Walking the pathways of my dreaming
Making sure all is good and right
Sending nightmares away screaming
Celestial goddess of the night
Graceful and fair are you
Peace and love is so right
Your heart beats pure and true
Writing poetry and short stories to let people take a peek inside my mind. I also do videos, take pictures, and like to cook and share tips on cooking
Walking the pathways of my dreaming
Making sure all is good and right
Sending nightmares away screaming
Celestial goddess of the night
Graceful and fair are you
Peace and love is so right
Your heart beats pure and true
A long, long time ago
In a grocery store far away
Lived a man named Mr. Clean
With his scrubbing bubbles by his side
He would Clean the mess left behind
By the customers of the day
Broken bottles and broken jars
Displays knocked down by wayward carts
Candy wrappers here and there
Whole displays knocked over without care
Mr. Clean would just look and stare
His scrubbing bubbles fly through the air
The cleaning start then and there
Just a days job for them
Tree of life
Tree of flame
What wisdom do you impart
Upon me this day
Tree of life
Burn bright
Keep the darkness at bay
Guide me
Teach me
May your fire burn within me
Together we walk through the field watching the sunset glow
Our bodies grow old over the years
Our kids have kids
Our kids have Grandkids
So at home it's just you and me
Lord I come on bended knees
To ask of you pretty please
To fix the hearts that have gone wrong
Remove this world from the path it's on
I know everything according to your plan
But please Lord try and understand
We are only human with human minds
I stand alone in an ocean of people
I don't fit in anywhere
I've tried to connect
But I keep getting pushed aside
An ocean of people
A flood of souls
Not one of them knows me
There seems no hope
The black sheep of the flock
The one always breaking through the fence
The one always causing trouble
To much more of this
Off to the sale barn
and you can be someone else's problem
Legend has it two young boys went out for a ride
Along the way they lost their lives
How is up for debate
Some claim a wild animal attack
Some say Crazier things
But one thing is for sure
They disappeared
and never seen from again
Their ghosts however ride the path
Every night they can be seen
Life has it's storms
Life wants to knock you down
Life wants to hold you back
Life wants to test your limits
After the stor however
The wolf comes forth
To show this world who the real beast is
I miss you more and more each day
From the day we met
Till the day my life fades away
I shell never forget your love
I am blessed
I have good health
Family who love me
Friends who like me for being me
Yes I am blessed
Yes, there are times when things get rough
Yes, there are times when things get tough
I take it all on
I come out string
I may get beat from time to time
But, that's life
For hundreds of years
They have flourished in the shadows
The one truly in control
The ones truly making the decisions
No one knows about the
But their influence is seen everyday
The sand in the hourglass of your life are slipping away
Draining faster than you realize
Live before it runs out
Get out and explore
For once the sand runs out
Your life shall be no more
Don't yell at me
I know I have done wrong
Don't yell
I know I screwed up
I am sorry for what I did
I will do everything to set things right
No need to yell at me
I already feel bad enough
To continue yelling
Just sends me spiraling into darkness
To continue yelling
Just makes me feel more worthless than I already do
A good poem is like a magic spell
Able to intrance you with its words
The rhythm
The rhyme
All to entice you and draw you in
Our love for each other grows stronger each day
Over the years both good and bad
Over the years both happy and sad
Yet through it all Love remained
A Boy reads
While the Rebel fight rages around him
So far him and his family have been left alone during the conflict
But how long will that last
Before the Rebel fighters say they have to move on
Or worse
The government soldiers shoot them dead for helping the Rebellion
His family isn't able to do much for them
But they have housed a few of the troops from time to time
The Rebels seek to bring peace
The Government just to continue their oppression
May the Rebels win the fight
Son: Dad, I feel a disturbance in the fork
Dad: Son get the phone ready
From the kitchen they hear: I'm making veggie burgers, who wants a couple
Dad: Son, now you see why I have Pizza Hut on speed dial
Keep on trucking
Moving that heavy load
Put the petal to the floor
The rubber on the road
Stores waiting for what you got
To help keep their supply in stock
Deliver your cargo
One job done
Pick up another load
Chase down the sun
Later in the day
Just about evening time
The young ones play Frisbee
The Elders just unwind
Meat in the pit
Baked beans in the croc
Then when the sun goes down
We'll watch some fireworks
No matter what you say
No matter how you try to get in my way
No matter how many times you push me down
I will rise up
You can try your tricks and sin
You can try to destroy me from within
Spiritually I stand
To rise again
God is my King
Not this evil thing
So try your best to knock me down
I will rise up safe and sound
The moon is high
The stars are bright
A perfect night to be together
Side by side
Fully in love
Sharing this time
50 stars against a field of blue for the endless sky above
Red stripes for the blood shed to defend it
White stripes for freedom and all it stands for
Over the years
Wars could not bring it down
A country divided by a civil war could not harm it
Guns fired around it
Bombs explodes near it
People have died defending it
It still stands
High winds
And whatever Mother Nature wishes to send
Yet the flag still stands
People have spat upon it
Set it aflame
Let it fall to the ground and stomped on it
Or ran it over with their vehicles
Yet the flag still stands
50 stars against a field of blue for the endless sky above
Red stripes for the blood shed to defend it
White stripes for freedom and all it stands for
The sound of your giggle music to my ears
Funny, laughing, happy boy
You have been such a joy in my life
From the day you were born
My spark
My light
Things haven't always been easy
There were days I wanted to cry
Like the day your daddy left us
Or the Grandpa died
You however have been my steadfast solid rock
My child
I love you more than you will ever understand
The future looms before us
What it will bring, I know not
But together we will face it
Come what may
The day is over
Time to lay your head
Dream of lands far away
Dream of big adventures
The stars shine bight
Wish upon a shooting star
In the moonlight
Way up in the mountains
In the middle of nowhere
Is a hotel
Looks like a castle from the dark ages
They say ghosts of long dead royalty roam the halls
causing all sorts of mischief
Making doors open and close
Rattling chains
Making suits of armor walk
That's just a few things
Most of the stuff seen in this place
Would make your skin crawl and your hair turn white
Would make you throw up just by describing it
The details get pretty gruesome
Way up in the mountains
All alone
In the middle of nowhere
Is a hotel
there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...