Saturday, May 21, 2022

A slow fading away

 Watching my Grandma deal with that disease 

Watching my Grandma slow fade from me

Alzheimers is slow eating away bot by bit

Watching your loved one's reality slip

Slowly ever slowly farther down they fall

Forgetting names and faces but that's not all

Watching  them slowly diminish 

While the light inside gets slowly extinguished 

My Grandma suffer through this untill her dying day

Slowly despairing slowly sliding away

Heartbreaking it was sitting through it all

When the fail day came my heart did fall

Two years since her passing the sadness still strong

Seen the old farmhouse without her seems wrong

But at least she longer suffers that puts me at ease

And knowing she is with her husband now walking on Heaven's golden streets

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  Sunflowers in the field Standing tall Standing still Like guards keeping watch Over the farm And it's flock