The clouds in the sky
The Fluffy snowflakes falling.
The ice on the pond
Writing poetry and short stories to let people take a peek inside my mind. I also do videos, take pictures, and like to cook and share tips on cooking
In the graveyard is where she lives
Swinging from a limb on a dead tree
She is the wife of the Grin Reaper
Stealing people's memories
As she Swings in the graveyard night
Waiting to take a soul
Waiting for the right time
She is no angel
A witch is she
Giving out death
I found a picture the other day
Of the bedroom I had as a kid.
The old toy box in the corner
Kept me entertained for hours
This old photo brings back memories
Sleepovers with friends
Staying up late at night
Looking at the stars or just talking
With this old photo
Memories flood my mind
Forever cherish
That moment in time
Bob, Bob the handyman
Handiest one in all the land
Build a house out of stone
Make a counter using foam
Just don't ask him to use sand
You are stronger than you think
Yes, I know it seems dark right now
But if you fight
If you hold on
You will overcome whatever the world throws at you
I know it is hard
The struggles of life can only make you stronger
With each victory over adversity
You rise higher and higher
Stronger and stronger
The light may seem far away Now
Just a tiny speck
But with every movement forward
That light will get closer and closer
Until there is no more night
Just light and the shadows
Of what once was
Arise and fight
The enemy is on the way
Prepare for battle
Let's drive the enemy away
Soumd the battle horns
Raise the troops
Grap your weapons
Fight for freedom
Fight with might
The clash of swords
Arrows being launched
Catapults at the ready
The footfalls draw closer
The fall of hooves draw near
The enemy comes fighting
Stand and prepare
Cancer is a disease
It runs ramped through your body
Through your veins
Until it takes over
Until it takes controll.
Envy works in such the some way
It starts little
But over time
It festers and eats away at you
Growing bigger and bigger
Until it completely controls your life
The dragon flying high
With each breathe spitting fire
Forked tongue
Multi-colored scales
Large wings
The villagers run at the sight of it
They know it brings doom
Villagers hide from it
Afraid to become BBQed
The dragon flying reptile in the sky
Swoops down
It's fire lights up the forest
Burns homes
The warriors in the village throw spears
They try to cut it with their swords when it swoops by
They know it's a loosing battle
But they have to try
You can hear the ghosts of the past here
Children laughing
Orders being made
Conversations by grown ups
Mold and dust have covered it now
Boarded windows and doors
A depressing place
Where childhood was
There is where the bench was
With that statue of Ranoald
How many pictures did I take of my kids sitting there with him
There is the playground
Fallen down now
But the memories of my kids playing is still strong
The tables and chairs broken
Pieces scattered every which way
This place
Once so happy
Once so bright
Just rotting and decay
Two lovers sweetly combine
Emotions and rhythm
To their life time
You love who you love
And I am glad your love is mine
And mine is yours
We laugh
We cry
We ahare in each other's lives
Weak alone
But together strong
Hand in hand
We carry on
Peace and love
Those are my motivation
Just spreading good vibes wherever I go
Yes I get dirty
I know I should bathe more
Mother Earth washes me when it rains
So I never stop spreading the good vibes
Yes I've been arrested
Locked in jail to
All for promoting peace
All for promoting love and friendship
Goove out to great tunes
At many concerts
Great music and peace
Is there any better combination
Birds sing sweetly in the trees
Rivers flow
Fish jump in the lake
Deer spotted here and there
Bear claw marks upon tree trunks
Summer is gone
Fall moving in
Cooler weather
Time for school days
To start once more
Getting school supplies
Making sure kids are ready for their first day back
Cookouts and bonfires
Hayrides and corn mazes
Pumpkin patches start opening up
What fun
What joy
Fairs of all types
Bring it on
It's fall
Waves Washing upon the shore
As speedboats zoom by
Boogy boards
Surfs up
And so much more
Family Picnics and BBQ
Food, food, and more food
Frisbee throwing in the park
Dogs chasing tennis balls and sticks
As the sun goes down
With memories made
We say goodnight
To the perfect summer day
A baby is a baby
No matter if it's in the womb
So the baby may come by way of hate
But you decide the child's fate
Not the one who put it there
Love and care can destroy evil
Your child won't nessasarly grow up to be the devil
It all depends on how you raise it
In the flower garden
Elves and Dwarves come out to play
Fairies and sprites join in to
Fun is had by them all
In the flower garden
The flowers grow
While magic creatures roam
Hunt and play there all day
A white rabbit hops on by
A deer here and there
The magic users watch them pass
Making sure they stay clear
