Wednesday, March 24, 2021

You're gone

 I look and you aren't there 

I look again you're still not there

You left this world

A day that broke my heart

Forever is what we wanted

That time together is what we got

I can still feel your warm embrace 

I can still hear your loving voice

Now you have moved on

We had our time together 

As sweet as sweet can be

You have moved on

My love has left me

Thursday, March 18, 2021

White rabbit

 Follow the white rabbit down the rabbit hole 

To Wonderland we go

The Madd hater to greet us there

Along with the March Hare 

The Queen of hearts

The playing card guards

Fun and laughter to be had

Going back home will be very sad

Monday, March 15, 2021

Hope in life darkness

 A tidal wave of darkness sets in

My life spinning out of control 

Haze and confusion 

Mist and shadow

All wish to drown me

Gasping for air

Until it overwhelms 

I suffocate and die

And yet

A light

A pin prick in the gloom

Shining through the gloom

Something to hold on to

Something to grasp

If I keep straight the path

Keep pushing forward 

I will pass the darkness behind 

Brighter days

New tomorrows 

The dark times in life are not easy

But they will pass

Look toward the light

No matter how small

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Let peace ring




Hear the bell of peace

Let it resonate in your soul 

May it set you free




The bell of peace calls

Amongst the chaos of the world

Listen for its tone

May it inspire you

Inspire you to speak out against injustice 

Overcome those who oppress you

Those who hold you down

Those who want to rule over you




Hear the bell of peace

The bell of true freedom

Bell of Peace




The bell of peace rings

Loud and clear 

Let it sing

To every heart everywhere 

May it sound and resound

Let it ring

So every




May live at ease

May live in comfort


The the great conflict is over

Humanity has finally found away

To live with each other

Regardless of the color of your skin

Regardless of ethnic groups 

Regardless of sexual preference 

Humanity has finally learned

To leave that toxic waste behind 

To truly embrace one another in brotherhood 

And family

Humanity  has finally out grown

The pains of its troubled past

And rekindled the eternal flame of hope and peace 




The bell of peace rings

Loud and clear

Let it sing

Maybe someday we will learn

Maybe someday 

Saturday, March 13, 2021



Free as the wind blows

Free as the water runs


I am the wild stallion 

Unbridled passion for life

Able to go as I please

With no restraints to hold me down

I am the mighty river

No dam can hold me

I can not be tamed


Free as the wind blows 

Free as the river runs


Friday, March 12, 2021

Old coffee shop

 At the old coffee shop 

The old folks meet

Drinking coffee 

Talking about life

One by one

They gather in their seats

And join in whatever discussion had begun

They discuss the state of things

Of how things are falling apart

How theirs was the best generation 

Taking each word by heart

Some look down on the youth

Others say give them a chance 

But both sides agree

Things were better in the past

Wednesday, March 10, 2021


 Let your children be children 

Don't make them grow up to fast

Because once childhood's gone

They can never get it back

Internal war

 A war rages in all of us, that nobody sees

Do not judge

For no one fights the same war

Monday, March 8, 2021

The woman

 She was the most beautiful woman you've ever met 

And she sang like an Angel
That was her plan
She'd draw them in with her looks and her voice
Then once she had you
She would turn into a monster and eat you whole

As soon as you were in her trap
Her head would unhinge
Fangs would show with blood dripping
Then she would open up and swallow you in one one gulp

An inhuman monster she was
She was proud of it

Sunday, March 7, 2021

At the cafe

 When I walked past the cafe

The most beautiful woman I did spy
I had to go in and say Hi

You were working the counter
The most amazing smile on your face
I walked up
Your looked at me full of grace
I started to speak
But words caught in my throat
And when they did come
It was babble and nonsense

Feeling embarrassed
Feeling like a fool
I turned walked out
Sat on the bench outside
I cried

I don't know how long it was
Before you came out
A cup of coffee in each hand
You gave me one
We sat and talked
Like we were old friends

You said you understood
What I had tried to say
Words tend to get mixed up
When our feelings get in the way

We sat and a little more
I asked her for date
You looked me in the eyes
Smiled and said
That would be great

We set a day and time
Then you had to get back to work
Funny how life works sometimes

I left that bench
Lighter than air
My foolish attempt seemed years away
Now I had a date
And I couldn't wait

Saturday, March 6, 2021


 The pain in my soul

Is great exploding
Like a giant volcano erupted
Feelings and emotions
Hot lava flow
Magma hot

Burning holes of greater pain
It's so bad
Driving me insane
Need the coolness of the calm
A gentle creek flow
The stillness of a pond

Need to remove myself
From these emotions of volcanic lava
Find the calm
Cool down 

Friday, March 5, 2021

Take a trip with me

 Come take a trip with me

Pure and fancy free
Wherever the wind blows
We go

Come take a trip with me
We go wherever we please
Nothing to hold us back
Nothing to hold us down
No limits
Mo bounds


 He walks in chains

For the choices he made in life
Eternity stretches before him
The chains cut like a knife

Evil deeds selfish ways
Within the land of the living
Now eternity he pays

He must roam forever
Bearing the chains of his guilt
Never stopping
Onward going
Being spilt

Charlie's (The best bar and grill in the galaxy) (poetry night)

 Hi Charlie here,  thought it might be fun for you to meet some of the Poets who perform during our weekly poetry nights.  Each poet will introduce themselves as well as tell about some of the stories they have.  Also they will talk about the poetry they write.  With that said I shall now turn things over to them.

