Sunday, November 8, 2020

Charlie's (The best bar and grill in the Galaxy) ( The Bounty hunter)

Hello my name is Krista and I am a bounty hunter. I look like a normal 6 foot tall human female. Long blond hair down to my waist, blue eyes. I wear a red jumpsuit, my skin is scaly like a snake. My story is a sad one, lost my parents at a young age. They were shot by a member of the Space Mafia. This event nearly drove me mad, until a friend helped me find a way to channel my feelings. That channeling was through competitive fighting. I trained, built up my body, fought and won matches, fought and lost matches, trained some more, fought and won those matches I’d lost before.

That was all in my teens (except my parents death, that happened when I was eight). When I turned 20 I got out of competitive fighting and trained to be a bounty hunter. Due to my fighting years I was well prepared for the training process. I excelled at every aspect of the job.

My first few jobs were mainly bank robbers and space craft high-jacking. As I proved myself I got bigger and bigger jobs. One of those big jobs led me to the Space Mafia, was set ready to take them down, but they somehow knew they were being watched and slipped away. I stopped into Charlie’s to get a quick bite one day, and who do I see sitting at the bar a little further down from me, but the very member of the Space Mafia I had to take in. he didn’t even know I was there, that is until I snuck up behind him and stuck my blaster in the small of his neck. He gave up without a fight. I took him in and collected my reward.

There have been times I have had to chase them all over the galaxy. I have also been involved in many a shoot out as well as hand to hand combat, and then there are those that no matter how hard you try, they just seem to slip away.

Charlie’s has always been a good spot to get my meals when I am in that part of the galaxy. Nice family atmosphere they have there, almost makes me wish I had kids. Charlie’s is also a great place to get information when I need it. The bartender and the owner are never shy to tell me when the person I am looking for has been there, and sometimes they can even tell me where that person is headed from there.

You try and you try to bring in your criminal alive. However sometimes that is not the case. Like one time I got into a shoot out with someone I was trying to capture. Meant to only maim him so I could cuff him and take him to the proper athorities. Well the shoot out went wrong and I ended up killing him instead. Didn’t collect any reward, but a least there was one last bad guy in the galaxy.

One time I was after someone wanted for murder of a high profile character. Read the case report many, many times. Went to some of his favorite hangouts, bullied some people there for information. Then I walked into Charlies to get a bite to eat. Who should walk in a little later, but the low life I had been hunting for. I stood up, picked up my bar stool and threw it at him.(barely missing a waitress who had just come out of the kitchen). The bar stool missed him, hit the wall and fell to the floor. I chased him through the restaurant, and talked him in front of the salad bar. Charlie understands my job, and thus never says anything. Though I know he is not fond of me preforming my job in front of his guests.
One time I was in a shootout, my blaster jammed, so I started picking stuff up and throwing it at them. Then there was the time My ship broke down on a planet. Lucky for me, my target also had to make a pit stop because of a broken ship. I nabbed them, but had to wait for repairs before taking him in. Once I chased someone to the volcanic planet of “Moak” the hideout was not just on the planet, but inside the volcano itself. Despite being inside a volcano,it was ice cold in there. Like the heat outside the room had no power. The floors and walls were covered in ice. After much slipping and sliding, I finally got close enough to nab my prey, just to slip on some ice, alerting them of my presence, so they got away, (well sort of) they pulled their blaster to fire at me, they slipped and ended up shooting themselves instead.

Well that’s my story. Hope you enjoyed hearing it.

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