Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Set free


No longer a prisoner of this world

My chains are broken

I've been set free

No longer a captive

No longer a slave

My chains are broken

I've been set free

Free to run

Free to dream

Free to hope

For a better life

The wall


Emotional wall built little by little 

Emotional wall built because the world has treated you bad

You build up and build up

Shutting yourself in

Blocking the world out

Never caring again 

Your comfort zone

Your safe place

Locked away in your little space

Tear down the wall

Let the sunshine in

Learn to trust again

Start day


Start each day with a song in your heart

A stride In your step

And a can do personality 

Happy New Year







Happy New Year

The celebration has begun

Balloons fall from the roof

Streemrrs and confetti is tossed around

Sparklers and firecrackers lit

While many drink and scarf food down

The music

The laughter

The time spent together

Happy New Year to you

Rainbow of Peace


Rainbow of peace wash over me

Remove that which hinders my growth

Remove that which disrupts my vibe

Prepare me to spread the message of peace, love, and music

Monday, December 30, 2024

Color by number


Feeling the music








Music says it all

Into the listener's ear





Music is the language of the soul

Music helps you pour it out

So you won't explode 

Sunday, December 29, 2024




Lover of the soul

Sooth this wild beast

Take control 

Tame my heart

From the confusion that is

Let peace begin 


Lover of my soul

Sing me a melody 

Whose sweetness is untold 

Rest upon my heart

Ease my mind



Couple together beneath the moonlight 

Love on a lilypad 




The light of the world

Let it shine

May that light never dim

But shine bright and clear

No darkness can overtake it

And hide such brightness


The heartbeat of light

The lifeblood of humanity 

The truest way of living

The best Medicine


Out of focus 

Life in a blur

Listen to some music

The souls cure


Seems nothing is right

Listen to some music 

It will turn on the light

Hell train


The train to Hell

To care lost souls forever dawned

To the very pit or the Earth

For eternity of torture 

For eternity of hurt

In life they cause their crimes

Dismissing every sign

Through hurt and tears

Locked in Spiritual chain

They are driven into the depths of yhe Earth

Soaring heat

Flames that burn forever and never go out

The punishment for the lost

Hard toil with no rest

The lost pay their debts

Roses are red

 Roses are red

Violets are blue 

Never forget Jesus loves you

Violets are blue 

Roses are red 

Because of which 

You have nothing to dread

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Star Wars Christmas


A long time ago

In a galaxy far away

A former Sith lord named Vader

Was flying his sleigh 

The sleigh was cozy and red

Pulled by AT walkers 

It streaked across the sky

Bringing toys to each planet

As it sped by

Not a child went without

There were no shedding of tears

For Vader saw to it

That everyone had a merry Christmas this years

From far distance star systems

To outer rim moons

Vader will visit 

There will be toys soon

From spaceport to an Orphanage 

No child was left out

Santa Vader found them

And then a gift he'd hand out

Once a nasty mean scrooge 

Under the Evi Emperor's control 

However Vader broke free

From the stooges hold

With the help of his son

Luke was his name

The Emperor was defeated 

Vader's freedom was regained

No longer a Sith

Nor a Jedi was he

With his life draining fast

Immortality was granted

When a new mission was fashioned

By Santa himself 

Yes jolly St. Nick

Vader joined the crew

To spread Christmas joy

His lightsaber which once glowed bright red with hate

Now flashes red and green to show the Christmas way

No longer a tool of death and destruction 

Now a beacon of hope and good cheer for all to see

Every year someone is chosen to ride along on the gift giving flight

An Ewock 

A Wooky 

A Droid

A special girl or boy

Luke and Leia have both taken the trip

Hans and Yoda as well

Even Obi-Wan and Vader's Grandchildren 

This is just a small list of those know to have ridden 

Yhere have been and will be many more unknown to you and Mr

Who will hope on the sleigh and ride through the galaxy 

Handing out toys with Vader

Where the Death Star had once in space

What appears to be a giant tree ornament now floating in it's place

Here is Vader's HQ.

Where toys our made

To  be given out on Christmas day

The toys are made by droids 

As well as reformed storm troppers

Merry Pink Floyd Christmas


Merry Christmas from the "Dark Side of the Moon"

 "Wish you were here".

Lots of fun

Lots of food

Laughing like loons

Just a bunch of "Animals ' we are

But give us "Time"

And the party will wind down

But until then

We will continue this party

"Learning to fly"

High as a kite in the wind

We don't worry about "Money"

We don't worry about "Time"

Because it's all well spent with "Us and Them"

So "Shine on you crazy Dimond" 

Christmas party ain't over yet

In fact it's just getting started

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Monday, December 23, 2024

Snowball fight


Snow flies

While we have the time of our life

Pelting each other with balls of snow

Forget that it's cold

Forget that it's freezing

The name of the game is fun

Friend against friend

Team against team

However we do this

The whole neighborhood joins in t seems

One big party

Puffs of snow everywhere

People laughing

In the crisp air


Peace to you

Peace in all that you do

From sun up

Till sunset 

And all the hours in between 

Rock and Roll Santa


Rock and Roll Santa

It's party time

Christmas eve is tomorrow 

The hard work of the Elves

Will soon pay off

For all the children of the world

But tonight 

The night before the big flight

We party and celebrate with joy

Pass the food

Pass the drinks

Let the Merriment begin

Music play by different bands of Elves

Before the night is over 

The big man himself will take the stage

To Rock the house

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Christmas Frog


 Christmas frog

Hop, hop, hoping along

Bring Christmas joy

To every girl and boy 

With his holiday song

Christmas frog

Peaceful vibes

Dancing jive

The spirt Of Christmas he'll bring to you

Snowman hippies



Snowman hippies 
What a cool bunch
Peace and love
Even in the far north

Friday, December 20, 2024

Peaceful vibes flow


Peaceful calm vibes

Flow through your life

Like a mighty wave of force

Pushing away

The negative stain

That life left upon your heart

Christmas Time


Christmas time once again

Time for family

Time for friends

Gather round

Party and gifts

Food and music

Laughter and games

Christmas time once again

Time for family

Time for friends

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Boozy the clown

 Boozy the clown

Your drunken antics make me laugh

Boozy the clown 

A master of the art

Stumbling around 

Falling down

Slurring your words

Shouting profanity at the crowd

Boozy the clown

Your drunken antics make me laugh

Boozy the clown 

A master of the art

You're  always drunk

You smell like a skunk

But you make us laugh 

And laugh alot

Boozy the clown

Your drunken antics make me laugh

Boozy the clown 

A master of the art

Monday, December 16, 2024

Rainbows and moonshine


Rainbows and moonshine

The stars all aglow 

Peace while you Slumber 

Upon your pillow 

Rainbows and moonshine 

Time for rest 

Your bed is calling

Answer it's request

Rainbows and moonshine 

Peace as you dream

Along the mind's pathways 

Fishing the mind's stream

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Whiskey Christmas

 Sang to the tune of "White Christmas "

I,m dreaming of a whiskey infused Christmas

Saturday, December 14, 2024



Star gazing

Shooting stars in the night

Star gazing

Streams of beautiful light

Rest your head Upon your pillow so soft 

Let your dream float to the highest loft

The moon shines bright

The air is cool

Wrap up in a blanket and snoozr

Star gazing

The mysteries of the cosmos

Star gazing

As words fly by

Eternity in the Heaven's above

Endless of worlds up there


Peace to you As you sleep

Color by number


Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...