Some however do speak
To the animals passing by
Adventures they do tell
In lands far and wide
The flowers grow row on row
Knight fight dragons with swords of steel
Wizards cast spells
Dwarves and Elves got in on it to
The flowers grow to mark the spot
Where they died
But bravely fought
We may be dogs
But we know how to have fun
Dog dishes full of beet and mix drinks
Dog dishes full of cake and other treats
Whistles and balloons
Fun for all
Want to dance
We know all the latest and greatest moves
Just take a paw and lead the way
Laser lights
I will send the evening chasing them
That's how I have fun
We all work in the movies
One big never ending circus ride
Between auditions and production
It can leave you worn out
Nights like tonight is where it's at
Party till dawn
Load music
Drinks and food
We may be dogs
But we know how to hang lose
Walking along the shore
Waves crashing against the rocks
People swimming boats floating
Water-skiing, Parasailing, beach volleyball
BBQ smell that sweet scent
Kites flying near by
Frisbee, watergun fights
There is so much to do
Laying on a towel on the sand
Relaxing the time away
A perfect way
To spend a perfect day
old me is gone
Though it has taken time to achieve
All washed away
Yes I still make mistakes
As long as I learn from them
I will be stronger
Overflowing with twigs and lost history
A place that has gone to waste
Though beautiful in its prime
Vines everywhere climbing here and there
Doors fallen off henges
Dust everywhere
Primary colors repent for losing their blue
The paint faded and gone
Once bright and vibrant
Now stripped of it's luster
Here everyone worshiped unnegotible moods
Like ghosts they still linger
Their voices still heard
Calling from a past both depressing and hard
Their ghosts could even be felt
Out in the yard
The daffodils never grew here before
Or at least
Not in any pictures that I have seen
I try to do my research
Before investigating a haunted scene
One flower blooming in the desert
After years of struggle and pain
Trekking through the hard hard dirt
With little to no rain
May I be like that flower and bloom
No matter how hard life gets
If I keep struggling through
I can find rest
What's the best meal I ever had?
That would be BBQ ribs
BBQ sauce drying off your chin..
Any good BBQ needs it's side dishes
Corn on the cob
Potato salad
Baked beans
And freshly cut watermelon or homemade Ice cream
And you have perfection.
A warm day
Fireworks at night
A day made in heaven
A taste buds delight
On the road
At sunset glow
Going where the road takes us
Oh no,
Looks like a storm is coming in
High winds
Lightning flash
Thunder crash
I love a good storm
Just sit back and watch it work
The is a certain calm to it
Even though it looks like chaos
After the rain
After the storm
Grass grows
And there is an almost sweet smell in the air
Let's go on a trip
Get in the car and go
Wherever the road leads
Adventure bound
Down the highways and byways
Stopping at local shops along the way
Tasting local foods
Enjoying the sights and sounds
Of someplace new
Maybe go visit the ocean
Mardi Gras would be nice
San Francisco
New York City
They would all be fun
Take in the Florida life
Or maybe Mane might be grand
Deep sea fishing off the coast
Water-skiing behind a boat
Where we go I don't care
As long as you're with me
When we get there
The clang of steel upon steel
As swords clash
The twang of arrows sent from their bows
To attack the enemy lines
30 days have past
Since this war began
How much longer
How much more
Can the men take
Bloodshed left and right
A little from both sides
They thought they could invade
They were wrong
Sent from the evil wizard up on the hill
Sent to destroy
Sent to plunder
But ultimately Sent to die
Through blood, sweat, and tears we have fought
Hope the battle ends soon
I'm about to drop
Bully slams me to the ground
Beating me black and blue
The next day he kicked me in the knees
Breaking those to
Life is a war
Fight or get beaten up
Life is hell
That's why I'm m in a wheelchair
The bully laughs
Joyously at the pain He caused me
Joyously at my broken knee
Joyously at the fact I can never walk again
Bully you thought it was a game
You thought seeing me crippled would be funny
I got news for you
I may never walk again
But I am still alive and well
I will overcome this handicap
And achieve my goals
Yes I may never walk again
But it won't keep me down
A man is greeted one day
By a figure who'd come a long way
Black hooded robe and bony hands
Holding a staff
A skull for his head
The reaper of souls is what they call me
I have come to collect thee
The man whose name was Jeff
Said ok, but hang on a sec
Pulling out his phone he began to talk
The reaper just stood there and watched
1 minute turned to two
Soon 30 had gone by
Jeff hang up and then said
Sorry I can't go my wife passed away, maybe come back another day
The reaper answered
I know took her myself she's waiting for you in the great beyond
Newport News VA. Was were I spent my childhood.
