Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Good night


The night has come

Lay down your head

Wish upon a shooting star

Dream pleasant peaceful dreams

The night has come

The moon is high

Shining bright for all

May it guide you in your Slumber

And keep you same from harm

Fun pictures




Spread your wings and fly

Do not listen to society 

They want to keep you grounded with lies

Spread your wings and fly

Explore what truly makes you who you are

Explore what truly sets you free

Don't follow the crowd

Sore above them

Strike your own path

Some people won't like the true you

They don't matter

The real people 

The right people 

The AWESOME people 

Will love who you are

Storms of life


The winds of life will blow

The lightening of life will strike

The thunder of life will clap

The storms of life will rage

The rains of life will fall

You will grow through it all



Just the act of saying hello

Could be enough To brighten their day

And keep the from going over the edge

Into an emotional grave

Just the act of saying hello 

Can change someone's mood

Pulling them from a drab grey

Into the full colors of life

Just the act of saying hello 

Simple as it may seem

May have a lasting impact on that person

For the rest of the day

The Traveler


The places I've gone

The people I've met

The food I've tasted

I travel the world

For adventure

For the knowledge I gain

Good morning


Good morning 

Hope you have a great day

May you be full of passion 

For life and the adventure it brings 

Good morning 

Hope your day is true

You're awesome 

Just being you

Good morning 

Peace be with you

Be strong in spirit, mind, and soul

No matter what life hands you

You got this

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Good night


Good night 

Sleep well

Dream a peaceful dream

The moon shines bright 

The stars above

Space in all it’s majesty 

Good night 

Sleep well

Dream a peaceful dream







How hard is it people

Treat others as you wish to be treated

Seems simple to me



Rock and roll

Dancing and jiving to the tunes

Dancing and jiving to Mother Natuer's heartbeat 



You show kindness to me

You get kindness back



Getting older is a must

It will happen rather you want it or nut

But getting old is a choice

You will get older

You don't have to get old

Keep in touch with the child within

Keep that child since of wonder and exploration

As you get older

Look for the excitement of each day

The renewal of the soul

Good morning


Wake up

Rise and shine

Life waits for no one

Live now

Or get left behind

Follow that path

Enjoy all that you can

Learn all that you can

Life is a process 

Take it one step at a time

Don't get in a hurry 

You might miss something important 

So take it slow

Learn as you go

Enjoy the journey 

Monday, July 1, 2024

Good night


The moon is high in the night sky

The stars glitter and shine

Dream of joy and happy things

As you lay down your head



Light a fire

Tell some stories 

Play some music to

Tonight we camp

Under the moon

The sun goes down

The stars come up

The wildlife gets in tune

The evening music of nature

It will be time to sleep soon

Lost parents


A small child sits by the grave

Where his parents now lay

To be raised by his Grandparents he shall

But sadness for now

Damn the drunk driver who took them away

While they walked him to school that day

He was only spared

Because his father just had time to push him out of the way

So the car missed him but took both his parent's lives

Now he sits

After watching them laid to rest

Tears forming in his eyes

Stay weird


Stay unique 

Believe in yourself 

Stand out from the crowd

Be who you are

Don't let anyone change you

It is OK not to fit in

Some people will understand you

Some people won't 

That's just how life is

Everyone has their own personality 

Celebrate it

You are worth it

Don't conform to what the world calls normal 

Continue being the awesome you



Life is sometimes dark

Let the sun shine in

Life can be scary at times

Let the sun shine in

No need to feel the coldness of the world 

Let the warmth of friends and family glow

And always let the sun shine in

Good night

  The night has come Lay down your head Wish upon a shooting star Dream pleasant peaceful dreams The night has come The moon is high Shining...