Hello my name is Justin and I have two things in common with Charlie.  1. My family also came from the planet Earth.  2. I was also born in the back of my Dad’s cargo ship.  My parents were two of the last people to leave Earth.  Before it collapsed on itself.  My dad got a job with a cargo hauling company.  My mom was pregnant, and just happened to join my dad on a job.  The day I decided to enter the universe.I am 30 now, and run my own cargo ship. I also write poems about some of the places I’ve been.  I am tall, brown hair cut short, and green eyes.

The misty mountains on the planet Aries.  The Diamond lined caves on the planet Draco.  The ever changing ocean colors on the planet Titan.  I have written about them all.  I have also written about traveling through hyperspace,  Riding along the blackhole super highway, The beauty of the stars, and just the majesty of space itself.  

Some of my favorite moments during the Poetry Nights at Charlie’s.  The very first time I shared My poems there.  I was so nervous, I was sweating, Shaking, and my mouth felt very dry.  Charlie noticed this, put his hand on my shoulder and told me to relax, and just be myself.  After that, my words flowed so much easier.  Another moment I remember, I was presenting my set when a voice in the back caught my ear.  It turned out to be a friend I hadn’t seen in a long time.  It was a nice little reunion.  We talked about old times and what as happened since the last time we’d seen each other.

My name is Jenna, I am a female half human half Martian.  It wasn’t just Earth the colapsed in on itself.  The whole Milky way Galaxy is no more.  I come from a farming family, we raised cows that were bred and grown on Mars.  After leavingMars we settled on the planet Husk and set up a farm there.  I’ve been farming ever since.  I am tall, long dark red hair, My eyes are large oval shaped and the color of sunset orange.  

My poems are mostly about farming, and the lessons I learned along the way.  After we escaped the Milky Way’s destruction.  My poetry became angry and very outspoken.  I’ve also written poems about the relationships I have had, both the good and the bad.

A favorite memory from Charlie’s.  After one of the poetry nights, they held a big party.  I know I drank and ate to much.  I also danced many times to,  was very tired afterwards but had a great time.  I will not deny it, I love a good party,  and Charlie holds some of the best.  One time while I was there someone in the back started some trouble.  I walked off the stage and sent that guy flat on his back in great pain.

Jared’s my name poetry is my game.  My dad was in the Galactic army while I was growing up.  So I can’t say that I really have a planet that I could call home, since we moved a lot. In fact my dad was in the same company that Charlie’s wife Janine was in.  in fact he even told me how Jenine lost the use of her legs.  But Janine will tell you that story when she’s ready.   I am at 25 years old black hair to my shoulders and bright blue eyes, and horns sticking out of my head. My father and Mother came from the planet Turas.

Since we moved around a lot, I saw a lot of injustice in the galaxy.  Much of my poetry is a way

 for me to voice myself against the injustice that I see.  My voice has been heard all over the universe as well as the multiverse.  Some of these poems have been accused for sparking rebellion. My poetry speaks for those who can not s[eak of themselves.  My poetry speaks for those who feel oppressed, and my poetry speaks for those who go each and everyday hungary, naked, left out in the cold, hurting, abused, and for whatever injustice the universe may bestow.

0ne of my favorite times at Charlie’s.  I had just finished me set that night.  Someone lit a lighter and held it up.  The next thing I know is Charlie dumps a glass of waters over the flame and tekks the guy that fires belonged in the stove in the kitchen and no where else.  Later I told the guy that I appreciate the thought, but fules are rules.  Another fun time.  I was on stage and a young lady threw her underwear onto the stage.  I promptly told the lady that even though I appreciate the offer, her laundry needs to stay on her.  One time I was here, there was also a bounty hunter here.  Some one could not understand that the bartender refused to give him any more to drink.  Because they had already had to much.  The drunk kept complaining, the bartender get refusing.  Finally the bounty hunter stands up, wraps a tight cord around the drunk, and puts a gag in their mouth.

My name is Christy and I come from the planet RX.  A planet of rolling hills, beautiful mountain ranges, and grass with each blade a different color of the rainbow.  I am a 18 year old female, I look like a six foot tall, walking, talking Basset Hound.

My poetry is about my journey in faith as well as in life.  The many lessons I’ve learned.  I also write love poems, patriotic poems, and poems of pure emotion.

