Sunday, September 6, 2020


Behind their masks they hide. Looking like normal people. However their teeth are ravor sharp, never dull, ready to feast upon human flesh. You would never suspect. Their masks hide their true face. Only their eyes can be seen. Eyes that look as normal as ours. But their mouths like chainsaws spining and grinding at all times. Yes their eyes look honest enough. But beware, or you may become their next meal. Aliens from another planet, another, solor system, another galaxy. They traveled billions of light years to our little blue and green globe. They came not for peace, but death and destruction. Even without masks they look normal. Nothing to tell them apart from the rest of us. For billions of years they have co-existed among humans. Some interplanetary breeding, others just feeding. They have placed themselves in high positions in Government, Law enforcement, military. Some even became lawyers and Judges, some own busnesses at the very top of the corprate world. All waiting to feed upon the unexpected, All ready for world conquest. Some however decided to be farmers, car dealers, construction workers. Garbage collectors. Staying invisable and unnoticed until the proper time.

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