Much has changed since I left
The playground I used to play on is no longer there.
It's been torn down and replaced with a gas station of all things
My childhood memories is all I have now
Days playing tag with my friends
Days I thought would never end
Backyard football
BBQs with the neighbors
That was the field where we played Baseball
Races run around tracks
Or just running around playing tag
Lots of fun we used to have
Now all gone
Torn down
Whipped away
Nothing but gas stations and mini marts
Thank God I still got my memories
Though a site likes this wounds my soul
With my memories it can never truly take its toll
Together we dine
And drink wine
While in this elegant place
Your beauty only compliments
The restaurant's taste
Later we can go back to my place
It rose out of the lake
As the falcon flew by
Not quite human
Though it looked like it
The falcon rose high above
Working like a spirit drawing it
Out of the water
The higher the falcon rose
They higher the creature rose
The creature looked human
Yet in truth, it was an experiment
The mad doctor in the castle
Trying to form the ultimate human being
The truth it was a mistake
A horrible mistake
For it had killed it's creator
It destroyed the entire castle
It jumped out a window
While the castle went up in flames
It ran and it ran fast
Jumped into the lake
And submerged itself
Now it rises once more
They wear their masks
But what lies beneath is scary
Mouths with rotating teeth like a chainsaw
However silent
So you never hear them coming til it's to late
Once inside their jaws
There is no escape
Until you are ground up and devoured
Where did these things come from
They have always lived among us
But in hiding
However with masks
They can come out to play and to feed
Their eyes see into your soul
Any weakness they use against you
You can run
But you can't hide
You're not talking Halloween masks either
But masks any doctor or surgeon would wear
In fact many of them work in the medical field
So your next Dr. visit may be your last
She was an actress
Greatest the world had ever known
No role was to big
And no role was to small
She did not judge the role by its size
By by the passion it could be played
She was an A-list actress
The directors all wanted her in their films
She preformed her roles with gusto
She was always at the top of her game
Each role She took had that certain something
That only an actress of her talent could achieve
And that is what made her so good
That is what made people believe in the roles she played
Day by day
Emotions flood my gates
Wanting to drown
Wanting to take down
This person that I am
My poetry knows
It gives my emotions a way to flow
So they don't drag me under again
"Life is a secret and death a mystery"
The professor told his student
While they drank coffee
"How so Sr. If you don't mind me asking" The student replied
You could feel the suspens
While he waited
" Life keeps moving forward, but you must learn from what's behind. You never know where life will lead you, or what's around the next bend. The choices we make effect more than just our own lives, even if we never see it with our own eyes."
The student gasped at what he'd just heard. So simple, so plain. Then he Asked "What about death being a mystery?"
The professor simply stated " what lies beyond this life, the mortal word will never know."
