Thursday, January 25, 2024

Strange Dreams

 I had two strange dreams last night.   In the first one, I was at an eye appointment.   I was reading the eye chart, but in between the rows of letters I read.  YOU'RE GOING TO DIE MR. ANDERSON, GET OUT OF THE EXAM ROOM NOW.  I woke up after reading that, so I have no idea what happened. 

When I was seven years old, I lived in Virginia and didn't go to church.  However in my second dream I was seven years old and in a church.  During part of the service, the children of the church would line up and go to the front of the church.  At the front of the church, each child would pull a piece of Monopoly money out of a basket,  write a prayer on the back, stick it in an envelope and address it to Heaven,  then light it with the alter candle.   Each child did this, one by one, with the Pastor standing by.  When I got up to the basket and reached in, the Pastor grabs my wrist ( hard enough to hurt), calls me a thief,  and shoves me to the floor.  Where the other children start beating the shit out of me.

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