Friday, February 9, 2018

My Moo Cow

If you want to be my moo cow
You have got to graze
In the field I put you
That is where you stay

If you want to be my moo cow
You nust behave
Or you will go to salebarn

So you can go away


The lawnmower roars into life
The great beast of the yard awakens
To cause havoc on the lawn once more
There is no part of the lawn safe
No blade of grass to small
The beast will find them

The beast will devour them


Time for a hayride
Load the trailer up with hay
Having a good time
Laughing and joking alot

Good times spent with many friends

Green Grass

The grass is green
On the hill the cows graze

Upon the green grass

Hauling Hay

Hauling much hay on truck and trailer
Sweat pours like a mighty river
Fill the trailer with each stack
Cuts and bruises happen
When trailer is full
Back to the barn
Into the
Loft it

Gone fishing

Gone fishing
Down at the lake
Gone fishing
Won't be back till late

Spend all day casting line
Even if I catch nothing
This day will still be fine

Just a chance to relax
Just a chance to unwind
To forget about my sarrows
To leave the pain behind

Gone fishing
Down at the lake
Gone fishing

Won't be back till late


The sun rise
I awake

Work to do

Front Porch

Country evenings
Sitting on the front porch
Watching the stars come out

Fireflies blinking in and out of existence
Like a small beacon
They float upon the breeze

The soft gentle breeze
Blowing through our hair
Watching the hayfield dance

The sky chage color

As the sun drifts away

Porch swing

Siting in a porch swing on a warm spring day

The Cows Are Out

The Cows are out
They've gone astray
The cows are out
This will be a wonderful day
Chase the cows
Fix the fence

The cows are out
They're in some other field
Find them
Bring them back
Fix the fence again

The cows are out
Find the hole
The cows are out
This is getting old
Chase them
Bring them in
Fix the fence once again

The cows are out

Can somebody say hamburger


There was a man who lived on a farm
He woke one night with great alarm
He saw an orange glow
He needed to know
If the cows were having a dance in the barn

Lay with me

Lay with me
Upon the soft grass
Lay with me
Watching the clouds roll by

The cool breaze blows over us
The morning dew wetting our clothes
Yet we don't care
As we lay here

Staring at the clouds above


Get the town folk together time for a hayride
Hook the wagon up to the tracktor
Get some hay
Make a campfire
Bring marshmellows and hotdogs
Bring gram crackers and chocolate for smores
After the campfire we have the sing-a-long
Then up on the wagon
So the tracktor can pull us along
Under the stars
Beneath the trees

Fun with friends

Hunting Mushrooms

Hunting mushrooms in the woods, a yearly spring pastime
You look and look, for you never know where they are hiding
Find them all, gather them all, for cooking and the joy of the hunt


Where the cattle roam
Fixing feance all day long

Living on a farm
Has a speacial charm
That really makes it the life to live
Family dinners
Fishing in the pond
And much much more

Hauling hay
Mowing grass
Or chasing a cow
That's gone stray

Watching your kids play
Catch fireflies at night
Laying in the yard
Looking up at the stars

Home grown fruits and vegitables
Straight from the garden
Hayrides and bonfires
In the fall

County fairs
Family outings
All this make the country life



Fixing fence
Moving cows
Hauling hay
Sloping sows
Farm work is busy work

Cutting wood
Plowing rows
Planting seeds
Watch them grow
Farm work is busy work

Farm work is busy work
From the time you get up
To the time you go to bed
Always something to be done

With many trips to the shed

Farming is in my blood

Farming is in my blood
It is what I know to do
Farmer til I die


Like to
Go fishing
Catch the big one
Or just relaxing and let my mind wander

I am country

I am country
I am the dirt roads
I am dusty fields
I am the water running through the creek
I am a child in the summer running barefoot in the grass
I am the hard working farmer in the field

I am country
I am fireflies in the summer night sky
I am the wild animals hiding in the woods
I am friends and family gathering for summer time BBQs

I am country
I am fish swimming in the lake
I am trees blowing in the wind
I am the child on the swing
I am the parent taking pictures

I am country
I am small town fairs
I am small town values

I am small town

I am country

I was born country

The hills the vallies
The cattle laying in the shade
This kind of life is perfect
This is why I was born
This why I was made

To work the fields
Haul the hay
Fixing fence
Or just fishing the day away

I was born country
Into this life
I belong


I was walking in the field one day
How the wind made the grass sway
It wasn’t long
I tripped on a log
I hate it when things end that way

Walnut Season

Walnut season
Walnut season
How I love this time of year

Walnuts fall to the ground
Loved ones gathered round
We go out in the pickup truck and ATV
Buckets in tow
Sacks in hand
Picking up all the walnuts that we can
We go out to the walnut tree
Gather all the walnuts we see
Then we pull branches all around
Knocking more walnuts to the ground
I set buckets upon the Earth
I pick up walnuts with my hat
Then I empty my hat into the bucket
Sometimes we’re on hands and knees
Sometimes we use a rolling stick
Boy that little basket makes the job go quick

Walnut season
Walnut season
How I love this time of year
Walnuts fall to the ground

Loved ones gathered round

Farm Magic

There is magic on a farm
Like when you go swinging in the barn
In the emotion that you feel catching that fish on your rod and reel
Cutting wood or bailing hay, or maybe just wasting the day away
Up there on your front porch swing
 There is a magical treat the way the wind blows in the summer heat
Eating watermelon or homemade ice cream
This magic is a small thing like that feeling after a fresh rain
The magic is the feeling of comfort that you get after seeing a newborn calf

 I could go on naming the many ways to feel the  farm magic day by day 

Witness (Holy Teaching)

“A Witness for Christ traveling all day
is never far from the Holy Spirit,
and however spectacular the views
he remains centered in God's will” 

Pure in Heart (Bible Study)

Matthew 5:8

 “You’re blessed when you get your inside world—your mind and heart put right. Then you can see God in the outside world.

It all starts when God transforms you from the person you are to the person you need to be.  Once your heart is set on the within God's spirit, you can truly be a tool of Praise to God and the world around you

Thursday, February 8, 2018

The Street Preacher

There at the streetcorner he stands
With Bible in hand he preaches
He preaches God's word for all to hear
For anyone with a listening ear

His clothes are
He has been cut by life's thorns

He looks
Worn out
Like a fighter about to be knocked out

Still he preaches
God's salvation
God's mighty plan
Trying to help one and all understand

Sure he looks like something
Someone has thrown out
His love for God is strong
Of that there is no doubt

He's been arrested
He's been locked away
As soon as they let him out
He finds another street corner
And starts preaching away

Beat him
Threatened him
Cops have tried sending him away
Nothing they've tried has worked
He just preaches away

The city has tried
Many times
With laws to confine him
None of them worked
For it's God's power
That defines him

He knows up in Heaven
He'll be homeless no more
His words will then echo
Out forevermore

So next time you see a street preacher
Don't turn away
For it maybe worth

Hearing what they have to say

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...