She is a Goddess of the green
Who lives behind the waterfall
Caring for the wildlife in the woods
Caring for the plants as well
Beautiful she is
Stunning and radiant beauty
Her life light shines
Even on the darkest of days
She has seen many wildfires
Come through the forest Glen
Once the fire's out
New life begins to sprout
She has seen floods as well
When rivers overflow their banks
With her faiy magic
She helps save the day
My country my homeland bright
The sweet smell of freedom’s light
Arise and fight for her now
She ran through the night
She had to get away
Away from the bondage
Away from the terror
Just away
She had been
Taken from her family
And brought to this place
Off Horror and torture
It may have been the drugs
But nothing seemed real
Like she had walked into a nightmare
A very scary nightmare
They ran experiments on her
To see what would happen
When not experimenting
They kept her in a locked cell
Finally She decided
If there was to be an escape
It would have to be up to her
She whated until the time was right
She grabbed the nearest guard
Pulled out his gun and shot him
Took the keys and unlocked the cell
With gun in hand
She fought her way out of that place
Picking up new weapons from the dead around her
She made it to the front door
Just as a group of five were advancing
She burst through the front door
Just as the shots were being fired
They all missed
Once outside She kept running
The group of five had followed
But no longer
She was free of that awful place
Free of the horror that lays inside
Free to go back to her family
Twenty years have past
Since her husband was lost at sea
Twenty years she's waited
In hope he'd come back to thee
When she first heard the news
It tore at her heart
The emotions
Threatened to tear her apart
Now she waits everyday
In hopes he will return
Someday maybe someday
She had forsaken all else but this task
Home and work no longer matter to her
They never had children so none to worry about
She just sits and waits drinking from her flask
People have called her crazy
For waiting so long
Some have tried to convince her
That it's time she moved on
But she can not love another
For her heart still belongs to him
So she sits and waits
Until he comes home again
She stops to smell the roses
No matter how busy she get
It relaxes her
The scent is sweet
She stops to smell the roses
At the market down the street
An outlaw he was
Bank robbery
Train robbery
He had done it all
Stagecoaches were not safe
He robbed them
Then rode away
He finally got caught
The law put him away
The law caught up
Put him behind bars
At the trial
Sentenced to death
Hanging from a tree
The day came
The Sentence was passed
Justice was served
Served as last
Come with me my find
I shall tell you My story
An owl I may seem
But my tale leads to glory
A pirate found me one day
He kept me as a pet
Sailed over the bounty waves
Boy, I sure got wet
Life upon the sea I lived
Finding treasure by the score
Fending off the enemy
I sure loved life aboard
Then one night a wizard happened in
Took me away that night
Never again to see my pirate friends
The wizard taught me magic
I could preform many spells
The wizard's death was sudden
By a rival wizard's spell
I flew away before he could catch me
Now free to laugh and play
Like I ought to be
Well, now the story I have told
Hope you enjoyed my words
I may not be so big and bold
But I'm just a bird
A day out on the lake
Fishing pole in hand
Hope I don't see a snake
Bringing my fish to land
A warm breaze
Clear sky above
Birds in the trees
Singing their sweet songs
Animals roam by
You see them here and there
But I let out a big sigh
From my comfy lawn chair
Lunch I brought
Plan to be out all day
And the fish I caught
Will be dinner someday
So here upon this lake
Just floating where it goes
Enjoying a lazy day
Before I must go home
Here lies rhis man
Beneath this broken ground
Alive he once was
But now is gone
Let the Angels
Sing his song
He gave his heart in all he did
That's why he didn't feel
The heartache that did him in
May he now rest in peace
Beneath this ground
In this place
I have traveled many roads
Dark and scary to places unknown
Lost in the world
Beaten and bleeding by the world
But in my darkest days
A light shined through the cracks
A gentle voice came calling me back
No matter how far I had roam
He told me I could go back home
Still I ran for many years
Blocking out the voice
Drowning in my tears
But still he called to me
Repent and I could be set free
Jesus never left me all alone
The many years of darkness gone
Light now shines
Love has filled this heart of mine
Yes there is still work to be done
Together me and Jesus are breaking down those walls
That have kept me captive for years
Whenever I'm in doubt
I know Jesus is near
The fairy queen of summer
Helping things grow
Flowers blossom
Trees leaf out
Mending broken branches and fallen bark
The fairy queen of summer
Helping the water flow
In the creeks and streams
Helping fish swim and animals run free
Mending wounds and broken bones
All aboard for a train ride
Over hills, through tunnels
Adventure as we go
A descending waterfall
See in the mountains over there
