Friday, March 5, 2021

Charlie's (The best bar and grill in the galaxy) (poetry night)

 Hi Charlie here,  thought it might be fun for you to meet some of the Poets who perform during our weekly poetry nights.  Each poet will introduce themselves as well as tell about some of the stories they have.  Also they will talk about the poetry they write.  With that said I shall now turn things over to them.

Hello my name is Justin and I have two things in common with Charlie.  1. My family also came from the planet Earth.  2. I was also born in the back of my Dad’s cargo ship.  My parents were two of the last people to leave Earth.  Before it collapsed on itself.  My dad got a job with a cargo hauling company.  My mom was pregnant, and just happened to join my dad on a job.  The day I decided to enter the universe.I am 30 now, and run my own cargo ship. I also write poems about some of the places I’ve been.  I am tall, brown hair cut short, and green eyes.

The misty mountains on the planet Aries.  The Diamond lined caves on the planet Draco.  The ever changing ocean colors on the planet Titan.  I have written about them all.  I have also written about traveling through hyperspace,  Riding along the blackhole super highway, The beauty of the stars, and just the majesty of space itself.  

Some of my favorite moments during the Poetry Nights at Charlie’s.  The very first time I shared My poems there.  I was so nervous, I was sweating, Shaking, and my mouth felt very dry.  Charlie noticed this, put his hand on my shoulder and told me to relax, and just be myself.  After that, my words flowed so much easier.  Another moment I remember, I was presenting my set when a voice in the back caught my ear.  It turned out to be a friend I hadn’t seen in a long time.  It was a nice little reunion.  We talked about old times and what as happened since the last time we’d seen each other.

My name is Jenna, I am a female half human half Martian.  It wasn’t just Earth the colapsed in on itself.  The whole Milky way Galaxy is no more.  I come from a farming family, we raised cows that were bred and grown on Mars.  After leavingMars we settled on the planet Husk and set up a farm there.  I’ve been farming ever since.  I am tall, long dark red hair, My eyes are large oval shaped and the color of sunset orange.  

My poems are mostly about farming, and the lessons I learned along the way.  After we escaped the Milky Way’s destruction.  My poetry became angry and very outspoken.  I’ve also written poems about the relationships I have had, both the good and the bad.

A favorite memory from Charlie’s.  After one of the poetry nights, they held a big party.  I know I drank and ate to much.  I also danced many times to,  was very tired afterwards but had a great time.  I will not deny it, I love a good party,  and Charlie holds some of the best.  One time while I was there someone in the back started some trouble.  I walked off the stage and sent that guy flat on his back in great pain.

Jared’s my name poetry is my game.  My dad was in the Galactic army while I was growing up.  So I can’t say that I really have a planet that I could call home, since we moved a lot. In fact my dad was in the same company that Charlie’s wife Janine was in.  in fact he even told me how Jenine lost the use of her legs.  But Janine will tell you that story when she’s ready.   I am at 25 years old black hair to my shoulders and bright blue eyes, and horns sticking out of my head. My father and Mother came from the planet Turas.

Since we moved around a lot, I saw a lot of injustice in the galaxy.  Much of my poetry is a way

 for me to voice myself against the injustice that I see.  My voice has been heard all over the universe as well as the multiverse.  Some of these poems have been accused for sparking rebellion. My poetry speaks for those who can not s[eak of themselves.  My poetry speaks for those who feel oppressed, and my poetry speaks for those who go each and everyday hungary, naked, left out in the cold, hurting, abused, and for whatever injustice the universe may bestow.

0ne of my favorite times at Charlie’s.  I had just finished me set that night.  Someone lit a lighter and held it up.  The next thing I know is Charlie dumps a glass of waters over the flame and tekks the guy that fires belonged in the stove in the kitchen and no where else.  Later I told the guy that I appreciate the thought, but fules are rules.  Another fun time.  I was on stage and a young lady threw her underwear onto the stage.  I promptly told the lady that even though I appreciate the offer, her laundry needs to stay on her.  One time I was here, there was also a bounty hunter here.  Some one could not understand that the bartender refused to give him any more to drink.  Because they had already had to much.  The drunk kept complaining, the bartender get refusing.  Finally the bounty hunter stands up, wraps a tight cord around the drunk, and puts a gag in their mouth.

My name is Christy and I come from the planet RX.  A planet of rolling hills, beautiful mountain ranges, and grass with each blade a different color of the rainbow.  I am a 18 year old female, I look like a six foot tall, walking, talking Basset Hound.

My poetry is about my journey in faith as well as in life.  The many lessons I’ve learned.  I also write love poems, patriotic poems, and poems of pure emotion.

One memory that stands out will always be the annual costume party.  They are always a lot of fun.  Everyone dressed up in costumes, games, snacks, and just being together.  Some of us don’t just wear the costumes, we play the part during the whole party.   Speaking of the costume party.  One year someone dressed as a pirate poked me in the side with a plastic sword.  I jumped, when I turned around I saw that it was Charlie.  I almost slapped him, but laughed instead.  Another fun time during the costume party.  The band was playing, and someone in a mask and wearing a hooded cloak asked me to dance.  It was a lot of fun and a tender moment

When I lifted the hood and lowered the mask.  I found my dancing partner to be the bass singer of the band.

My name is Zack, or as Charlie calls me Zack attack.  I have the wings of a dragon, head of an eagle, and the body of a bear.  I came from the planet Rondo

My poetry is mostly about partying and having a good time.  Though sometimes I talk about the darker side of life.

My favorite memories at Charlie’s always revolve around parties.  Fun, music, food, singing, dancing, and just being together with friends having a good time.  At one of these parties one of the band members jumped off the stage and the crowd carried him across the room and then placed him back on the stage.  At another party I had just finished my poem and Charlie came up to me and we got to talking, then someone poured a whoe glass of ice cold water over me.

Charlie here, That wrapps up our poetry for now.  Hope you enjoyed their stories.  

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  Sunflowers in the field Standing tall Standing still Like guards keeping watch Over the farm And it's flock