Monday, May 27, 2024

Drum of rum

 Yo ho, we drink the rum

Flowing freely from the drum

We get drunk, fall on our bum

We sail the whole sea over

The captain drunk on the deck

Stumbling round the ocean made him sick

Poor captain he fall overboard 

We have no captain any more 

Yo ho, we drink the rum

Flowing freely from the drum

We get drunk, fall on our bum

We sail the whole sea over

Swab the deck

Raise the sail

The wind doth blow

With a mighty gale

Sing a chanty

Whoop and wale

The sailor's life be merry

Yo ho, we drink the rum

Flowing freely from the drum

We get drunk, fall on our bum

We sail the whole sea over

Pirates we are mean and grim

We fight with swords we kill all men

Plunder amd pillage is our trade

The worse you are you get more fame

Yo ho, we drink the rum

Flowing freely from the drum

We get drunk, fall on our bum

We sail the whole sea over

We need all hands on deck

The enemy ship coming quick

Load the cannons blast away 

Send that ship to a watery grave

Yo ho, we drink the rum

Flowing freely from the drum

We get drunk, fall on our bum

We sail the whole sea over

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