River flowing down below
The train chugs down the tracks
Through feild and open plains
Past farm houses and livestock
Farmers give us a wave
Past stores and shops
The train moves on
Rolling along the highway
Watching cars zoom by
Over bridges
Through the gorge
The whistle blows
Chugging right along
A long the highway at the midnight hour
The imagination starts to roam
Wolves baying in the night
Sounds like banshees taking flight
Ghostly shadows you do see
Makes you think of some monster out to eat thee
Then you remember tails told of old
Murderous pirates and hidden gold
Killers with chainsaws and bloody knives
Brings images to your mind
Thoughts in you mind that roam free
Festering inside to haunt thee
Life is like a rose
Life troubles are the thorns
Yes you will get cut
Yes you will get bit
Life is a rose worth all that pain
Yes there might be bloodshed along the way
The beauty is to overcome
Grow with the rise
Don't let the thorns make you undone
A grapefruit nearly missed my head
As it got thrown
From one costumer yo another
To place in their cart
To shoppers collide in the middle of the store
Shoppers fighting over their prize
A pack of toilet paper of all things
Is this what society has come to
Such stupidity as this
A mother slaps her child and tells them to calm down
The father slaps the mother yelling at her not to di that again
People half naked ( or so it seems) Stroll right Into the store
People act like it's been done before
Is this really what society has come to
Such stupidity as this
Robin Williams is the king of comedy
He has played so many roles
They have all made me laugh
Patch Addams
Mrs. Doubtfire
Just to name a few
All of them gems
And worth a view
He has even shown
He can play dramatic roles
Dead Poet Society
Goodwill Hunting
Good Morning Vietnam
Great movies all their own
Show at least to me
Robin Williams is the king of comedy
Childhood on the farm
Nothing compares to it
Exploring the fields
Or throwing rocks in the pond
Driving the tractor while sitting on my Grandfather's lap
Will always hold a special spot in my heart
Cutting wood, mending fence
None of that seemed like work when I was a kid
As a garden gnome
I am a protector of the garden
The fruits and vegetables are safe with me
Though if that cat comes back
I'm hiding behind the tree
There was a jailbird named Ray
The say he killed someone then flew away
But he got caught
Inside a parking lot
Now he rots in prison all day
Out in the exercise yard
He was playing catch with a guard
Ray did run
He thought it was fun
The guard caught him and placed him back behind bars
She is the Moon Goddess full of beauty and grace
She appears every night next to the Lake
They say she drowned long ago
In a time no one knows
A moon goddess the call her no one knows her real name
She never speaks but is understood just the same
A long white gown flowing dark hair
Just the sight of her makes you stare
The legend goes or so I am told
A king was big and bold
From a land far away
Stole this Goddess one day
But one night
From his camp she took flight
Wasn't watching and fell into the lake
And it is there she found her fate
Not much more is known
A sad ending for her throne
But every night she comes here
The moon goddess is always near
Alice folow the white rabbit and you'll see
Things quite differently
The Madhater a cyber punk
Posting crazy stuff on the web
The March Hare
Plays the guitar and flys a motorcycle through the air
Speaking of transportation
Flying cars everywhere Zooming here and there
The white rabbit now plays drums
In a band with twittel dee and twittel dum
The caterpillar now smokes pot and is quite the sage
The queen of hearts gone crazy and just raves
There is more Alice as you will see
But I'll leave that up to thee
Two aliens were smoke pot on day
On a planet far away
Dreaming of the milkyway
One said to the other
They should take a trip
Through a blackhole and watch reality split
The other said watch this
Stuck his head out the porthole
When he should have been flying the ship
When they land on a planet near
They smoke pot for a whole year
Getting very high
Mesmerized by the colors in the sky
Life pelts me with it's waves
Capsize me day by day
Shall O ever reach the shore
Or be a drift forevermore
My lady dear I love you still
Though death's cold hand did steal thee
Though many years long have past
I shall forever long for thee
Deep in the grave you have laid
And moss grows on your gravestone
Your spirit forever sail my way
And sweeten each day until death takes me away
Then forever more we shall be
Once more in each other's company
To face eternity hand in hand
To explore that undying land
King cat the great mice catcher
King cat fish from thr creek fetcher
Sitting there
In your royal chair
Looking down on your subjects below
They bring you food and presents
Do you want them? NO
You just want to be out all day
Slaying fish and catching prey
Let them deal with the work
With your royal coat on
You own everything
Including the lawn
Let the neighbors see
You in all your majesty
He walked into the tavern that stormy night
Dark green hooded cape
When he lifted the hood revealing elvish skin
Pointed ears, long dark hair
