Writing poetry and short stories to let people take a peek inside my mind. I also do videos, take pictures, and like to cook and share tips on cooking
Thursday, March 30, 2023
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Your own path
Walk the unbeaten path
Forge your own way
Don't do things
Just because everyone else does
Stand up
Step out of line
Decide who you are and who you whish to be
Live life on your own terms
Don't let others control you
Do not conform
You are not a drone
Strike away fro. The crowd
You have a voice
Let it be heard
Tuesday, March 28, 2023
Donut Ideas
Here is a couple of thoughts that have ran through my mind the last couple of weeks. Yes they have to di with donuts.
1. Make a donut, cover it with peanutbutter, and fill it with grape or strawberry jelly
2. Take a donut cover it with chocolate icing and crushed gram crakers, fill it with toasted Marshmallow fluff
3. Take a donut and cover it with German Chocolate icing
4. Mix crushed walnuts and pecans into some honey. Then spread on donut
5. Cover the top of the donut in orange and black stripes
6. Cover half of the top of a donut in chocolate icing, the other half with vanilla icing
7. I wonder what it would taste like to take a whole bag of BBQ potato chips, crush them up, then add then to your donut dough. If those donuts came out well. Think of all the other potato chip options you could try
8. I wonder if it would taste good if you added dry ranch or Italian dressing to the donut batter
9. Take a donut, top it with vanilla icing, and chocolate and peanutbutter chips
10. Take a donut fill it with the middle of an OREO cookie, crush up the cookie part and put it on top
11. Take a donut, cover it with chocolate, then cover that with shaved coconut
12. I wander if you can make a donut using beer in the batter
i wander if you can make a donut using cornmeal in the batter
14. Take a donut put it in the bottom of a dish, top it with ice cream. Chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and nuts
15. Plain cake donut covered with melted butter and maple syrup
16. A cake donut filled with cream cheese and topped with strawberry or cherry jelly
17. A cake donut filled with French onion dip.
18. A plain donut, covered in vanilla icing, with chocolate and peanutbutter chips on top
19 a donut covered in brown sugar and filled with apple jelly
20. A donut filled with whipped cream and topped with chocolate syrup and sprinkles
21. I wander if you can make donut dough using apple cider
22. Crush up potato chips and add them to the donut batter
23. Donut topped with cookie dough
24. Donut topped with glaze and crushed chocolate chip cookies
Maybe they sound better than they would taste. But I thought I would share them
Monday, March 27, 2023
Storms of life
The storms of life will blow. Be like the plants of the Earth. Let those storms help you grow, not tear you down.
Sunday, March 26, 2023
Enjoy life while you still can
Don't live under a cloud of dread and doubt
Let the sun shine in
Make each day yours
Life is short
Enjoy every second
For you never know when the sands in the hour glass of life will stop running
Live now
While you still can
Saturday, March 25, 2023
Raise your glass
Let's make a toast
To good friends and our host
Pass the food around
Grab your fill
Don't leave here hungry
Have a drink as well
Memories made
Laughing at jokes
People chatting
People playing sports
Raise your glass
Raise them high
Toast each other
Enjoy this night
Set you free
Come with me
Let me set you free
To new wonders and joy
To new experiences and emotions
Come take my hand
We shall travel to a magical land
Of pure imagination and delight
Of amazing creatures
Of amazing sights
Your imagination is the only limitation
You hold the key
All you wish is
All you want can be
So take my hand
Come with me
Let me ser you free
Let the bell of freedom ring
Let it be heard long and far
May the rythm of peace
Enchant you and feel you with joy
Spread it to all you encounter
May they hear the rythm and spread the peace
Friday, March 24, 2023
I can see you are feeling sad my friend
Come give me a big bear hug
Let me be the sponge that absorbs
All your sadness
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Donut Pirates
Two donut pirates meet upon a sea of icing. Long John Chocolate in one boat. Long John Caramel in the other. As their shops meet, cannons start glazing as they fire donut holes at each other. Soon Long John Caramel tells is crew to prepare for they are about to confront the enemy. Caramel and his crew swing over to the other ship on liquorice ropes. They draw their pretzel sticks and begin fighting the enemy. Donuts fall on both sides, covering the deck with the dead and much cream filling. Caramel and Chocolate engage each other in combat. The fight seems to last forever and is fought all over the ship. Finally chocolate knocks the pretzel stick out of Caramel's hand, stabing him with his own. Strawberry filling oozes from the wound, and Caramel falls dead upon the deck of the ship. Long John Chocolate stands over his fallen victim in Victor.
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Saturday, March 18, 2023
When the donut shop opens
Here's one for after when the donuts shop opens. Sang yo the tune of "Yesterday" by The Beatles
Yesterday, all the donuts seemed so far away
Now they are here to stay
Oh, I belive in Yesterday
Friday, March 17, 2023
They preform on the street corner
One on a guitar
One on a conga drum
They preform for the people passing by
Their voices sing songs of peace
A sweet melody
A welcome sound among the chaos of the world
People stop to listen
Some might even pitch a few bucks into the guitar case
Some even talk with the duo
Two people
Souls from a lost Era
Reaching out to those around them
Saying it's not to late
Stop the hate
Live in peace
Be free
Rain or shine
Heat of the day
Or chilly winter
They are there in the hippy clothes
Playing and singing their song
Their message of love and peace
Their message of a better world
Thursday, March 16, 2023
Apartment memories
At the apartment I lived in, in Springfield. Every year they had a cook out ( really everyone sat in the commons area on the first floor. While someone cooked the burgers on the grill outside.) One year I got picked to do the grilling. So I took the box of pre-made patties out to the grill. My friends Matt Roystone and Janine Walley were out there with me, to keep me company and to take patties inside when the plate was full. We laughed, we joked, and we drank soda. When all the patties were made. I opened a package of hamburger and grilled three patties, one for myself and the other two for them. While the patties cooked, I sliced open some rolls to eat them on.
Another thing I remember from that time. One evening Matt and I went to the store next to our building, and bought a pint of ice cream each. Them we went back to the building, sat on the bench across the driveway and ate our ice cream and talked. When our pints were finished, we continued to talk until the sun went down
My friends Mark and Elisa West had just had a baby girl. One day I met them in the hall on my way outside. Elisa asked if I wanted to hold her baby. ( Now before this time, I had no thoughts about having kids, or had I ever held a baby) When Elisa placed her child in my arms. I just melted, it was like a wall inside me fell, or maybe a dam burst. From that moment on I wanted to be a dad
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Space cat
there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...

The evils of this World hold you by a leash to Stay in controll
They were fools to interrupt this day My day Where I was to be wed to the man I love Did they not think I would be armed Did they not thin...
Sons of night Wicked deeds Doomed they are