Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Jesus Lord


Jesus Lord of my Life

You watch me both day and night

Nothing Shsll I fear

For I know that you are near


Whe's a mighty gail

Tries to blow and tear my sail

You came and mend it right

To let me sail to the hightest heihts


Jesus Lord of my Life

You watch me both day and night

Nothing Shsll I fear

For I know that you are near


Jesus like a mighty vine

Has intertwined my soul and mind

Hr has brought me to the fold

I know now he wont let me go


Jesus Lord of my Life

You watch me both day and night

Nothing Shsll I fear

For I know that you are near


Jesus came to save my life

With his life and sacrifice

So that I may live free

From sin and death

And that heavey price


Jesus Lord of my Life

You watch me both day and night

Nothing Shsll I fear

For I know that you are near


When my life is dark and grim

You dear Lord still let me in

Pushing all the clouds away

To set my feet upon your way


Jesus Lord of my Life

You watch me both day and night

Nothing Shsll I fear

For I know that you are near

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  Sunflowers in the field Standing tall Standing still Like guards keeping watch Over the farm And it's flock