One memory that stands out will always be the annual costume party.  They are always a lot of fun.  Everyone dressed up in costumes, games, snacks, and just being together.  Some of us don’t just wear the costumes, we play the part during the whole party.   Speaking of the costume party.  One year someone dressed as a pirate poked me in the side with a plastic sword.  I jumped, when I turned around I saw that it was Charlie.  I almost slapped him, but laughed instead.  Another fun time during the costume party.  The band was playing, and someone in a mask and wearing a hooded cloak asked me to dance.  It was a lot of fun and a tender moment

When I lifted the hood and lowered the mask.  I found my dancing partner to be the bass singer of the band.

My name is Zack, or as Charlie calls me Zack attack.  I have the wings of a dragon, head of an eagle, and the body of a bear.  I came from the planet Rondo

My poetry is mostly about partying and having a good time.  Though sometimes I talk about the darker side of life.

My favorite memories at Charlie’s always revolve around parties.  Fun, music, food, singing, dancing, and just being together with friends having a good time.  At one of these parties one of the band members jumped off the stage and the crowd carried him across the room and then placed him back on the stage.  At another party I had just finished my poem and Charlie came up to me and we got to talking, then someone poured a whoe glass of ice cold water over me.

Charlie here, That wrapps up our poetry for now.  Hope you enjoyed their stories.  

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Tortured soul

 A tortured soul

Is a heavy thing
Wanting to move on with the future
Instead up with the past it brings

A tortured soul
Is a heavy thing
You always feel judged by others
You loose sight of everything

You always feel alone
Even with friends and family
You feel a blackhole
Swallowed you whole
Your life is in the sink

You never truly feel happy
You almost always are sad

The flame

 In the dark corners of my mind

Amid the cobwebs, spiders,
in the darkness hides
A single light
A speck
A spark
A flicker of a flame
Within the dark

Slowly and softly it burns
Among the coldness of this world
Slowly and softly it burns
Among the darkness within

The light is not strong
But still it burns
A pinprick of light is all
As long as it burns and never dies out
Hope will always live on
Hope will always live on

Stories we tell

 The corner place where the locals go

Nice place
Good food
Many stories are told

Once a week we gather to speak
Telling bigger and bigger stories

The corner place where the locals go
Everyone knows your name
The staff is kind
The atmosphere ples4ant and sweet

Gather on the stage
Gather on the couch
Or grab a chair
Sit on the floor
While the stories go round

Local legends
World wide folklore

And much much more

Round and round the tales spin
On and on there seems no end

If your not in a hurry
Stop by
A story we tell
To interest your mind


 Wave your hands

Stump your feet
Hear the music
Feel the beat

Play instruments
Or just sit enjoying the sound
While tapping your feet

Music is the joy of life
Poetry given motion
Music drives us forward

Feel it flow through you
Every ounce you let go
Feeling the rhythm
Going with the flow

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Voice it

 Stand up 

Stand up
Let your voice be heard

Shout out
Shout out
High above the crowds

You see the injustice
Speak out
Use your voice
Let it be heard

Don't let people get away with anything
Show them you have rights
Don't let them hold you down
Fight back if needed

Pickett lines
Sit ins
And more

Scream on the rooftops
Scream in the street corners
You won't take it anymore

The time is know
The time is go
Let those in the higher ups know

You can do what you wish
You can't shut us down

Tuesday, March 2, 2021



Lord you are my God

I will exalt and praise your name

Above the Earth

Above the Heavens

Above the very cosmos itself

Your name shall be known

In your awesome perfection you have done wonders


You are a refuge in life’s storms

I take comfort in your care

When in need

You have always provided all I require

Jesus Lord


Jesus Lord of my Life

You watch me both day and night

Nothing Shsll I fear

For I know that you are near


Whe's a mighty gail

Tries to blow and tear my sail

You came and mend it right

To let me sail to the hightest heihts


Jesus Lord of my Life

You watch me both day and night

Nothing Shsll I fear

For I know that you are near


Jesus like a mighty vine

Has intertwined my soul and mind

Hr has brought me to the fold

I know now he wont let me go


Jesus Lord of my Life

You watch me both day and night

Nothing Shsll I fear

For I know that you are near


Jesus came to save my life

With his life and sacrifice

So that I may live free

From sin and death

And that heavey price


Jesus Lord of my Life

You watch me both day and night

Nothing Shsll I fear

For I know that you are near


When my life is dark and grim

You dear Lord still let me in

Pushing all the clouds away

To set my feet upon your way


Jesus Lord of my Life

You watch me both day and night

Nothing Shsll I fear

For I know that you are near

Pictures of the Cows


Computer Art


Adult Coloring pages (I did not draw them just filled them in)


Monday, March 1, 2021

The darkness

 Peace of heart, mind, and soul

The writing of feelings
Letting emotions flow
Like a mighty river
Like a mighty flood
Wanting to drowned you
Swallow you
Eat you up

There is light
Though it seems far away
Keep moving forward
Until the clouds go away

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...