Soaking wet from head to toe
As he removed his cape
Revealing a sword at his side
A bow and some arrows upon his back
A figure from elvish lore
Had just walked through the tavern door
Whose deeds were known far and wide
Dragons he had slain
Kings and kingdoms he had saved
Even fought the nasty orc
As he sat to drink his beer
The wizard did appear
Blue eyes and long black hair
A purple robe
In his hand a staff
Sat down across from the elf and drank his glass
Together they talked and planned
Of adventures throughout the land
Morning coffee in hand
Getting ready to work the land
Plow the garden and make it grow
While the sunflowers grow row on row
In the field livestock
Cows, goats, chickens, and ducks
Fence to fix, gates to build
Hauling hay, dring in the yield
Raising the family on home cooked food
Kindness, love, and down home values
Fishing, and hunting wild game
Wild berries and mushrooms we do the same
We have chore to do, but when they are done
Time for relaxing, time for fun
Call the neighbors for a cookout
BBQ, potato salad, picnic
Fireworks on the 4th of July
Pretty colors light up the sky
Kids catching fireflies in the evening sky
The sunset pretty and catches the eye
The frog on the log
Said it was a prince
That could only be transformed By a single kiss
But when the kiss she did take
The frog turned into a slithering snake
With this orange rose, may energy flow within or relationship
May we forever be unleashed from the confines of this world
To forever be our true selves
With this orange rose may we take pride in your relationship together
And pride in the future we hope to build with each other
With this orange rose may we always be fascinated with each other and never bored
With this orange rose may we always desire each other's company
Both through the good and the bad
May we always lean on each other For strength when needed
Watching my Grandma deal with that disease
Watching my Grandma slow fade from me
Alzheimers is slow eating away bot by bit
Watching your loved one's reality slip
Slowly ever slowly farther down they fall
Forgetting names and faces but that's not all
Watching them slowly diminish
While the light inside gets slowly extinguished
My Grandma suffer through this untill her dying day
Slowly despairing slowly sliding away
Heartbreaking it was sitting through it all
When the fail day came my heart did fall
Two years since her passing the sadness still strong
Seen the old farmhouse without her seems wrong
But at least she longer suffers that puts me at ease
And knowing she is with her husband now walking on Heaven's golden streets
There once was an old lady I knew
Who made the most wonderful stew
Spices, and meat
Flavors and heat
Homemade rolls were made to
The wind forever upward
Where they lead I know not
Some have said they go on forever
They just suddenly appeared
They are a mystery
Not much about them is known
But here they stand
And forever up they go
Ledgend says some have tried to climb them
Never to be seen from again
Most people just ignore the stairs
Go along their merry way
But the stairs keep calling
So the mystery remains
Waves Washing up on shore
Seashell hunting
Deep sea fishing
Life in the island is great
Parties on the beach
BBQ pits smoking meat
Limbo contest and much more
Life on the island is fun galore
Yes there is rain and storms
But we don't let it get us down
Watching the sunset on the beach
The way it reflects in the water is neat
Exploring the jungle
Having adventures
Maybe hide some buried pirate gold
She is my superhero with mask and cape
Able to defeat any disease
That comes her way
Cancer may make her scared
But you wouldn't know it
With her superhero flare
Mountains rise high
As I enter Alabama
Home cooked meals from my mama await me
Moved north after graduation
But the south never escaped me
Days spent on the family farm
Homemade ice cream in the summer
Coon hunting
Turkey hunting
Rabbits and deer to
Shot me a squirrel as well
Jumping into the river from a rope swing
Picnics with family and friends
Never thought those days would end
Southern hospitality the only way I know
I'll treat you like family
Rather we're related or not
That's how I grew up
You treat people right
The moon is high
The time is right
Into the shed I dredge
Holding my knife
Blood dripping from its blade
Singing and dancing
Reciting my lines
Up on the silver screen
That would be fine
On the small screen to
Through your TV every night
I'd vist you
Entertain, make you smile
Give you a grin that goes on for miles
Sometimes however
A serious role I would take
Just to give myself a little break
Bur no snob would I be
Feel free to come visit me
I will always welcome you
Share with me Your ideas
While we enjoy a BBQ
A boy listening to music all day
Didn't see the demon right away
Fur like a cat
Smoking a cigar at that
The Demon killed him They say
But far in the woods was a groan
As the boy came to with a moan
Grugged he had been
Stuffed in a sack and then
Dragged into the woods and left alone
The voices in my head
Haunt me day by day
Telling me I'm a bad person
Reminding me of my mistakes
Yes, I've been with the wrong crowd
Got in trouble with the law
