Thursday, January 11, 2018

Willie the wolf (A Nort the Newt story)

Willie the wolf came into the forest one day and met up with his cousin Wendy.  Willie told Wendy that he had left the wolf pack and would like to live with them in the forest.   Wendy thought that was a great idea.  They both went to talk to Nort the newt.  When they met with Nort, Willie told him his story. "I have been a member have the wolf pack from when I was a cub.  At that young age it seemed cool to be doing such bad things.  I enjoyed it and looked forward to each time we got together to cause more trouble.  However as I got older the thrill and excitement started losing it's charm, so I started hanging out with the pack less and less.  Finally I decided it was time to ditch the group all together, so I came to see my cousin and seek shelter here with you all.  Nort thought that was a fine thing.
          Later that day they held a forest wide meeting where Willie was introduced to everyone.  All those that were there liked Willie, there were some who did not trust him but decided he deserved a fair chance.  Wllie told his story to all who wanted to hear it.

          Willie became a great member of the forest, breaking up fights, helping those in need, Driving away those who wish to do harm to the forest and the animals who live there

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Space cat

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