Monday, September 30, 2024

Down on the corner


Down on the corner

Playing her heart out

On her guitar 

For those passing by

Some stop to listen 

But most just pass without a glance

She doesn't care if only one stops by

Or a whole crowd

She'll play her music just the same

Touching lives

One note at a time



Time the thief of life

Every second that passes

Is a second closer to the day we die

Haunted house


Many legends, folklore,  and mystery

About that house on the hill

The fact that you can see a skull face

Helps with the chill

Mad scientists

Doing experiments trying to raise the dead

Ghosts of murders from the past

The eerie nature of the house

Is well documented 

Lights flickering on and off

(No one's  lived there for years)

Strange noises

Many legends, folklore,  and mystery

About that house on the hill

The fact that you can see a skull face

Helps with the chill

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Have an idea


Have an idea

Have a plan

The wheels in your mind turning and churning 

Work with your idea

Turn it into something fantastic 

The good stuff


"Hey Snoopy, where ever you got this stuff, thanks, it's really trippy."

"Well Chuck, let's just say I know someone and leave it at that"

Go Chiefs


Go Chiefs go

Go Chiefs go

Plow them down

Run that ball

Cross the End zone 

Touchdown glory

Go Chiefs go

Go Chiefs go

The other team can not stand

When the Chiefs invade their land

The Chiefs wage war

Gridiron gridlock 

The other team will get stomped 





Over the bounty waves

Is it good for the captain to get seasick 

Who cares

Bring on the rum

Bring on the fun

Watch out for pirates

That would be bad

To get caught up with them

On our Maiden voyage 

Yes, I'll admit I'm a new captain 

I take my duties with pride

Protecting passengers and crew

With my life if needed

Out here to have fun

But safety is a must

Good morning


Rise and shine

A brand new day

Just can't sleep it away

Get up


Make each moment count 

Saturday, September 28, 2024



Your bed is calling 

Can you hear it

Your bed is calling 

Will you answer 

Adventure awaits

It's only a dream away

Swashbuckling pirates 

The world to save

Finding a lost mysterious land

Your imagination is the only limit

Your bed is calling 

Can you hear it

Your bed is calling 

Will you answer 

Music Therapy


Music is her life

From an early age her ability with the guitar showed

She played to calm the raging storm within her

She also used her music

To help others going through their own storms

Music was therapy 

Music is therapy 

Music always will be therapy 



Strayed from the pack

Went out on my own

The path will not be easy 

Many things will try to get in my way

However the rewards will be worth it

So come what may

Rain fall


Let the rain fall

Wash me clean

From all of life's impurities 

Shower from Heaven 

Cleans my soul

Fix my broken pieces 

Make me whole

Friday, September 27, 2024

Piano play


The hands glide over the piano with ease
A melodious sound
Musical notes come to life
Jumping from the paper they had been written on
To dance with the fingers of the Pianist

