Wednesday, February 7, 2018

The Fallen Tree (A Nort the Newt story)

Nort the newt was doing some work at a friend of his.  Suddenly Danny the deer came up to him from behind.  Nort turned around and greeted him.  Nort could see the worry in danny's eyes and asked what was wrong.  Danny answered " My wife Donna is trapped under a fallen tree."  Nort asked How it happened.  Danny answered that him and Donna had been out walking and a big oak tree fall on top of her and trapped her to the ground."  Nort went and told his friend what had happened and that he needed to Go.  His friend to Nort to go do what was needed of him.
          Nort climbed onto Danny's back and they rode off has quick as danny could run.  While they were on their way Danny said that a team of beavers were chewing away at the tree when he left, and that Harry the hawk had gone to get the doctor.  When hey arrived The part of the tree that had fallen on Donna had been cleared away.  Nort climbed off Danny's back and spoke with one of the beavers who told him  "Most of the tree had gone soft in the middle, and was pretty old and had some rotting to it, but it was still hard hard enough to cause some damage." Nort then went up to donna who was awake but in great pain.  At that time Harry the hawk and the doctor arrived. The doctor examined Donna and said she would be alright, She got a good knott on her back from the fallen tree and she would be in pain for awhile, but other than that she was good.
          Danny and Nort went over and helped Donna up.  With much pain she made it to her feet.  The doctor told Donna the pain would go away in time, but until then to take it easy and not to stress your Muscles to much for the next few days.

Danny and Donna thank everyone for their help and started walking back home. 

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  Sunflowers in the field Standing tall Standing still Like guards keeping watch Over the farm And it's flock