cross and died for me
You went and shed your blood
My sins were lost within that crimson
Through all that time of strife and pain
All you had to do was call my name
My cares would be set free
What a wonderful savior you are for me
Jesus is Lord
Yes, he’s my king
I’ll praise you forever
Jesus is Lord
Yes, he’s my king
I will praise you forever
Jesus, I kneel
With a wounded
broken heart
The darkness wants
to overtake me
I need your Heavenly
You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are gray
Jesus I'll always
praise you
Please don't take
your sunshine away
The world it hatess
Because I'm
preaching your Holy word
But I will press on
To preach another
Another day upon
this Earth
You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are gray
Jesus I'll always
praise you
Please don't take
your sunshine away
When the world
Grows Dark and scary
And it seems I have
no friends at all
You will send your
To warm my heart
with your heavenly glow
You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are gray
Jesus I'll always
praise you
Please don't take
your sunshine away
Follow the rainbow
To your heart's content
Follow the rainbow
Adventure to be had
Lands to be explored
New and exciting
People and cultures galore
A melting pot of life
Follow the rainbow
Don't look back
Follow your heart's desire
Depression is an ocean
Sometimes that ocean gets pretty rough
You are a ship upon that ocean
Being tossed by the waves
Having wave after wave hitting the side of your boat
That you are afraid of sinking
Live with depression long enough
You learn how to ride those waves
So you never fear sinking again
there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...