Sitting upon the beach in the middle of the night
My tears wash away with the waves
The moon shines bright
Shining upon the water
10 years have passed since my child drowned
I have returned to this beach
To honor the loss
It was a family trip
We took a boat out onto the water
A big wave hit
Rocking the boat upon the choppy waves
You fell overboard and was washed away
Before anyone of us realized what had happened
We drove the boat around for hours
But no sign of you could be found
Reluctantly we went back to the hotel for the night
When we got there
We were greeted by the coast guard
They had found you life vest
But not You
We were told that you had drowned
And somehow the vest came lose while you sank to the bottom
We thank them for looking
Then went to our room for a sleepless night
The next day we searched the beach before packing up and heading home
Every year since we come back to honor you
Your mom can sleep
I walk the beach in the middle of the night
After all these years
Still struggling to hold on
Still struggling to move on
Your loss hurt me that much
These yearly trips help
These midnight strolls upon the beach help
I miss you
I love you
No matter where you are
Never forget that
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