Monday, February 10, 2020

Pictures taken at the Humansville Fall Festival over the years

Pictures of the sky

Computer Art

River of life

River of life
Flow over my life
Wash me new
Destroy my strife


the glasses chime together
As another toast is made

To much to drink
As I fall 
Flat on my face


My life is a waste
Not much of a life at all
I live each day
pretty much the same
waiting for this mortal shell to fall


Justice and mercy are yours to bestow
Encouragement for the poor and down hearted
Safty for those in need
Salvation for all who call upon his name

Love You Lord

I love you Lord for you have saved me
I will praise you with all my being
Heart, mind, soul, and spirit
I will sing your praise so you can hear it

My Lord

I know a man they call him Jesus
He went to the cross to set me free
He is my lord and my savior
There is no other person for me

He is my lord I will praise his name
With tons of laughter and songs of praise
His is my savior, he is my friend, and when I stumble I’ll lean on him

Jesus came when I surrendered my sinful life over to him
He took my sins to the undertaker
Now I live solely for him


Lord I wish you were here
I'm just a lost soul
Who needs you to hold
To make it clear
I have nothing to fear

Pure Faith

He is God
Lord most high
There is no one
Comparable to him

Rockets for God

You light the fuse
You slowly open to the Spirit
The closer the fuse gets to the rocket
The more passionate your praise
The Rocket zooms off
You fully open yourself to God's
And Joy
As you rejoice in the fullness that is a life with God
The rocket reaches it's hieght and explodes
Showering down sparks of peace and joy
These Sparks fall upon all those around
So they themselves may to be

Sing Hosanna

Jesus is king I will praise him
He shines as bright as day
When the darkness of the world closes in
Together we push it away

Sing hosanna, sing hosanna
Sing hosanna to the King of Kings
Sing hosanna, sing hosanna
Sing hosanna to the King

Jesus gave salvation
To everyone who lives
All we have to do is trust him
As he guides us upon the path we live

Sing hosanna, sing hosanna
Sing hosanna to the King of Kings
Sing hosanna, sing hosanna
Sing hosanna to the King of Kings

All glory to God in the highest
Peace on Earth to all
All glory to God in the highest
With Jesus we can not fall

Sing hosanna, sing hosanna
Sing hosanna to the King of Kings
Sing hosanna, sing hosanna
Sing hosanna to the King of Kings

Thank You

O Lord
Upon this day of thanks
I thank you most of all
For being there when I need you
For helping me up when I fall

Who am I praising

Who am I praising
Jesus my Savior
Who am I praising
Jesus my Savior
Who am I praising
Jesus My savior
He is my King of kings

Who am I praising
Jesus my Savior
Who am I praising
Jesus my Savior
Who am I praising
Jesus My savior
He is my King of kings

When this world
Has tossed me in the storm
Jesus stretched out his mighty hands
And keeps me from all harm

When trouble has surround me
And there seems no place to go
Jesus guides my feet
To lead my to his throne

Who am I praising
Jesus my Savior
Who am I praising
Jesus my Savior
Who am I praising
Jesus My Savior
He is my King of kings

Jesus bless your people
Make our spirits strong
So we can reach out to others
And help them find a home

Jesus make us worthy
To carry out your name
So others can hear the truth
And never be the same
Who am I praising
Jesus my Savior
Who am I praising
Jesus my Savior
Who am I praising
Jesus My Savior
He is my King of kings


Waterfall splashing upon the rocks
Mist and foam collide
Waterfall cleaning the river above
from what others have left behind

Walk with me

Walk with me along my path in life
You might see me through different eyes


It hurts to love someone who does not love you back
the same way
it hurts like a thousand torches
not torches of fire
more like torches of acid
slowly burning and eating away your soul


Love is a wonderful feeling
An emotion of great strength

When two people are truly in love
Nothing can break their bond

Pictures of the Alpaca

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...