Sunday, December 27, 2020

Mr. Smith

 Just something I thought of.

Mr. Smith a College teacher in Nevada.   Approaches his class with an opinion.  " class we can either Watch the classic movie " Mr. Smith Goes To Washington " Then write a report about it. Or this Mr. Smith can take his class to Las Vegas.   

After the trip to Las Vegas Mr. Smith tells his class that they must write a report about the trip.

The English major writes a long one person narrative.   Telling all about the trip and the fun they had.

The medical major writes about the physical effects the trip had on everyone 

The psychology major writes about the the ups and downs of gambling, and it's affect on one's mental health. 

The accounting major writes about the cost of the trip. As well as money lost and won.

The cooking major talked about all the fine foods that was there.

The drama major writes about all the shows they saw

The history major writes about the history of Las Vegas and how it has changed over the years

The architecture major talks about all the fine buildings the city has

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  Sunflowers in the field Standing tall Standing still Like guards keeping watch Over the farm And it's flock