Peace sweetheart as you sleep tonight
Wrapped up in your covers tight
Dreaming until the morning light
Writing poetry and short stories to let people take a peek inside my mind. I also do videos, take pictures, and like to cook and share tips on cooking
Peace sweetheart as you sleep tonight
Wrapped up in your covers tight
Dreaming until the morning light
Hey Bucee you're so fine
You're so fine you blow my mind
Hey Bucee
Hey Bucee
Hey Bucee you're so fine
You're so fine you blow my mind
Hey Bucee
Hey Bucee
Hey Bucee you're so fine
I'd eat your brisket all the time
Hey Bucee
Hey Bucee
Get a chill up your spine
From creepy crawlies and tales we unwind
Ghost, gobblins, monsters, and more
Undead zombies
Thrills galore
Hear a tale of the haunted past
A screeching banshee, vampire bat
Tales told by firelight glow
Mysteries span
Unsolved and unknown
Hear tales of graveyards, witches, skeletons, and more
Bound to give you nightmares for sure
So come and listen to the stories we tell
You are such a trickster
Playing jokes on the wild things in the forest
Having fun
Sang to the tune of "Born to be wild" by steppenwolf
Got my motor running
Head out on the highway
Going out to Bucees
And whatever heads my way
That brisket's gonna make it happen
The sauce running diwn my face
With a cold soda
It really is the place
I see the road sign
And that beaver photo
And the words
Telling me how far to go
That brisket's gonna make it happen
The sauce running diwn my face
With a cold soda
It really is the place
Bucees in a half mile
Bucees in a half mile
Sang to the tune of "Play that funky music" by Wild Cherry
Play that bucee's music right boy
Play that bucee's music right
Play that bucee's music right boy
Eat brisket sandwich and Play that bucee's music all the time
Dark angel
Mistress of the night
Spellbinding witch
Chilling fright
Dark deeds done
Souls claimed
Mistress of the night
Dark angel your name
The wold around him
In pain
A runaway
Left his home
Left the fighting
Left the abuse
Now he survives on the street
Doing what is needed
Taking odd jobs
Just to get by
This used to be a happy place
A place of joy and peace
Years gone by
Age takes it's toll
On happy places like these
But so is the clock of time
Moving forward
Never behind
Ghosts of the past linger here
Giving forth a silent cheer
Music soothes the soul
Calms the raging beast
Shares the beat that runs through the very core of existence
The spirit of the lion lives within me
The savage beast
The king
The warrior
The spirit of the Lion lives within me
The conquering hero
Who chews up his enemies
And spits them out
Books are such wonderful things
Escape from the world we live in
Into new and fantastic worlds
Beyond human imagination
Hippie soul
Light life's fire in the darkness of this world
Hippie soul
Good vibes wherever you roam
I got the late night munchies
Waffle House
I got the late night munchies
Waffle House
Late at night my stomach growls
Get in my car to Waffle House
The food is good the service great
Waffles and hashbrowns on my plate
I got the late night munchies
Waffle House
I got the late night munchies
Waffle House
A fight breaks out
I don't care
People yelling things flying through the air
Hasbrowns and Waffles tasting great
Everything Elsa will just have to wait
I got the late night munchies
Waffle House
I got the late night munchies
Waffle House
Be the light that points the way
Share that light
Lead the people
Lead them to truth and understanding
Lead them into brotherhood and peace
Show that there is a better way
Beyond the darkness and slavery
Beyond hatred
Beyond brokeress
Footprints in the sand
As she walks the shoreline
Watching the waves crash the land
Watching the ships out at sea
She is calm
She is cool
As she strolls along the beach
A daily routine
The salty air breeze
The waves Washing over her feet
I had two strange dreams last night. In the first one, I was at an eye appointment. I was reading the eye chart, but in between the rows of letters I read. YOU'RE GOING TO DIE MR. ANDERSON, GET OUT OF THE EXAM ROOM NOW. I woke up after reading that, so I have no idea what happened.
When I was seven years old, I lived in Virginia and didn't go to church. However in my second dream I was seven years old and in a church. During part of the service, the children of the church would line up and go to the front of the church. At the front of the church, each child would pull a piece of Monopoly money out of a basket, write a prayer on the back, stick it in an envelope and address it to Heaven, then light it with the alter candle. Each child did this, one by one, with the Pastor standing by. When I got up to the basket and reached in, the Pastor grabs my wrist ( hard enough to hurt), calls me a thief, and shoves me to the floor. Where the other children start beating the shit out of me.
Life has it's storms that can blow you away
Life will send challenges your way
Whirl winds of chaos
Tornados of destruction
Life falling apart
Thunder clap
Rain falls
While I sit on my porch and watch
The power
The majesty
Nature putting on a show
The door at the end is what I seek
What is beyond
I don't know
My mind can only guess
A new world
A new univers
Full if the most wonderful things
A portal to Hell
With mosters from my worst nightmare
The closest I get to the door
The insanity rises
The hallway dark and bleak
Still that door I seek
Daylight has gone
The day is done
Rest your head
Dream upon moonbeams
The night sky is an ocean
Sail your ship upon it
Dream on till morning
Deep in a cave in the mountains high
A cult was growing
Mystics, wizard, black magic of all sorts
Evil things the world has never seen
Ledgends and tales are all that is known
For these evil ones don't like to roam
For their cave is their power
But they say when the wind is high
And from the mountains is where it cries
You can hear the chanting spellbinding witchcraft that goes on
No one ventures up there
For fear of an evil spell
Be cast upon them who dare
W ithin every heart there is a spark
Reaching down to the soul
Ignite that spark let it burn bright
Telling stories and poetry
Entertainers are we
Reciting the lyrics of life
Together forever more
For all ages of this life
A journey they take day and night
Little star
Up so so very far
Great big moon
The daylight will be here soon
A shooting star across the sky
Leaving a trail burning bright
With the clouds passing by
there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...