Thursday, December 31, 2020

Come with me

 Come with me

Over hill and across the sea

Adventure we seek 

Dragon gold traded

Misty mountains 

With even more to see

Come with me

Adventure there be



Dwarves and more

Sea beasts

Land beasts

Clanging metal battle cries

Shield armor sword fights

Maidens to save

Enemies to slay

Come with me

To land far away

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Mr. Smith

 Just something I thought of.

Mr. Smith a College teacher in Nevada.   Approaches his class with an opinion.  " class we can either Watch the classic movie " Mr. Smith Goes To Washington " Then write a report about it. Or this Mr. Smith can take his class to Las Vegas.   

After the trip to Las Vegas Mr. Smith tells his class that they must write a report about the trip.

The English major writes a long one person narrative.   Telling all about the trip and the fun they had.

The medical major writes about the physical effects the trip had on everyone 

The psychology major writes about the the ups and downs of gambling, and it's affect on one's mental health. 

The accounting major writes about the cost of the trip. As well as money lost and won.

The cooking major talked about all the fine foods that was there.

The drama major writes about all the shows they saw

The history major writes about the history of Las Vegas and how it has changed over the years

The architecture major talks about all the fine buildings the city has

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Star wars Christmas

 Lasers ring

While they're whizzin

Woolies sing are you listenin

A beautiful sight

At lightspeed tonight

Out here on a mMllennium Falcon flight

Black Friday

 Twas Black Friday and all through the store

Big sales

Big sales

Big sales galore



Being rammed with cars

Floor personnel duck out of the way

While the store falls a part



Fist fights and more

People trying for that big buy

Going for the big score

When the day's over

The whole store a mess

Still have employees standing

So we call this year a success

Christmas Night

 It happened as midnight drew near.  I heard a noise that brought fear.  From the livingroom I heard a muffled yell.  I just had to go into to the livingroom so I could tell.  What it was, what could it be, that made that muffled scream.  My heart racing, but still had to know, so onward I go.  When I reached the livingroom to my surprise,  Santa Claus stood before my eyes.  He said "I didn't me to wake you,  I stubbed my toe.  Now it hurts as you know"  We laughed,  I went back to bed, with the thoughts of presents dancing in my head.  When I woke up a note I found.  "It was nice to meet you" is all it said.   An autographed picture was included beside.  Even though it was just a photo, I thought I saw a twinkle in his eye.

Monday, December 21, 2020




On the wall

Is 2020 ever going to fall

Yes indeed 

Yes indeed 

2021 comes with great speed

Friday, December 18, 2020

The End

 At the end of your life

When the bondsman takes his toll

The question is

Which direction will you go

Unbreakable spirit

 Plunge my heart into darkness 

Set fire to my soul

You however will not break my spirit 

Drag me through the mud

Light a fire and watch it burn me whole

You however will not break my spirit 

Wednesday, December 16, 2020



To be poor in spirit is a sad state I know, the world has turned its back on your, and left you to the “wolves”.  Well guess what Jesus went to the poor in spirit first, Jesus talked mostly wherever a crowd could gather, he took his ministry out to the people.  Whenever Jesus spoke he spoke in terms that everyone would understand, he used common everyday things to help send home his messages to those gathered around him.

Why do I say these people were poor in spirit? For some the religious leaders had turned their backs on, and said the peoples problems were a punishment from God.  Some were just shunned by the community; some were hated because of their jobs or social standings.  Still some knew they needed help in theirs lives, and that Jesus could give them that help.

Same is true today, there are people hurting (for one reason or another) all around us.  As Christians, as true followers of Jesus Christ we are to seek out these people and bring them closer to a right relationship with Christ.  For 0nly Christ can truly stop the hurting.

Why the poor in spirit?  They are the ones who know they need help and are more willing to call on God for that help.  As they say “Once you hit rock bottom, there is nowhere to go but up.”  The poor in spirit have hit that spiritual rock bottom and they know they need help to climb out of that pit, and they are more willing to call on God for that help.




I cry out

I know you will




I look and can not see.

The soul that is hiding here from me.

For my eye is blind to the truth.

The truth GOD gave to you and me.

Once the truth is brought to light.

The lost soul will come into sight.




Praise God



Sound the flute

Bang the drum


Praise God

Raise your hands



Praise God

In all ways

With all your heart


Praise God

Full of energy

Full of honor



Jesus shine your light on me

 Day by day, I just walked away

From your path and from your love
And day by day, ever since I strayed
I find that I still need you, so I humbly ask you now

Jesus, shine your light on me
Take away my sins, wash away my greed
And Jesus, reshape my soul
I know you still love me
Jesus, shine your light on me

Oh my mind, was twisted all the time
Evil thoughts and deeds, a black hole left behind
Jesus Lord, I'm giving you my heart
I was a fool to let you go, I humbly ask you now

Jesus, shine your light on me
Take away my sins, wash away my greed
And Jesus, reshape my soul
I know you still love me
Jesus, shine your light on me

day after day, night after night
Tormented by my deeds
And I've thought to myself, salvation is key
So Jesus I'm begging you please

Jesus, shine your light on me
Take away my sins, wash away my greed
And Jesus, reshape my soul
I know you still love me
Jesus, shine your light on me

Coloring Pages (I did not draw them, just fill them in)


Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...