Spent time in that place with bared windows and concrete walls
Got in a free fights
Got in trouble with the guards
Got thrown in the box
Prison life is hard
But since my release
I have changed my ways
But still that voice, that Reminder
In my head always plays
I know I'm not who I once was
I wish to be left alone
To live my life freely
Voices please go
Day by day I live my life
Sometimes I wish that I could fly
Spread my wings and fly away
That would be the day
The rope society has placed around my neck
To pull me along like a dog on a leash
Really starting to dig in deep
There is a place I go
To unload my heavy load
To meet poets just like me
Just for a chance to feel free
I will choose to enjoy the journey
God has set before me
I know it will not be easy
I know there will be times I'll want to quit
But I won't
Life is about the journey
Traveling life's pathways
Enjoying the sights and sounds
Yes not everyday will be sunshine
Yes there will be storms
Bring it
Only through life's storms
Can we truly grow
God knows that
But God will never give us more than we can handle
So enjoy life's journey
Learn along the way
Go forward ito the sun
Walking along the boardwalk
Hand in hand at evening glow
A storm in the distance
We have umbrella in tow
In the depths of my soul, you are there
From the very beginning
You have infested my life
You are my sun
You bring light into my darkness
Your embrace strengthens me
Beautiful both in heart and soul
Your voice like an Angel
Your passion and compassion
Are unmatched by anyone
To the ends of the Earth
I would follow you
Just so we never part
My love for you is strong
You mean that much to me
Every Sunday
I put on my wig
Rubber nose
And floppy shoes
Baggy pants and suspenders to
As people show up for church
I greet them at the door
A smile and a grin
They get as they see me
Doing church
I get used for skits
Making people laugh
With a lesson along the way
After church
I take the outfit off
And go home for a rest
But next week it all starts again
Just to see people grin
In the fields where the flowers grow
Butterflies swarm in numbers
Many colors from thier wings
fills the air in the summer
The flowers blow in the wind
As the butterflies do there dance
From one flower to another
A delight for me and you
Come enjoy the butterflies
As they fly while we walk by
Smell the sweetness in the air
Be at peace while you're there
Praise him
Praise him
Christ Jesus
Praise him
No matter what the
world brings today
I want it to hear me
Praise him
Fireworks go up
Bursting in many colors
Celebrate freedom's Light
Cookout with friends and family
Fun time had by all
What light through yonder window
That of my love
Lighting a path in my darkness
I know I shall never be alone
Here beneath the streetlight glow
I stand waiting for thee
To come forth from your house
For the date We shall go
Just the thought of you
Enters my mind 24/7
It pulls me forward
When I get stuck in the mud pits of life
Your voice like an angel when you speak
Even now from your window I hear you sing
Here she comes
Out the door
Time to see
What our date has in store
I wear a smile on my face
For the world to see
Happiness however
Always seems to allude me
I don't feel wanted
Like a burden I feel
Placed upon this world
Nothing ever seems real
A dark vortex at the pit of my soul
Spining and churning
Farther and farther
Out of control
I wear a smile
Though dying inside
Even though there is a grin
There is an evil within
An empty hole, a vast waste
The darkness takes its toll
Eating away, eating away
At what's left of my soul
My child your as pretty as can be
Dressed with your fairy wings
But father, I am a fairy from the forest Glen
You and mom just let me in
A child with fairy dreams how sweet
Do we know fairy magic
Yes father, with a wave of wand
Oh dear father, I just turned you into a flower
I wave my wand, and you're back again
You thought that was funny
I can tell by your grin
Oh my child dear, you are as lovely as can be
Turning me into a flower
What a great memory
Let's not tell your mother
She might try to pick me
The ocean waves pound the shore
Seabirds squcking oce more
As the circle out at sea
Dolphins jumping here and there
Spewing water everywhere
What a sight to see
Hey friends just relaxing here
Just fired up the BBQ grill
Got my drinks
Got my food
Time for fun
Had an invasion yesterday
Took our ship and went away
To another galaxy
To cause trouble you see
The invasion went well
We won, that's swell
Lost a few friends in the fight
But that's my life
The war done time to unwind
Food and beer fine
BBQ pits about ready to go
Going cook that meat nice and slow
I sit back
Watch the sunset
Enjoy the evening glow
Moon Goddess up high
Watching us from the sky
The moon as your throne
Protecting one and all
She stands upon the balcony
Looking towards the horizon
Remembering days gone past
Remembering a lost love
Two souls they were
As gleeful as could be
Bringing joy to each other's lives
Until the tragedy
He was called to fight in the war
Shipped from this shore
Where bombs blast
Where bullets fly
He thought of her day and night
While he was away
He wrote to her
To say he was ok
