Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Star Wars Christmas


A long time ago

In a galaxy far away

A former Sith lord named Vader

Was flying his sleigh 

The sleigh was cozy and red

Pulled by AT walkers 

It streaked across the sky

Bringing toys to each planet

As it sped by

Not a child went without

There were no shedding of tears

For Vader saw to it

That everyone had a merry Christmas this years

From far distance star systems

To outer rim moons

Vader will visit 

There will be toys soon

From spaceport to an Orphanage 

No child was left out

Santa Vader found them

And then a gift he'd hand out

Once a nasty mean scrooge 

Under the Evi Emperor's control 

However Vader broke free

From the stooges hold

With the help of his son

Luke was his name

The Emperor was defeated 

Vader's freedom was regained

No longer a Sith

Nor a Jedi was he

With his life draining fast

Immortality was granted

When a new mission was fashioned

By Santa himself 

Yes jolly St. Nick

Vader joined the crew

To spread Christmas joy

His lightsaber which once glowed bright red with hate

Now flashes red and green to show the Christmas way

No longer a tool of death and destruction 

Now a beacon of hope and good cheer for all to see

Every year someone is chosen to ride along on the gift giving flight

An Ewock 

A Wooky 

A Droid

A special girl or boy

Luke and Leia have both taken the trip

Hans and Yoda as well

Even Obi-Wan and Vader's Grandchildren 

This is just a small list of those know to have ridden 

Yhere have been and will be many more unknown to you and Mr

Who will hope on the sleigh and ride through the galaxy 

Handing out toys with Vader

Where the Death Star had once in space

What appears to be a giant tree ornament now floating in it's place

Here is Vader's HQ.

Where toys our made

To  be given out on Christmas day

The toys are made by droids 

As well as reformed storm troppers

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  Sunflowers in the field Standing tall Standing still Like guards keeping watch Over the farm And it's flock