Ocean view


Step out on the balcony 

The ocean waves roll in

A beautiful sight

Seagulls fly by

Step out on the balcony 

The salty smell in the air

The sound of distant ships



The cooler air

The colors of nature 

Like a paintbrush on canvas 





Spooky fun

kids dressed up in costume 

candy to grab







She is a mystery 

She is timeless 

For She has existed since before time began 

Always in the shape of a female 

Though she has taken other forms when needed

The mysteries of the universe  are known to her

Thursday, September 26, 2024





Through thick and thin

Love each other no matter what

Yes they fight

Yes they argue


They have each other's back

No matter what

If one of them is in need

The other will be there

No questions asked

Head storm


Thunderstorm in my head

Lightening flashes of pain

Headache season is upon me

The More you know


The more you know

The more powerful you become

Knowledge is power

The power to transform the world

with greater advances in medicine and technology

Advances in day to day living and transport

Advances in how we communicate with ourselves and those around us

The more you know

The more you can shape the world 

Make it better

The more you know

The better you understand the world

To better contribute to it



 Let's go in the maze they said

It will be fun they said

Now I'm separated from my family

lost in this thing

For who knows how long

It started out fun

I'll admit to that

Then we lost track of each other

Among the twist and turns

Dead ends and round-abouts

Now we're all lost from each other

Tired, hungry. and just want out

To rejoin with our family

Go home

Let's go in the maze they said

It will be fun they said



Evening time

Family time

A long hard day put to rest

Gather round the fire


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Solve a mystery


Let's solve a mystery

Piece together the clues 

like a jigsaw puzzle

Let's solve a mystery

Catch the crooks

Send them to jail

Mystery solved

Justice Prevailed

One fine day


One fine day

The woods I did walk

Over streams, babbling Brooks, and leaf covered floor

Wild animals could be seen

At a distance 

Deer, bear, fox, and much more

Tuesday, September 24, 2024








The Carnival is back in town

Almost a magical feeling of youthfulness 

No matter your age

Excitement loom everywhere

The smell and aromas from the food

The game "Barkers" trying to draw you toward their booths

Take a hike


Take a hike

Get out and see the world around you

Deep valleys 

Dense,  lush forests

High mountain tops

Just to name a few

Not to leave out the animals 


Maintain lions and goats

Snakes of all kinds

Hundreds of birds

Take a hike

Get out and see the world around you

Rivers running free

Fish jumping in the lake




There is more, much more to explore 

So get out

Get out now

Into the great outdoors




Let lose with joy


The rhythmic movement of the body and soul

Monday, September 23, 2024

For the sake of Humanity


Stop the hatred

Stop the pain

We are all one people

Upon this Earthly plain

Yes, we from different parts of the world

But we are all part of the same human race

We can get along

We need to get along

For the sake of Humanity as a whole

Sunday, September 22, 2024



I sing because it makes me happy 

I sing because it makes me feel free

Free to live

Free to be

Music runs through me 

Like a mighty river it flows

Ever since I was a small child 

I could feel the tug of music

The forming of notes and chords

Even as a child

A voice was building 

And one day 

I let that voice be heard




Yes one day I let that voice be heard

And I haven't stopped singing since

Love note


A love note 

A sign of affection 

A handwritten declaration of one's feelings for another

A passionate showing of the hearts true desire 

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Road trip


Going on a road trip

Oh the sights we shall see

Fromm the snowy mountain tops

To the lowest of valleys

Let's go on a road trip

The adventure calls

No matter the weather

We shall see it all

Big cities

Small towns

And everything in between

National parks

State parks

Roadside attractions

Just to name a few

Deal with the Devil


A deal with the Devil

The handshake from Hell

The deal done

The price my soul

Awesome guitar playing abilities 

For the price of my soul when I die

But until then

Fame and fortune are on my made

I'll worry about the consequences 

When That time comes

But for now

Let's have some fun

Friday, September 20, 2024






the fleeting moments

the rhythmic pulse of the Earth

Time starts

Time moves on

Time is up

One day Time will be no more

Have you truly lived it

Every moment 

Every hour

Every day

Time is running out

Don't wait

The sands in the hourglass of Time

Will soon stop

Life will cease to exist 




the fleeting moments

the rhythmic pulse of the Earth

Weed with Bigfoot

 Sang to the tune of "Weed with Willie" By Toby Keith 

I'll never smoke weed with Bigfoot again

The party's all over 

He's disappeared once again

No one believes me

But I swear it's true my friend 

I'll never smoke weed with Bigfoot again

Let the Show Begin


The show is about to start