Then one day a bomb blast took his life away
When she heard
She was devastated
Her love was no more
Now every evening
She stands upon the balcony
Looking towards the horizon
High above the city it spies
As the world passes by
A angel thrown from Heaven long ago
Once alive
Now turned to stone
A lone figure walks through the night
A mysterious form from the past
Some say 100 years old
Some say much older then that
Some have met him
Most just stay out of his path
Magical powers he does have
To control the world around him
The magic must only be used for good
because his past forever haunts him
He once used his power for evil
So many eons ago
Taking control of dragons and kingdoms
throwing rulers off their thrones
Taking land that was not his
Making people homeless
All because of the power within
And the greed that drove him
Many battles fought against him
Many shed their lives
to overthrow this wretched thing
Just for his demise
Knights fought day and night
bloodshed everywhere
Just when hope seemed at it's last
The evil one disappeared
The battle won
Freedom gained
but where had the evil one gone
Many years forward
In a swampy forest
A lone stranger moves along
I may be all smiles and glee
But in reality
I am dieing inside
A vacant hole
Down deep inside
Ever growing
It will overcome me in time
Storm clouds rolling in
Rain falling once again
Wind blows hard
Blowing the roof off the barn
Rain field in the fields
The garden grows
The livestock eat
Rain causes creeks to flow
Livestock has water to drink
Rain causes ponds to rise
Spilling over
Flooding land
Storm clouds rolling in
There was a person named Superman
The fastest and strongest in the land
Now turned grey
Put crime fighting away
Now he lives in Norsing home land
He talks about days gone past
Giving justice that would last
The memories flow
As the stories he told
Everyone around him just laugh
Lay on your back and flop around
Don't forget the sizzling sound
As if being cooked in a pan
Now turn over and start again
Stand up jump around
Continue to make that sound
Pulled from the pan we now are
The bacon dance will make you a star
The heart beats
Red blood flows
From now and forever
Upon every plain of existence
Our hearts know
Our souls know
Never to be lonely
No matter upon what plain we exist
A heartbeat
A teardrop
A ripple effect throughout
Reality is what we make it
Together forever
Our bonding
Will have an effect upon all creation
Upon all souls we encounter
Our love will be a light in the dark
To light a path through the darkness
So all creatures
In all existence
Can leave their dark plains
To follow our light to love, safety, and peace
Beautiful and graceful
She moves along the floor
And more
She moves with speed
But each step She knows
Light on her feet
Light on her toes
She took my order
Her voice like a dream
Just to think that this goddess
Would ever talk to me
Her voice angelic
Each word spoken with love
A waitress on this earth
An angel from Heaven above
Tell me a ghost story
While around the campfire we sit
Tell me a ghost story
Within the glow of fire light
Tell me a story of blood curdling fright
Blood and gory
Spine chilling horror
Those stories I like
Little Mrs. Muffet sat on a barstool drinking the day away
Along came an outsider
Who sat down beside her
Mrs. Muffet sprayed him with mace and then walked away
Little boy blue was making some stew for the dinner table galore
The folks gathered round
They started chowing down
Then asked where he got the meat
You remember the sheep in the meadow
You remember the cows in the corn
If you do
I won't say no more
Three blind mice
Three blind mice
Who play jazz
Who play jazz
Entertaining all around
With their music and funky sound
You can watch them once a day or thrice
Three funky jazz playing mice
Hey diddle diddle
The cat and the fiddle
For the mice on the dock he did play
He lead them along
The mice dancing to the song
Then missteped and dropped into the bay
Mary had a little van
Little van
Little van
Mary had a little van
That blew up lots of smoke
Mary was always broke
Always broke
Always broke
Mary was always broke
So she left it on the road
Now Mary's walking home
Walking home
Walking home
Now Mar's Walking home
And she don't give a damn
Jack and Jill had some thrills
Under the covers one night
Jack went down
And with a frown Jill said
Honey that don't feel right
Little Bo Peep began to weep
Because of the growing baby inside her
A rollercoaster ride
Of emotional tides
Pregnancy is not a thrilling adventure
Marry ran a little scam
Little scam
Little scam
Marry ran a little scam
The police arrested her
Little boy blue
Say that it's true
Bo Peep is your main squeeze
Little Mrs Muffet
Might have a nice taffet
But Peep really knows how to please
Little Mrs. Muffet
Knew Jimmy Buffet
They drank Margaritas all day
They chilled along
To the island sing
A true parrot head all the way
Jack told Jill
With a shrill
You're a bitch of every season
Jill told Jack
With a smack
You S.OB. You're the reason
Humpty Dumpty drank all day
Humpty Dumpty started to sway
Know you know
How he fell off the wall that day
there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...