Theater lights dime

Spotlights come on

As the group takes the stage

The spotlights spin around the room

Changing color as the do

The opening notes to the first song

The chord

The guitar rift

The drum beat

The excitement of the crowd

The cheers

The dancing

The screaming

The show has just started

This will be a wild ride

The Park


At the park

Cool spring day

River behind me can be heard

Birds sing in the trees

Ducks on the pond

Walking paths for people to use

Biking paths as well

The Bull


Go ahead farmer try it

You think you cattle prod scares me

I'll still run you down and hook you with my horns

Go ahead farmer

I am the bull from Hell

The Bull that can't be tamed

Wild and free and always will be

Go ahead try your best

I will run over you time and time again

Hook you with my horns and toss you are

Go ahead farmer

If you dare

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Halloween is coming


Put on your scariest costume 

Grab your buckets or bag

Halloween is coming 

There is cany to be had

Parents get your candy ready

The little ones will soon be there

To give you a Halloween scare

Halloween is coming 

Are you prepared 







The groove of mother earth

Brothers and sisters are we

It matters not our background

It matters not the color of or skin

Join together in peace and harmony







Stop the madness

Stop the insanity

Bring back peace and love

Togetherness and brotherhood

Stop the abuse of power

Stand up against big business and monopolies

Not giving the mom and pop stores a fair chance 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Burning bridges


When a relationship ends

I burn the bridge 

To not look back again 

When a business deal goes sour

I burn that bridge with power

Always move forward

Always move on

If you don't 

The world will leave you behind

Yes there is time to greave 

Yes there is a time to cry

I'm not heartless you know

OZ breakdown


Dorothy it's been so long since you've been around

The land of OZ is breaking down

A foggy mist of gloom

Now hangs in the air

The yellow brick road 

Once bright glow

Now tarnished and dull

Bricks broken or not even there at all

The emerald city

Now taken over by crime lords 

A one colorful vibrant place

Now grit and grime filth

Yes Dorothy much has changed since you were last here

You see the wizard has gone and disappeared 

The tin Woodsman rusted stiff

Fell apart as time wore on

The cowardly lion was shot and stuff

The straw they used

I'd report scarecrow abuse

Yes Dorothy OZ has become a scary place

Seems a world apart from your days

Sadly though

It is so

Space cat


From the outer regions of space

They come

To help the human race 

With their softness and purring love

Space cats

Have been on this planet for Eons 

Space cats

Taking over one heart at a time

Once you hold one and look into its eyes

Your heart belongs to it

Space cats

Cute and cuddly

Space cats

Are here to stay

Tell me a joke


Tell me a joke

Tickle my funny bone

Make me burst out with laughter 

Bust a gut

Rolling in the isles 

Can't see straight 

Make me laugh until I cry

That kind of joke is great

A rare gem

In the world today

Country Evening


The sun goes down

After a long hot day

Fixing fence

Hauling hay

Time to relax

Just soak in the breeze

As sun falls

behind the trees

Beautiful might


The moon is high

It's a beautiful night in the country

Fall in the park


Fall in the park

Cool air

Ducks on the lake

Fallen leaves on the ground

Kids at the playground 

Some kids towing leaves T each other

Some building piles of leaves then jumping in

Grown up at the grill

Or just sitting watching the kids

Fall in the park

Cool air

Ducks on the lake

Fallen leaves on the ground

Bike ride


Bike ride

Amazing view 

Great exercise to

Started out with the sun barely over the horizon 

By mid morning break

This awesome view 

Head out a few more miles

Eat lunch 

Then head back home

When I go out on a ride

I could be gone all day

Enjoying the ride

Enjoying the sights

Enjoying the people I meet along the way

When will it end


When will it end

When will people realize war solves nothing

Look at all the death

Look at all the destruction 

Senseless killing all for what

It never ends

We stop one madman 

Another shows up

We're at war again

Those who go to war

Either return in a coffin

Or are so affected by what they went through

They can't function normally as humans anymore 

I could go on and on

Let us find hope

Let us find peace

Before it's to late

Monday, September 16, 2024

Looking back


This old man that I be

When I look back the possibilities 

I was 



A dreamer

With plans to change the world


Discover new places

But that time has past

Time to slow down

Doesn't mean 

I have to put away all my dreams



Sunset in the country

Nature at it's best

Telling the world

It has come Time to rest



Such a beautiful place

Such a relaxing place

The sound of a river at the bottom of the hill

The river flows into a lake down the road

Fish swim in the river

Birds in the trees 

Sing softly to me

As the wind ruffles the leaves

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...